2 hours after ice cream?

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Anyone ever had ice cream in a moment of weakness, and tested what their numbers are after? Or tested what their healthy relatives and friends are at after a similar treat?

I was 4.9 before ice cream, and 6 after 2 hours post ice cream + avocado + milk + beef and radish stew. No medication now. Was on metformin for a year until it gave me b12 related joint issues. Diagnosed for 2 years, suspect I've had type 2 for three. Family history on mom's side. Age 32. Last blood test a1c 5.4. Usually I try to not eat grains and potatoes etc., and skips breakfast and lunch 2-3 days a week. 1-2 hours walk 5 days a week. Weights 4 days a week with some yoga.

Husband, who has not been diagnosed with diabetes, ate the same albeit in larger portions, and scarily got higher numbers than me. Time to nag him into doing a blood test at the doctor's?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Anyone ever had ice cream in a moment of weakness, and tested what their numbers are after? Or tested what their healthy relatives and friends are at after a similar treat?

I was 4.9 before ice cream, and 6 after 2 hours post ice cream + avocado + milk + beef and radish stew. No medication now. Was on metformin for a year until it gave me b12 related joint issues. Diagnosed for 2 years, suspect I've had type 2 for three. Family history on mom's side. Age 32. Last blood test a1c 5.4. Usually I try to not eat grains and potatoes etc., and skips breakfast and lunch 2-3 days a week. 1-2 hours walk 5 days a week. Weights 4 days a week with some yoga.

Husband, who has not been diagnosed with diabetes, ate the same albeit in larger portions, and scarily got higher numbers than me. Time to nag him into doing a blood test at the doctor's?

well how high was his number then ?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Yes, tested loads.
You'd be amazed what numbers 'normal' people actually get in real life.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Oops should have posted that too.
Husband was 6.9.

High chance he is pre-diabetic isn't he? ):

I don't think you can judge that on one random number. Does he have any symptoms which might suggest he's on the road to diabetes?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Oops should have posted that too.
Husband was 6.9.

High chance he is pre-diabetic isn't he? ):

no everybody spikes after eating high carb foods ...what makes one diabetic or pre-diabetic is that one does not get down to a low level again ... after 2 hours most normal people are back to normal levels again... if your fasting number in the mornings after not having been eating the whole night are higher than 6.1 mmols more than twice you could be prediabetic...

read this page carefully to know more : http://www.diabetes.co.uk/diabetes_care/blood-sugar-level-ranges.html
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thanks for the link guys. Feeling more reassured.
Still going to push for a blood test though.

Husband does have weight issues and high blood pressure. Neither of which he is doing anything about, since most of his friends have similar issues too. Not sure what the logic is behind that argument.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Always worth him getting a test. Just to be on the safe side. If you are in England and he is 40 or above he should be invited as a matter of course.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Husband, who has not been diagnosed with diabetes, ate the same albeit in larger portions, and scarily got higher numbers than me. Time to nag him into doing a blood test at the doctor's?

Hi @InstantNoodlez ,

Welcome to the forum!

Your always welcome to ask any question you like.
I've done similar test experiment with my wife? Close numbers 4.8 to 5 pre meal. Same portion. Two hours later? I was 6.4, the wife in the early 7s.
Then I saw the cogs turning behind her eyes.. I also pointed out the demolished bag of chocolate raisins she'd had for desert...

My reaction was not to break the speed limit with my wife to the surgery...

Oops should have posted that too.
Husband was 6.9.

High chance he is pre-diabetic isn't he? ):

Not "gauging" by a random test.. He would need an Hba1c at the docs sent to a lab...

I think it's great you're encouraging your husband to take considerations with his health! :cool:

Why not let your husband read this thread with you.?

I'll say hi to Mr Noodlez too, in anticipation... :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Hi @InstantNoodlez ,

Welcome to the forum!

Your always welcome to ask any question you like.
I've done similar test experiment with my wife? Close numbers 4.8 to 5 pre meal. Same portion. Two hours later? I was 6.4, the wife in the early 7s.
Then I saw the cogs turning behind her eyes.. I also pointed out the demolished bag of chocolate raisins she'd had for desert...

My reaction was not to break the speed limit with my wife to the surgery...

Not "gauging" by a random test.. He would need an Hba1c at the docs sent to a lab...

I think it's great you're encouraging your husband to take considerations with his health! :cool:

Why not let your husband read this thread with you.?

I'll say hi to Mr Noodlez too, in anticipation... :)

How was she?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I tested my husband 2 hours after tea one night - I was 5.5 but he was 7.5 which was a worry until he told me he'd had a can of coke about an hour after tea and forgot to tell me!!
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thank you all for the warm welcome, support, information, and humorous anecdotes.

Husband mentioned his mother, one uncle, and a younger cousin all have type 2...

On one hand I wish he'd mentioned it earlier, so I could have nagged him more about maintaining his health.
On the other hand Mr. Noodlez has finally agreed to go for a blood test next week. Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I did the ice cream today. Bg before dinner and ice cream 5.1 2 hours later, 10.7. Not good!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I actually got a higher reading (12.2) after a bowl of berries and cream a while back.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Madenning I know. Not much makes sense. Even brussel sprouts sen me. I am so carb intolerant it's ridiculous. Always have been, even way before DX


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I think my issue may be the dairy. I was at 6.5, ate an apple and my bg went down to 5.1 I'll figure this out eventually.