Our girl shed ...


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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
What's all the pink razor-edge barb wire for around the grounds of the girl shed ? Is this to keep men out (or in lol) ?
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What's all the pink razor-edge barb wire for around the grounds of the girl shed ? Is this to keep men out (or in lol) ?
Don't be silly Eddie, we wouldn't use that stuff, might hurt the animals ....:eek:.....its pink tinsel..must've been put up for the party we had
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
There is a bit of a Tenko vibe happening on the premises...
Nah Jaylee, they had me slaving in the shed and outside cutting wood etc. Took me ages to tunnel under the fence and now I find out it's pink tinsel...sheesh!
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
What about a name for the girl-shed ? Well I call it Girl-Gulag lol.
I am however sure the ladies can come up with a nice cottage sounding name lol.
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Nah Jaylee, they had me slaving in the shed and outside cutting wood etc. Took me ages to tunnel under the fence and now I find out it's pink tinsel...sheesh!

The European Council Directive health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996.
Clearly points out there should be a hazard sign for pink tinsel.

Make sure you put a visible warning notice up before attempting your next escape..
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What about a name for the girl-shed ? Well I call it Girl-Gulag lol.
I am however sure the ladies can come up with a nice cottage sounding name lol.
Its just The Girls' Shed...we considered names but nothing more suitable and appropriate came up .. tho I guess we could add "Male Visitor's Allowed"
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Can't believe those nettles down the side of the shed....not been for just TWO days and they're two feet high....chopped their heads off but think we might need to dig the roots out...was the only solution in my garden.....
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Blige me, they have grown like weeds, good thing you chopped their heads off, soon be going to seed, maybe we could cut them down to the ground and cover them with some of that weed suppressant fabric with some weed clear underneath, the animals wouldn't be able to get to it and it would save a bit of back work, what do you think??
Was lovely standing here just breathing in the fresh air, sun was warm on my back, the ponies and donkeys were playing in the paddock and snickering to each other, the chickens were making quiet clucky noises and I could hear the wood pigeons cooing in the woods, when do the piggies arrive?? someone will have to be here to settle them in and turn on the water tap to their trough,
Oh well back to reality I suppose, have fed the chickens and the little people say they will feed the ponies and donkeys and lock the chicken coup before they leave, will try and get here tomorrow, if not it will be Monday.
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Blige me, they have grown like weeds, good thing you chopped their heads off, soon be going to seed, maybe we could cut them down to the ground and cover them with some of that weed suppressant fabric with some weed clear underneath, the animals wouldn't be able to get to it and it would save a bit of back work, what do you think??
Was lovely standing here just breathing in the fresh air, sun was warm on my back, the ponies and donkeys were playing in the paddock and snickering to each other, the chickens were making quiet clucky noises and I could hear the wood pigeons cooing in the woods, when do the piggies arrive?? someone will have to be here to settle them in and turn on the water tap to their trough,
Oh well back to reality I suppose, have fed the chickens and the little people say they will feed the ponies and donkeys and lock the chicken coup before they leave, will try and get here tomorrow, if not it will be Monday.
Hi @satindoll.... Have cut nettles right back and put some of those concrete edging strips we had left over on top of them....guess it will only force the roots to travel further but should help for now....were a couple of little ones trying to grow but pulled them out....used kitchen rubber gloves but washed them clean....that M&S washing up liquid smells nice...put pulled nettles in bin rather than compost heap so they don't take root there.
Kids did a good job last night. They're here now too. Said they could have today's eggs cos we have six more....hope that was ok....
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@Sable_Jan , morning Jan, thanks for pulling the nettles, they must have grown overnight dam things.
Payment in eggs, love it, may as well give them, if no one else is using them, it would be a shame if they went to waste, mind once the piggies are here, they will eat any we don't use.
Busy at the moment, but hope to pop in later, and will bring the gardening gloves I have, kids keep buying me pairs of them, must have a dozen or so, never mind they will come in useful here.
Catch you later.
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Morning girls, note pinned to side of coop....kids have fed chickens and ponies have had their carrots plus some hay cos small paddock grass quite short now. They didn't want to let them unto the field without our say so...even tho the ponies are theirs....
Piggy Rescue people put not thru door saying they didn't realise we weren't there full time but they spoke to.kids and inspected piggies arks, and quite happy with them.
They think they must've got your number down wrong @satindoll cos they kept getting Chinese takeaway (who fortunately assured them the piggies were NOT for them!!!! They say can you ring them to make arrangements for "delivery"
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Bless the kids, I'm sure I told them to let the equines out if the weather was fine, will leave them a note.
Told Piggy Rescue there was no full time presence but that we had a person going in daily for the chickens and ponies and donkeys, obviously not listening at the time, I didn't see why they shouldn't like the arks etc.
I think they think the number is wrong that I gave them and add another zero at the beginning, have phoned them and they quoted the number I'd given so I confirmed it as being right, then they phoned me back to satisfy themselves I was genuine.
Anyway should have a pair of older ex breeding sows up for a home end of the week after they have been sorted, so the arks should be inhabited early next week.
Loads of gardening gloves by the trug in the tool shed. lots of sizes to choose from.
Later ladies.
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
What about a name for the girl-shed ? Well I call it Girl-Gulag lol.
I am however sure the ladies can come up with a nice cottage sounding name lol.

Fast and furious would be a good un' lol :)
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Bless the kids, I'm sure I told them to let the equines out if the weather was fine, will leave them a note.
Told Piggy Rescue there was no full time presence but that we had a person going in daily for the chickens and ponies and donkeys, obviously not listening at the time, I didn't see why they shouldn't like the arks etc.
I think they think the number is wrong that I gave them and add another zero at the beginning, have phoned them and they quoted the number I'd given so I confirmed it as being right, then they phoned me back to satisfy themselves I was genuine.
Anyway should have a pair of older ex breeding sows up for a home end of the week after they have been sorted, so the arks should be inhabited early next week.
Loads of gardening gloves by the trug in the tool shed. lots of sizes to choose from.
Later ladies.
That's great... Can't wait...
Gloves, perfect...had to wrap my hand in bin bags to pull nettles up.....


Chickens are getting so friendly now.....pecking around my feet as I checked nesting boxes...had a couple of fried eggs while I was there....lovely too...and some of that spelt bread @Robinredbreast made and sliced up in freezer.... Got some butter for shed use off farmer....swapped him for some of the eggs...getting really productive now. Either cos they're more settled or Roddy did the trick ;)....
Pottered about and groomed the donkeys, not that they needed it but they seem to love that brown brush....
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I am so jealous, hope you enjoyed the bread, mmmmmm fresh home made butter yum, mind Roddy has calmed down a lot since Jem clipped his wings, but I love the way he struts his stuff, nice to see them all settled,
I find grooming the donkeys so therapeutic, especially the way they butt you to do their butts and behind their ears. Must confess they nicked my polo's, I only have one when I get heartburn, but there they were munching happily.
You are a star pulling up those nettles, I will have a go at them this weekend.
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I am so jealous, hope you enjoyed the bread, mmmmmm fresh home made butter yum, mind Roddy has calmed down a lot since Jem clipped his wings, but I love the way he struts his stuff, nice to see them all settled,
I find grooming the donkeys so therapeutic, especially the way they butt you to do their butts and behind their ears. Must confess they nicked my polo's, I only have one when I get heartburn, but there they were munching happily.
You are a star pulling up those nettles, I will have a go at them this weekend.
Wonder what it is about polos that the animals love so much...not necessarily the mint cos other mints don't seem to be so tempting to them...in fact, butts, ears and pinching polos seems to be a doggy thing too.....
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Think Henry's coat was defo too tight.....found him plucking it off.. also found bits of it in nesting boxes...... 8 eggs today. Got a chronograph pencil and marked the date on ... And drew a chicken on them ;)....
Those kids are doing great with the grooming....forget their names....is it George & Emily? Must find out their birthdays so we can leave a little present.
Thanks for taking fresh milk in (was it poohtiggy? I forget.... That cake you saw is gone, cups,and plates,all washed up....so don't know whose cake it was.... Put a few "stock items" in cupboard in case we don't fancy scrambled eggs on toast while we're here.....
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