BS readings


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fasting Also Pre Breakfast 5.2
1hr 6.1
2hr 6.6
Pre Lunch 5.1 Ryvita Cracker Bread x 2 total 12 carbs
1hr 6.5
2hr 6.2
Pre Dinner 5.2
1hr 7.2 Steak, French Beans, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, 1/2 Jacket Potato, no sauce,
2hr 7.3 This is not too bad as I had the potato
All figures 1 or 2 points higher today not sure why, have had a little stress, maybe that.
Going for a walk......................
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.3 before tea (bacon, egg, mushrooms, tomato, half a slice of fried bread, 6 chips.)
after 1hr 6.8
after 2hrs 6.3
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for that Bluetit, but you can't use words like 'nowt' unless your from the North.

Just returned from walk 'very brisk' nearly a mile, 5.2, am pleased with that.
Cheers Neil

and what makes you think I'm not from the north???? Lancashire born and bred, and still here after 66 years. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
and what makes you think I'm not from the north???? Lancashire born and bred, and still here after 66 years. :)

I'm in the south now St. Neots, Cambridgeshire................but a true Yorkshire man born & bred, still use words like 'nowt' on a regular basis.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Eeeh by gum lass :)
St Neots is lovely I often go shopping there
Not sure, I may need to be corrected but Eeeh by gum I think is Yorkshire not Lanchashire but I'm sure Bluetit will tell us.
Looked at your profile Rothwell is nice, all mainly stone buildings, isnt it. I would imagine St. Neots is one of the closest sort of reasonable shopping towns for you.
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Well-Known Member
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Yes Rothwell is a lovely old market town. I love it here. I drive to Cambridge too
I bet you don't drive IN Cambridge. Park and ride for me as a visitor. I do have to drive in to deliver when I'm working. St Neots is nice.
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cold ethyl

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5 post dinner but that was at 3 hrs not 2 as out at pub quiz. Beaten again by same team that always win. Wouldn't care but they aren't even general knowledge type pub quiz questions just lots of silly dialogue snippets from really bad movies and random rubbish pop tunes by Will I Am.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast yesterday: 5,5 before 6,6 after

Lunch yesterday: 5,2 2h after no before reading

Dinner last night: 5 before, 6,7 after

5,1 fasting this morning

Currently experimenting with reducing my Metformin from 1700mg to 1000 mg daily.

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
10.4 Before Breakfast :(
9.3 After Breakfast :(:)

I go back to see the Liver Specialist next week - part of me is looking forward to it - because now I have my BS somewhat under control - the other part of me is dreading it, because I have most likely not lost enough weight for him. My poor old daddy has offered to come with me this time, as last time I came back in a real state lol. You would think at my age I wouldn't need my daddy to hold my hand:)
Kezzer,made me smile an also well-up there- we girls are NEVER to old to need our dad. Mine was my hero, best friend and inspiration, ten years on from losing him suddenly at just 67 and if I'm doing something or gone through something I still say "come on dad" for support x
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Well-Known Member
Pre breakfast 7.2
After 8.1
Was bacon and eggs too :( running a bit higher today and I know exactly why...5 fruit gums last soon as I had them even though they were carb counted I kicked myself
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Pre breakfast 7.2
After 8.1
Was bacon and eggs too :( running a bit higher today and I know exactly why...5 fruit gums last soon as I had them even though they were carb counted I kicked myself

Maybe the pain from the self inflicted bruise from kicking yourself? ;)
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