Dec 2014 update: New research on the Low Carb Diet in general practice


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I agree !!
Low Carb Diet In General Practice: Article in March edition of Practical Diabetes
Update march 24/03/2014; find the full article free to view here
; 2014/PP Unwin final proofs revised.pdf
The idea is that you can also show it to health care professionals involved to show them its a valid choice of diet. The work also has two short mentions in the British Medical Journal BMJ2014;348:g1753

Great!! Will enjoy a read with my daily coffee mixed with coconut oil and butter ;)
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Why, as a diabetic, would you ever eat jelly beans and jelly babies? Is this part of the "everything in moderation" theory? How many jelly babies is a moderate amount?

As a hypo stop? Jelly beans are very easy to use as they are 1g each (and tasty)


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The report definitely sums up my own experience of LCHF. Have forwarded it to my DSN. She showed an interest in LCHF but didn't seem to actually know much about it. Thank you.
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I agree !!
Low Carb Diet In General Practice: Article in March edition of Practical Diabetes
Update march 24/03/2014; find the full article free to view here
; 2014/PP Unwin final proofs revised.pdf
The idea is that you can also show it to health care professionals involved to show them its a valid choice of diet. The work also has two short mentions in the British Medical Journal BMJ2014;348:g1753

For the newbies here who are considering low carb but are meeting with resistance from their health care team citing this study could be the way forward.

Thanks for the update SouthportGP
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Looking through the forum I was sorry to hear how some of you met a rather closed response from your health professionals .About a year ago I began working with a group of 19 pre-diabetic and type two diabetic patients (insulin dependant patients were not included) who were interested in maximising the benefits of a good diet and wanted to try a lower carb, higher fat diet. I thought if I could get the work published by a reputable peer reviewed journal you would then have something to share with your doctors,nurses and dieticians. I am particularly interested in the goal of maximising the effect of diet BEFORE starting medication and find many patients agree.
I have just heard the work is to be published in March. The idea is that after the article is published by Practical Diabetes it will be free to view for you all

THE RESULTS : Weight and HbA1c down significantly ,also improvements in blood pressure,liver function tests and interestingly cholesterol despite a diet higher in fats (coconut oil ,butter,olive oil and lots of eggs) Publication is due in a few weeks will see then if I can upload an abstract and a link to the entire thing. Over the last year I have come to feel that the starch in bread, pasta (even whole meal) rice and potatoes is actually concentrated sugar, with a higher glycemic index than table sugar itself. So no surprise that diabetics may struggle to deal with these items in their diet. It seems to me that HOWEVER any particular overweight patient looses weight their Type 2 diabetes improves. This can lead to some rather stark choices between weight loss and medication!

Update march 24/03/2014; find the full article free to view here; 2014/PP Unwin final proofs revised.pdf
The idea is that you can also show it to health care professionals involved to show them its a valid choice of diet

Going 'online' has its pitfalls. last year my children thought it was hilarious that some of you thought I was a troll, that has now been sorted out. Another is that it's not really ethical for a doctor to give specific advice which is why I cannot answer questions relating to an individual case -sorry. My hope was that the work could help inform the debate between people with diabetes and the health professionals who care for them.
Been low crabbing since November2013 Hba1c was 75 now53. Speaks for itself really! So pleased to have you on our side!
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Thank you for posting. I am type 2 and have been low carbing since November. I started on Hba1c of 76 and have already come down to 56. The only problem I have had is on long walks, our area is very hilly. Can feel slightly faint and sweaty, so I design my walks to be mostly downhill on the way home. Looking forward to the next result. It feels really important as I have a transplanted kidney with medication induced diabetes. I am currently taking Metformin 500mg bd so maybe able to lower the dose. Keep posting please!
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Low Carb Diet In General Practice: Article in March edition of Practical Diabetes
Update march 24/03/2014; find the full article free to view here
; 2014/PP Unwin final proofs revised.pdf
The idea is that you can also show it to health care professionals involved to show them its a valid choice of diet. The work also has two short mentions in the British Medical Journal BMJ2014;348:g1753

This was a great read. My body keeps telling me that LCHF is good for me,
but it's very edifying seeing empirical evidence corroborating my personal

And the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine goes to.... Southport GP! :happy:
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Please print off a copy and mark for the attention of the Senior Partner in your surgeryand pop it into their postboxes. Or GP's that claim to be "diabetic GP's"....

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Had to post the study showing that if not all LCHF at least things are moving here in UK, back in Sweden there's even a FB group called "naughty diabetic" where they inspire each other all though doctors can recommend low carbing.


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Do you know what your cholesterol ratio is? That's HDL as a proportion of total cholesterol. My GP put me on statins because my total cholesterol was high, but the consultant said they weren't necessary because my ratio was excellent.

Kate, apologies for the late reply, I had to find my results and thanks for your advice. My total cholesterol 8.4mmol/l, triglycerides 1.46, HDL 2.6, LDL 5.1, total cholesterol : HDL ratio 3.2


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I'm afraid alcoholic drinks are full of carbohydrate- for example beer is almost 'liquid toast' hence the beer belly!! Perhaps the odd glass of red wine wouldn't be too bad if it doesn't make you get hungry afterwards- or just plain water with a slice of lemon.

Alcohol is not a carbohydrate and will not cause weight gain whatsoever. However if it is mixed in with sugar as in Baileys it is the added sugar that will send your blood glucose levels up. If you drink red wine or dry whites there is very very little grape sugar left in these, same with spirits. as far as blood sugar goes these alcoholic drinks will lower it rather than incease it. Beer is a bit more tricky. I don't agree that it is liquid toast, it all depends how much of the grain has been converted to alcohol. When I was a kid I would go hypo on a lot of beer and that's why there were queues outside the chip shop after pub closing time.


Hi SouthportGP

I live in Sefton but seem to be getting totally different advice to what you have demonstrated (from GP, Dietician and Practice Nurse - even though the practice nurse says my results are the best she has seen since she has been there!!!). When I was diagnosed and after viewing this forum I took the advice offered here and went for a LCHF diet and the results have been fantastic.

My GP put me on one 500mg Metformin and told me that I wouldnt need to test and that this would take a year to have any real effect on my HbA1c readings so when I was diagnosed my reading was 84, after my first 3 month test I had reduced to 35 and the last test I had I had further reduced to 31 all in 8 months in total.

I have lost over 3 1/2 stone and gone from a 46 waist to a 38 waist

I don't think I am wrong in assuming that this isn't to do with the Metformin but the diet and hopefully at my next review I will just be able to control my diabetes through diet

Long may LCHF remain

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Well, anything under 4.5 is good, so that's excellent. Definitely an argument for not needing statins.
Thanks, Kate, very kind of you to get back. Interestingly, I read a couple of weeks ago that GPs had cash incentives to get patients on statins. You may have seen a recent Italian study (Daily Telegraph, yesterday or the day before) that bergomet tablets ( bergoamot, an ingredient of Earl Grey tea) does everything that statins are supposed to do. You have probably read that statins can increase the risk of diabetes but the up side (no pun intended) is that they are supposed to help gentlemen with erectile dysfunction, by increasing blood flow. I'm sure that a better solution is not available on prescription!


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I agree !!
Low Carb Diet In General Practice: Article in March edition of Practical Diabetes
Update march 24/03/2014; find the full article free to view here
; 2014/PP Unwin final proofs revised.pdf
The idea is that you can also show it to health care professionals involved to show them its a valid choice of diet. The work also has two short mentions in the British Medical Journal BMJ2014;348:g1753
Thanks! Mille gracias and Tusen Tack!

One question only, no two actually: Why moderate fat intake and why easy on cheese? The cheeses I get contain next to no carbs at all and are very nice.

If we look at energy intake I aim at 75 %E from fat. Do you think that is too high?
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
I also got a question regarding fst on a low carb diet. I dont eat much fat...used to be pretty much just the fat in semi skimmed milk... And an odd amount occasionally of butter and cheese... How much fat is reasonable on a low carb diet to keep healthy?

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