change in diet


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Tomatoes are only between 4 and 6% carbohydrate although most of this will be sugars they are still low carb. Consuming a whole 350 gram bottle of crushed tomatoes, would only give you about 18 grams of carbs. Baby Plum or Cherry tomatoes generally weigh between 6 and 14 grams so eating 10 baby tomatoes is only about 5 grams of carbs but is mostly sugars.
Eat the Italian way start with side salad covered in light olive or walnut oil and vinegar. I always use traditional Balsamic vinegar but be aware it contains 27% sugar so go easy on it or you can substitute apple vinegar.
Starting with salad seems to alleviate the sudden spike in blood glucose due to carbs in other parts of the meal.
Mayo even those with some small proportion of sugar is OK because you don't eat more than small amounts but always go for full fat.
M&S mayo contains 4% carbs just over half which is sugar has been rated higher than Hellman's in taste test and is cheaper.
Generally aim for foods that are less than 5% carbs but up to 10% isn't too bad if you adjust the portion size in proportion. The general idea is keep the carb intake at each meal and over the whole day low.
M&S Scotch Eggs are 18% carbs so as long as I eat only one and keep a close watch to avoid excessive carbs in other meals that day they are just about OK for me.

Keeping to LCHF I find myself eating some quite odd meals such as sausage and salad but it works and I don't miss carbs.
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Nothing odd about sausage and salad ;)
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Tomatoes are only between 4 and 6% carbohydrate although most of this will be sugars they are still low carb. Consuming a whole 350 gram bottle of crushed tomatoes, would only give you about 18 grams of carbs. Baby Plum or Cherry tomatoes generally weigh between 6 and 14 grams so eating 10 baby tomatoes is only about 5 grams of carbs but is mostly sugars.
Eat the Italian way start with side salad covered in light olive or walnut oil and vinegar. I always use traditional Balsamic vinegar but be aware it contains 27% sugar so go easy on it or you can substitute apple vinegar.
Starting with salad seems to alleviate the sudden spike in blood glucose due to carbs in other parts of the meal.
Mayo even those with some small proportion of sugar is OK because you don't eat more than small amounts but always go for full fat.
M&S mayo contains 4% carbs just over half which is sugar has been rated higher than Hellman's in taste test and is cheaper.
Generally aim for foods that are less than 5% carbs but up to 10% isn't too bad if you adjust the portion size in proportion. The general idea is keep the carb intake at each meal and over the whole day low.
M&S Scotch Eggs are 18% carbs so as long as I eat only one and keep a close watch to avoid excessive carbs in other meals that day they are just about OK for me.

Keeping to LCHF I find myself eating some quite odd meals such as sausage and salad but it works and I don't miss carbs.
Iv had 2 full days on full fat plus some red wine today and feel amazing its 9pm and iv still loads of energy


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Iv had 2 full days on full fat plus some red wine today and feel amazing its 9pm and iv still loads of energy
The not feeling bloated is a major plus plus for me.
After I've eaten a pile of food, veg, salads and meats I often say "I could eat that all over again" and mean it but don't as it's often taken an hour to prepare.

I would go with all that has been suggested above and it soon becomes routine.

Good luck with the change.
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My trusty meter says that I can have 3-4 little cherry tomatoes without being too sinful.

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Loads of olive oil dressing with white or red wine vinegar, 1/3 wine vinegar, 2/3rds olive oil with meditereanean herbs, teaspoon of lazy garlic, 2/3?teaspoon of mustatard, fresh rosemary and fresh thyme added is my daily lashings over my salads.. I have horrendous amounts poured over my salads!! I lick the plates after!
I'm type 1 so can have as many tomatoes I like and I have about 10 cherry ones a day in my salad with an avocado and now about 8 olives as well.

I base my lifestyle on meditereanean foods rather than heavier creams n cheese. Although I do have goat or sheep feta cheese.. Not cheddars or hard cheeses or even bries...
Hi, just back from my first nursey appointment, feelin a bit down, have to take metformin each day, thought I had got away with taking them! Side effects sound rotten


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Hi, just back from my first nursey appointment, feelin a bit down, have to take metformin each day, thought I had got away with taking them! Side effects sound rotten

T1 so not had to have metformin. However, not everybody as I understand it gets side effects. Also I believe there's two types of metformin so if one doesn't suit ask for the other.

You sound a but low from your visit to Nursey... Are you ok?


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Honestly though reducing the carbs does help to reduce the blood readings etc...

You don't have to go full heavy handed with fat... Again, it suits some but not others.
Me, I stick to basic food with nuts (not peanuts) and 2sq dark choc as my snack or pud in evening.
There are wonderful recipes to cook from the low carb forum. I believe in staying away from processed food especially ready meals.
It is hard to introduce fat when the population was told to limit it. Even the Daily Express yesterday had front page headlines that fat is now ok...and advice is changing.. Albeit they have to do it slowly...
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T1 so not had to have metformin. However, not everybody as I understand it gets side effects. Also I believe there's two types of metformin so if one doesn't suit ask for the other.

You sound a but low from your visit to Nursey... Are you ok?
Think I'm hungry tbh just been to lidl got some protein rolls, having half with hummus on! Feeling quite tired today.
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Metforimin seems to affect everybody differently, for me is was mainly shot lived stomach cramps and they made me feel very hungry but it passed.
In the early days I used to cut the tablet in two and have each half either side of my meal but after a few weeks my body adjusted to it. If you don't adjust to it after a month or so ask for the slow release "SR" version (which obviously don't cut in two)..
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Moaning for moanings sake!!
Metforimin seems to affect everybody differently, for me is was mainly shot lived stomach cramps and they made me feel very hungry but it passed.
In the early days I used to cut the tablet in two and have each half either side of my meal but after a few weeks my body adjusted to it. If you don't adjust to it after a month or so ask for the slow release "SR" version (which obviously don't cut in two)..
Ye that's how my stomach feels visited the loo twice in half an hr, will see how it goes, thanks
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Hello Amanda,
I had my first appointment with my diabetic nurse yesterday.Went ok but covering all the various topics left me feeling a little down,as we had just run over a summary of all the things I have had to take on board over the last couple of weeks.We have all been there I suspect.Keep yer chin up!

Also the Lidl protein rolls are great!! I had cheese on toast with masses and I mean masses of cheese cheered me up no end.

And I have found a couple of small glasses of dry red wine seems to lower my B.G. the next morning.I think your body getting rid of the alcohol also removes some excess glucose.Hey who knew?
This cheers me up also.
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Hello Amanda,
I had my first appointment with my diabetic nurse yesterday.Went ok but covering all the various topics left me feeling a little down,as we had just run over a summary of all the things I have had to take on board over the last couple of weeks.We have all been there I suspect.Keep yer chin up!

Also the Lidl protein rolls are great!! I had cheese on toast with masses and I mean masses of cheese cheered me up no end.

And I have found a couple of small glasses of dry red wine seems to lower my B.G. the next morning.I think your body getting rid of the alcohol also removes some excess glucose.Hey who knew?
This cheers me up also.
Think I'm missing my red wine more than the food! Thanks for your kind words, iv taken my first metformin tab at dinner time and tummy right off at the moment so might have wine may have to wait!
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I have only had a couple of days on two 500mg after a week on one a day.The only problem I had was a slightly sore tummy for the very first one.I am still awaiting how I will respond to the double dose.Not everyone has a's hoping!


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HI there, I have just started Metformin today. I have been on Gliclazide for the last two weeks, I am to gradually increase the Metformin and decrease the Gliclazide. So far so good! I have heard and read about all the side effects but I think in my case (being overweight) Metformin is the best one to be on!

I also think that there are so many changes going on with your diet when first diganosed it is bound to play a part in things being a bit off. I have also found it to be an emotional rollercoaster, with lots of ups and downs. My visit to the DN was really positive but I still felt a bit down afterwards, I think its because there is so much to take in and think about.

One thing I do know though is that I am eating a healthier diet than I have in a long time, I do sulk a bit when I think about having chip sandwiches lol. I miss bread the most, so off to Lidl tomorrow to try and find the rolls :)

I love this site and the fact that we can all say what we think and not be judged, so I am going to keep coming back here for the support ;)

It sounds like you are doing a brilliant job Amanda, we will get there

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I recommend starting on the lowest dose of metformin you can, say 500mg or even 250mg, and only increase after a week. If you're still having bad side effects after a week, ask for the slow release version.
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I am n week two of metformin 1x500mg, after the first couple of days of discomfort I haven't found it too bad. I have had problems twice, both on days when I had increased carbs. I do find I sometimes feel a little bit sick around lunchtime/early afternoon but as I take my metformin with my evening meal it should be at it's lowest in my system at that point o I am not sure if that is the cause.

Billy Ruffian

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Nothing odd about sausage and salad ;)

Great! Would you like to see my collection? Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Seriously though, I have all sorts of salads now. For packed lunches, I have a tupperware type box into which I load my chopped ingredients (which can include diced sausage, or egg, or corned beef etc.), add a dessert-spoonful of oil and one of vinegar and a teaspoon of mustard. This gets agitated through the morning' a quick shake at luncthtime and it's ready to eat. Much easier, cheaper and lighter than mason jars, which seem to be all the rage these days.
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HI there, I have just started Metformin today. I have been on Gliclazide for the last two weeks, I am to gradually increase the Metformin and decrease the Gliclazide. So far so good! I have heard and read about all the side effects but I think in my case (being overweight) Metformin is the best one to be on!

I also think that there are so many changes going on with your diet when first diganosed it is bound to play a part in things being a bit off. I have also found it to be an emotional rollercoaster, with lots of ups and downs. My visit to the DN was really positive but I still felt a bit down afterwards, I think its because there is so much to take in and think about.

One thing I do know though is that I am eating a healthier diet than I have in a long time, I do sulk a bit when I think about having chip sandwiches lol. I miss bread the most, so off to Lidl tomorrow to try and find the rolls :)

I love this site and the fact that we can all say what we think and not be judged, so I am going to keep coming back here for the support ;)

It sounds like you are doing a brilliant job Amanda, we will get there

Hi deb
Yeah iv had every emotion possible but like u loving the diet, my motto is concentrate on what u can have and not what u cant have! Keep food exciting and don't eat the same stuff all the time , my hubby has lost 7llb also but keeps going back to the carbs! U do become a bit obsessed with numbers (or at least I have) but sure it will stop when I'm more experienced!! This site is great, think he Fed up hearing about it!!. On my 3rd metformin day, was ok yesterday just abit nausea at lunch time but went when I ate. Have a good day
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