omg just started having porridge and blood sugars rocketed


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40g of ready brek, 1/4pt milk, 60s in microwave - takes me up to 6.. Central heating for kids and me.Use to spike me up to high 7s. I make it so it is solid and not running so it makes the digestive system work a little harder.


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I used to have porridge pots as they were handy for work, but found they really made my bg spike. I now just use porridge oats (I have just bought some organic oats) and make it with either skimmed milk or unsweetened almond milk, then top it off with single cream. It works better for me this way as I don't have the spikes after brekkie. Almond milk is yummy, though the sweetened version tastes nicer but, of course, has higher carb value and is sweetened :)


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I've found alpen no added sugar is better , slower releasing carbs and keeps my bs down really well was going between 8 & 9 now 6 & 7 :)

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40g of ready brek, 1/4pt milk, 60s in microwave - takes me up to 6.. Central heating for kids and me.Use to spike me up to high 7s. I make it so it is solid and not running so it makes the digestive system work a little harder.
I have hot oat cereal as well, add oatbran, small amount of milk topped up with water and heated in the microwave - hardly spikes me at all. I also have some mini wheats with nuts and blueberries and that doesn't raise my BG too much either.
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Andrew S

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Snobs! Angry people who keep getting angry and can't calm down.
I buy jumbo oats from a nice man called Mr Neal who sells out of his Yard in Holland ;-) (Work that one out). Sometimes I make rye porridge, and sometimes I stir an egg or two into my porridge. I don't test (yet) but HbA1c all good.


Type of diabetes
hi I used to eat porridge without milk but also 2 slices of white sliced bread with butter and Philadelphia cheese on them. now I only eat the latter that is no porridge but I still need to get some fibre somewhere. sometimes I eat the toast with tinned fish in it. I find of course walking brings down sugar levels but when I return from walk, levels are ok but on sitting down can rise again. that's because I didn't burn all the sugar out. I wouldn't have been able to walk any longer in case I was caught out by a sudden big drop in levels leading to a hypo but usually b.g. gets back to normal before lunch time. well as normal as I can get it without starving that is 7.4 or thereabouts. I do a Lot of walking. helps a Lot. but I've always got to keep two eyes on it as it is a disorder after all but can be arrested on a daily basis. good luck to everyone. Kevin.


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Usually have weetabix but have been advised to have plain porridge instead, blood sugars 9.2 on waking and 2 hours after breakfast are now 16.4, never been this high ever, any advice please as thought porridge is the best breakfast to have if diabetic
Hi Lauraan,
I use to have a sachet of origional porridge oats until I read online that oats can raise sugar levels . I’ve replaced a bowl of oats with a bowl of blueberries ( defrosted over night in the fridge) followed by a cheese & pickle sandwich using warburtons whole meal bread . It’s really nice, refreshing to begin with the berries and filling after eating the sandwiches. Hoping what I do will help you as well


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One of the best bits of advice I got was to stop thinking, breakfast, lunch and dinner and start thinking 3 meals-it stops you getting hung up on 'breakfast foods'. I tend to have yoghurt, granola and fruit most mornings and eggs for weekend treats.
Me too! When I was told this I started having chicken omelette, left over curry (low carb obviously) etc. It was a game changer. I only have coffee with double cream first thing these days and my first meal is around 11:30am. I‘ve had to ditch ALL cereals as my BG is very sensitive and will sky rocket at the slightest whiff of a carb :rolleyes:

Dancing Badger

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Hi Lauraan,
I use to have a sachet of origional porridge oats until I read online that oats can raise sugar levels . I’ve replaced a bowl of oats with a bowl of blueberries ( defrosted over night in the fridge) followed by a cheese & pickle sandwich using warburtons whole meal bread . It’s really nice, refreshing to begin with the berries and filling after eating the sandwiches. Hoping what I do will help you as well
Hello and welcome. I'm with you on the Warburton's bread (assuming it's the no sugar version).


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This is a very old thread started in 2011. Until today, the last post was in 2017. You're unlikely to get a response from the original posters.
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Re: omg just started having porridge and blood sugars rocket

If you have a look around the forum, there were a couple of threads a few months ago with breakfast ideas. One of the best bits of advice I got was to stop thinking, breakfast, lunch and dinner and start thinking 3 meals-it stops you getting hung up on 'breakfast foods'. I tend to have yoghurt, granola and fruit most mornings and eggs for weekend treats.
I am recovering from a diabetes emergency. Close to ketoacidosis. Wake up call from ignoring my ‘pre’ diabetes for far too long.
Haven’t touched sugar or anything containing it but I’m gutted I can’t have overnight oats. Not even organic jumbo oats with six raspberries and a spoonful of seeds.
Levels went up to 14.
Also upset that I can’t eat fruit. Love all fruit except bananas.
Guess what? Bananas don’t spike my sugars.
Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t take the advice as it’s SOOO contradictory.
My biggest shock was how little I knew.
Just thought it was a case of give up sugar, give up fats. But I can eat olives in oil, beetroot, hummous, cream cheese.
It’s the pairings and combination you have to have that are the most annoying.
I’m lucky I love all salad and vegetables but there’s a limit to how many sticks of raw carrot and celery one can take.
I HAVE lost over half a stone in the last two weeks. Eating much more.
My biggest problem was my routine. Going to long without eating at all
Oh, and then binging on sandwiches and biscuits and chocolate.
No sympathy for be. I’ve learned a lesson and paid for My stupidity.
I could have avoided getting To this.
Sorry for long post.
Still learning.


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Type 2
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Diet only
I can’t have overnight oats.
I find the following an acceptable low carb alternative
I mix a 500ml tub of the creamiest greek yoghurt I can find (lidls creamy is good)
With 5 heaped tablespoons of milled seeds (lidl do various flavours)
With 5 heaped tablespoon s of frozen berries
Then leave overnight
Enough for 4 or 5 portions . Gets thicker the longer you leave it, so can last a working week.

Easy to adjust quantities/ratios to your taste , and keeps my bg within reasonable range

Dancing Badger

Well-Known Member
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I am recovering from a diabetes emergency. Close to ketoacidosis. Wake up call from ignoring my ‘pre’ diabetes for far too long.
Haven’t touched sugar or anything containing it but I’m gutted I can’t have overnight oats. Not even organic jumbo oats with six raspberries and a spoonful of seeds.
Levels went up to 14.
Also upset that I can’t eat fruit. Love all fruit except bananas.
Guess what? Bananas don’t spike my sugars.
Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t take the advice as it’s SOOO contradictory.
My biggest shock was how little I knew.
Just thought it was a case of give up sugar, give up fats. But I can eat olives in oil, beetroot, hummous, cream cheese.
It’s the pairings and combination you have to have that are the most annoying.
I’m lucky I love all salad and vegetables but there’s a limit to how many sticks of raw carrot and celery one can take.
I HAVE lost over half a stone in the last two weeks. Eating much more.
My biggest problem was my routine. Going to long without eating at all
Oh, and then binging on sandwiches and biscuits and chocolate.
No sympathy for be. I’ve learned a lesson and paid for My stupidity.
I could have avoided getting To this.
Sorry for long post.
Still learning.
All is not lost; once you can get your head round a low carb diet, it does get easier.

This might help with your thoughts on food:

Also, a blood glucose meter is recommended to help you identify the foods you can tolerate.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I am recovering from a diabetes emergency. Close to ketoacidosis. Wake up call from ignoring my ‘pre’ diabetes for far too long.
Haven’t touched sugar or anything containing it but I’m gutted I can’t have overnight oats. Not even organic jumbo oats with six raspberries and a spoonful of seeds.
Levels went up to 14.
Also upset that I can’t eat fruit. Love all fruit except bananas.
Guess what? Bananas don’t spike my sugars.
Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t take the advice as it’s SOOO contradictory.
My biggest shock was how little I knew.
Just thought it was a case of give up sugar, give up fats. But I can eat olives in oil, beetroot, hummous, cream cheese.
It’s the pairings and combination you have to have that are the most annoying.
I’m lucky I love all salad and vegetables but there’s a limit to how many sticks of raw carrot and celery one can take.
I HAVE lost over half a stone in the last two weeks. Eating much more.
My biggest problem was my routine. Going to long without eating at all
Oh, and then binging on sandwiches and biscuits and chocolate.
No sympathy for be. I’ve learned a lesson and paid for My stupidity.
I could have avoided getting To this.
Sorry for long post.
Still learning.
I don't know what it is about us (Type2) that makes us beat ourselves up so much!

WELL DONE for losing that much weight in such a short time.

I have a disease. I didn't knowingly cause it. I'm doing everything I can to address it and there are a billion conflicting messages of advice out there which all imply I should try harder, should have done something different or whatever.

If it helps, I've found good bread and pasta alternatives, enjoyed lots of foods I'd never have tried without T2D. I do feel in control now. I eat berries, nuts, avocado, flaxseed, chia seeds, mushrooms, dozens of eggs, lots of cheese and tons of veg. I'm fitter and slimmer now than for years. Everyone reacts to food / exercise / stress / sleep differently in terms of glucose response. Therefore all advice you get is very subjective and might not apply to you at all.

I used to eat porridge every day. This morning I had almond pancakes, butter and (low sugar) jam. It's better.

I hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. Good luck.

Tone E

Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I find the following an acceptable low carb alternative
I mix a 500ml tub of the creamiest greek yoghurt I can find (lidls creamy is good)
With 5 heaped tablespoons of milled seeds (lidl do various flavours)
With 5 heaped tablespoon s of frozen berries
Then leave overnight
Enough for 4 or 5 portions . Gets thicker the longer you leave it, so can last a working week.

Easy to adjust quantities/ratios to your taste , and keeps my bg within reasonable range
I do this with their fruity linseed mix and no extra berries. I add ground roasted hazelnuts too. It seems to thicken quickly and because nothing needs to thaw, it's done in five minutes. I used to love eating porridge, but it causes massive spikes even in small portions.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am recovering from a diabetes emergency. Close to ketoacidosis. Wake up call from ignoring my ‘pre’ diabetes for far too long.
Haven’t touched sugar or anything containing it but I’m gutted I can’t have overnight oats. Not even organic jumbo oats with six raspberries and a spoonful of seeds.
Levels went up to 14.
Also upset that I can’t eat fruit. Love all fruit except bananas.
Guess what? Bananas don’t spike my sugars.
Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t take the advice as it’s SOOO contradictory.
My biggest shock was how little I knew.
Just thought it was a case of give up sugar, give up fats. But I can eat olives in oil, beetroot, hummous, cream cheese.
It’s the pairings and combination you have to have that are the most annoying.
I’m lucky I love all salad and vegetables but there’s a limit to how many sticks of raw carrot and celery one can take.
I HAVE lost over half a stone in the last two weeks. Eating much more.
My biggest problem was my routine. Going to long without eating at all
Oh, and then binging on sandwiches and biscuits and chocolate.
No sympathy for be. I’ve learned a lesson and paid for My stupidity.
I could have avoided getting To this.
Sorry for long post.
Still learning.

Look online for The Glucose Goddess and her books. Beetroot is a huge no no. Tons of sugar. Oats are good depending on how ‘rustic’ and unprocessed they are. Buy oats that take a LONG time to cook. Eat only dark chocolate. It has antioxidants in. It will keep you awake though! Fats are very important to balance blood sugar. Berries are ok in small amounts once a day. Eating more fibre and good fats coats the high glycemic food and helps slow it down.. Very important. Low fat…. not unless you have gallbladder issues.


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Exercise classes
I concur with your comments. I have been a chef most my working life and consider myself educated in the realms of food technology, but blow me down! Since being diagnosed with type 2, I have been on a roller coaster of sorts. Most of the advice from my DM has been inappropriate to my personal needs. Carbs have left the building (for me), Flour - forget it, Porridge argghhhhhh! I have always enjoyed my porridge, but first time I tested, I almost cried.... 21?

Here some quick food substitutes I have found that may help

  • For flour substitute Ground Almonds or better still Coconut Flour (means pancakes are back on the menu)
  • Eggs are fine, ignore the doomsayers. ,Fried, Boiled, Baked, Poached, Scrambled, (hard boiled Kedgeree with wild rice, night before)
  • Make a pumpkin and bacon fritatta bound with egg whites, (save yolks for hollandaise, or welsh rarebit)
  • Chinese style veges bound with one egg to make a continental omelette. All prepared night before
  • Pumpkin pancakes using coconut flour, shredded poached chicken
  • My all time life saver - Chick peas. Sounds like Bub off Forrest Gump (boiled, fried, flambey, lol) These are great as a standby for eating on their own or in soups, stews, salads, as they tke on the flavour of what they are cooked in.
I agree with most others comments, that your blood type will not suit someone else's (can and cannot eat) list. Just RECORD the level and make a note of it. I have a great XL spreadsheet, for recording stats and outcomes, am happy to pass it on.

But as for PORRIDGE, I canny eat it nay more man!
Oh please could you share the spreadsheet? I’m still waiting for an apt at the diabetic clinic. My dr surgery has no info packs whatsoever !!!???


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Beetroot is 7.2% carbs.
Oats are about 60%, in the box.
I eat beetroot. I do not eat oats.