Diet Doctor Low Carb Challenge


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well done on Weight loss of 5 pounds no idea about the other stuff

My breakfast today was one full egg and two egg yolks leftover from the tortillas recipe last night , scrambled in 2 teaspoons of grass fed cows butter , lunch will be the beef burgers in tomato sauce and cabbage
That beefburger recipe is wonderful. Love that one almost as much as the chilli salmon fillet one.
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Well-Known Member
They all look so amazing!
anyhow there's a lot of cooked food to be eaten whereas generally I would probably have a simple salad / soup/ sandwich for lunch so this is def a new thing for me....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
They all look so amazing!
anyhow there's a lot of cooked food to be eaten whereas generally I would probably have a simple salad / soup/ sandwich for lunch so this is def a new thing for me....
You do get used to the cooking and the fact it tastes so ģood encourages you to do more. I used to be a soup and sandwich person too. Now I have lunch if I am hungry only. Later you'll discover Oopsie bread. I usually make about 3 or 4 portions at a time as it keeps well wrapped in greaseproof in the fridge. It makes wonderful sandwiches (as you will long for a sandwich at some point). For the present I'm hooked on that courgetti cheese sandwich.
Here's an oopsie sandwich

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
OK I take it back about being stable - prepare yourselves. Bed on 5.7 which was great FBG 6.4 still great and pre breakfast was 7!!
Wait for it ......I've lost 5 lbs as well! In the words of Victor Meldrew 'I don't believe it' but it's true.
Now the question is why? Was it the unintentional 24 hr fast? Was it the sheer stress caused by the election sending the country to hell? Was it my concerns over why did I not go liquid with the money that's invested? ( and we need that money to get us through the next 1.5 years. That money is years of careful saving). Or is it just a combination of everything. When's the next election

Well done ..... 5lbs is a LOT to lose in one week - but maybe worry isn't the best way to lose weight. :) I'm sending positive thoughts your way for a less stressful week. x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
You could make a low carb soup and maybe a salad - or a Lidl protein roll sandwich?
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Well-Known Member
You do get used to the cooking and the fact it tastes so ģood encourages you to do more. I used to be a soup and sandwich person too. Now I have lunch if I am hungry only. Later you'll discover Oopsie bread. I usually make about 3 or 4 portions at a time as it keeps well wrapped in greaseproof in the fridge. It makes wonderful sandwiches (as you will long for a sandwich at some point). For the present I'm hooked on that courgetti cheese sandwich.
Here's an oopsie sandwich


O have made and love oopsie and last year on a caravan hol took some , toasted and enjoyed with butter and marmalade


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have lost and gained the same 2 pounds repeatedly on DD, but like yourself and @Chook there is other stuff going on, so weight loss is a pipedream, whereas stability and good blood glucose levels are easy on DD, which is wonderful.

DD gives me great food, good portions, no hunger ever, and a nice easy shopping list and menu plan. That last thing is a wonderful game changer. Shopping now takes about 10 mins online, as I order directly from the DD website shopping list into the Tescos online delivery system. Food is then delivered, and I fill the fridge.

This week I ballsed up and had to go shopping. To Tescos. In the car. With a trolley. On a Saturday.
I am still recovering from the trauma, the back pain, the trolley rage AND I forgot two items.
Mr B, who accompanied me, and who managed to put a few naughties into the trolley when I wasn't looking (iced Frappaccino and a cinnamon bun) has been heard to utter the words Never Again.
So yes, I think DD has a lot going for it!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
I like the DD food but Mr C found it a bit too creamy ... and cabbage ... and eggy ... but I'm still using some of the non-cabbage recipes and sticking to the basic principles. The two week challenge was excellent for educating me on the types of foods I can eat to keep lowish level BG - can't ask for more.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
I have lost and gained the same 2 pounds repeatedly on DD, but like yourself and @Chook there is other stuff going on, so weight loss is a pipedream, whereas stability and good blood glucose levels are easy on DD, which is wonderful.

DD gives me great food, good portions, no hunger ever, and a nice easy shopping list and menu plan. That last thing is a wonderful game changer. Shopping now takes about 10 mins online, as I order directly from the DD website shopping list into the Tescos online delivery system. Food is then delivered, and I fill the fridge.

This week I ballsed up and had to go shopping. To Tescos. In the car. With a trolley. On a Saturday.
I am still recovering from the trauma, the back pain, the trolley rage AND I forgot two items.
Mr B, who accompanied me, and who managed to put a few naughties into the trolley when I wasn't looking (iced Frappaccino and a cinnamon bun) has been heard to utter the words Never Again.
So yes, I think DD has a lot going for it!

We're experimenting with actually going to shops and supermarkets at the moment as we need to buy things. We have been to a proper butcher and Lidl and Sainsbury as they are the nearest. The aim was to reduce the amount we spend on food and hopefully get more variety. Mr C loves it but I'm hating it. I'm finding it much too time consuming, boring and much more expensive - and, like you, I always seen to forget something.

I quite enjoyed going to a proper butcher and I'll do that each month and maybe do a Lidl monthly shop but when Mr C goes back to work I'm going back to ordering from Asda for the routine stuff.

I understand what you mean about trolley rage. :banghead:
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
We have an absolutely fabulous butcher 300 yards from the house. Used to go every Saturday, look at what he had, buy, and get really good deals, and brilliant quantity.

Sadly DD had put paid to that because I need to buy the cuts and the quantities it says in the DD recipes, and our lovely butcher's stock varies hugely from week to week.

I miss the spontaneity a lot. Also the slow cooking, and the easy prep for multiple days of food in a single cooking session, so will probably go back to it when I want stews, soups, and winter foods.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
We have an absolutely fabulous butcher 300 yards from the house. Used to go every Saturday, look at what he had, buy, and get really good deals, and brilliant quantity.

Sadly DD had put paid to that because I need to buy the cuts and the quantities it says in the DD recipes, and our lovely butcher's stock varies hugely from week to week.

I miss the spontaneity a lot. Also the slow cooking, and the easy prep for multiple days of food in a single cooking session, so will probably go back to it when I want stews, soups, and winter foods.

Yes, that's pretty much how I cook especially now Mr C is on a permanent 3 to midnight shift so eats his main meal at work (something I've cooked and frozen which he can nuke in the canteen microwave). I think the rigidity kind of our me off -and all that cabbage- so I now cook low carb meals, some of which are DD rather than all being DD and quite a few of which I can make extra portions of and freeze. If I'm home alone then I'm more likely to eat something simple like slow cooker casseroles or grilled fish/meat with baked Mediterranean veg or salad rather than spend time making something more complicated from a recipe.

But I do love some of the DD recipes like Fathead pizza and the spinach and salmon recipe - and their spinach and goat's cheese pie is really gorgeous - easier than making a normal pie from scratch (I make that in individual foul pie dishes which I freeze).
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My highest reading today so far was 7.6 after breakfast. Currently at 5.8 and dropping so it's an unusual day so far.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
BG was strange yesterday. Dropped as low as 4.7 yesterday and despite Sunday dinner it hung about in the 6's. Went to bed on 6.7 and FBG was also 6.7 pre breakfast was 7.2 and it's coming down again now. What was odd was it went up overnight when usually it drops. Not horribly high - around 8 but I was quite restless last night and a least it was back down this morning.
I really need to get some DD meal planning underway again.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
I've got to the point where I do the test, write it down and then just get on with whatever I'm doing because I have realised that pain is the main reason mine goes up and down. My day to day food stays pretty much the same - very low carb - but I'm still getting an occasional FBG of 8 or slightly more depending on the kind of night I've had.

AND - worse - the amount of pain I'm in seems to coincide with the weather. If its raining then my BG goes up because the pain increases. All very weird.


Well-Known Member

On the menus in DD am sure I read you can swap a meal, and the shopping list adjusts, but I can't find info on how to? Any idea folks? Ta x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

On the menus in DD am sure I read you can swap a meal, and the shopping list adjusts, but I can't find info on how to? Any idea folks? Ta x
Currently you have to do it manually. You can get it to remove a meal and the shopping list will adjust for that but you cannot then substitute another recipe in - that's the bit that requires manual adjustment to the list just by adding the ingredients from the recipe to the shopping list. They assure us the tool will eventually allow you to remove and substitute meals but no idea when this will happen.
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Well-Known Member
Spent good part of today reading a lot on the DD site.
Some things I hadn't read before or missed and also I realised as a family on a budget to have 2 cooked meals a day was probably going to tip me over so will go for a salad / soup for lunch and then the cooked dinner which is more doable.

Today's breakfast was the porridge made with coconut milk and chia seeds

Lunch was a cheese omelette and salad

Dinner was the hamburger patties

I just had 4 Brazil nuts as my mouth wanted to chew lol

I have drunk 2 litres water


Well-Known Member
Today's DD menu is:

Breakfast; chia summer pud - not as nice as yesterday's

Lunch - DD mushroom soup - flipping gorgeous but would never have thought to add egg yokes before!

Dinner: DD hamburger patties and cabbage

My bgs are not shifting down as much as I would like to see which is a tad bothersome as this is my first aim - bear in mind, am on prednisalone 30mg, insultard 44 units to help bgs due to the preds, victoza 0.6, metformin x 2000g
And suffering flare up of osteoarthritis in knee and hips!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who think they know everything.
Today's DD menu is:

Breakfast; chia summer pud - not as nice as yesterday's

Lunch - DD mushroom soup - flipping gorgeous but would never have thought to add egg yokes before!

Dinner: DD hamburger patties and cabbage

My bgs are not shifting down as much as I would like to see which is a tad bothersome as this is my first aim - bear in mind, am on prednisalone 30mg, insultard 44 units to help bgs due to the preds, victoza 0.6, metformin x 2000g
And suffering flare up of osteoarthritis in knee and hips!!

Don't get hung up on individual numbers, what you are looking for is a downward trend in your test results.

It took me a couple of weeks of low carbing to get down from above 30 to around 17 and then months to get from 17 down to the 6s and now even longer to regularly get 4s.

The flare up of osteoarthritis might well be causing raised BGs - it certainly does with me. I have it in my neck, knees, one hip and lower spine and when any bit of it - especially my neck - has a bad day then so does my BGs. I remember that for quite a while I was convinced that Ibuprofen lowered BG because every time I took it for the arthritis my BG went down - now, of course, I realised it was reducing the arthritis inflammation that lowered my BG.