Good Morning


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
Thank you everyone for your good wishes, we had a lovely time and hubby was delighted with his celebration. Apart from not having enough chairs :):) everything went perfectly.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
12/12 - Morning from York and still dark. Not been to bed, sat with 5 cushions around me watching DVD's and on Tablet playing games to pass the time. My Back went whilst I was cooking Evening Meal last night. Took Tramadol x 2 and by midnight was back on the Liquid Morphine 5ml every 2 hours. Waiting till my Practise Surgery opens at 8.30am and I can speak with my GP or one of the other 2 to ask if I can double the dose of Morphine to 10ml every 2 hours.
Hope everyone has a good day today, and hugs to the poorly people.


12/12 - Morning from York and still dark. Not been to bed, sat with 5 cushions around me watching DVD's and on Tablet playing games to pass the time. My Back went whilst I was cooking Evening Meal last night. Took Tramadol x 2 and by midnight was back on the Liquid Morphine 5ml every 2 hours. Waiting till my Practise Surgery opens at 8.30am and I can speak with my GP or one of the other 2 to ask if I can double the dose of Morphine to 10ml every 2 hours.
Hope everyone has a good day today, and hugs to the poorly people.
10ml every 2 hours is a pretty big dose, William - you'll be off your head! When I was in hospital they gave me paracetamol, codeine and Diclofenac at the same time as morphine. Why don't you give 111 a call and see what they suggest? I don't like to think of you sitting waiting for another 2 hours before you can speak to your GP... Sending big hugs xxx
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
marmite peanut butter
12/12 - Morning from York and still dark. Not been to bed, sat with 5 cushions around me watching DVD's and on Tablet playing games to pass the time. My Back went whilst I was cooking Evening Meal last night. Took Tramadol x 2 and by midnight was back on the Liquid Morphine 5ml every 2 hours. Waiting till my Practise Surgery opens at 8.30am and I can speak with my GP or one of the other 2 to ask if I can double the dose of Morphine to 10ml every 2 hours.
Hope everyone has a good day today, and hugs to the poorly people.
Big hugs William I know how bad the pain hits every time I get a crack in my back got any spare morphine still waiting for my patches
I was told to take paracetamol while being weened off these meds hope you get relief soon William but look on the bright side you can get R looking after you


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@eldergarth - Hi Ron, Had just under half a 500ml bottle left of Morphine - but got another prescription to go in ( thank goodness I kept it) R is going out into York City and I was going too. Wanted to get him Christmas Card and Pressure too. He will 'cash in' my prescription for more Morphine. I have rang the GP Surgery and spoke to the Receptionist, she is ringing me back once she has spoken to my GP to ask for his permission to double the dosage of the Morphine. As I am in agony - it is so bad I have shed tears with the pain. I want the Morphine to knock me out!! So, I can go and have a wee sleep.
Is it the Fentayl Patches that you are being prescribed Ron? William.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
marmite peanut butter
@eldergarth - Hi Ron, Had just under half a 500ml bottle left of Morphine - but got another prescription to go in ( thank goodness I kept it) R is going out into York City and I was going too. Wanted to get him Christmas Card and Pressure too. He will 'cash in' my prescription for more Morphine. I have rang the GP Surgery and spoke to the Receptionist, she is ringing me back once she has spoken to my GP to ask for his permission to double the dosage of the Morphine. As I am in agony - it is so bad I have shed tears with the pain. I want the Morphine to knock me out!! So, I can go and have a wee sleep.
Is it the Fentayl Patches that you are being prescribed Ron? William.
Not 100% sure William just know its a opioid patch and if need high strength one will loss my driving license as its a band substance with dvla


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
Wishing peace from pain and strength for you @Liam1955
And the same for others who are in pain or have illness or any kind
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@eldergarth - Ron, Yes it sounds like the Fentanyl Patches as they are Opiate (Opium derivative) but they take up to a week to 'kick in' so my GP told me. Can Tina-Marie drive?
I've had the Receptionist ring me back to say GP given his permission for me to take 10mls every 2 hours, and to continue with the Tramadol and Pregabalin every 4 hours if I need them. (The Tramadol I take Ron is also a Opium derivative). So, have just had a double dose on empty stomach, (not taking my Insulin or Metformin) will drink my coffee and I'm off for a lay down and hopefully go to Sleep? William.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
marmite peanut butter
@eldergarth - Ron, Yes it sounds like the Fentanyl Patches as they are Opiate (Opium derivative) but they take up to a week to 'kick in' so my GP told me. Can Tina-Marie drive?
I've had the Receptionist ring me back to say GP given his permission for me to take 10mls every 2 hours, and to continue with the Tramadol and Pregabalin every 4 hours if I need them. (The Tramadol I take Ron is also a Opium derivative). So, have just had a double dose on empty stomach, (not taking my Insulin or Metformin) will drink my coffee and I'm off for a lay down and hopefully go to Sleep? William.
I'm hoping for a call from the doc today said would ring me once received the new meds list from hospital been 2 weeks now since went to pain clinic and going back in 8 weeks for Review to see if increasing dosage .
Not had much sleep my self but getting used to the pain now
Get some well deserved pain free rest William


Not 100% sure William just know its a opioid patch and if need high strength one will loss my driving license as its a band substance with dvla
Buprenorphine is a morphine-based drug, and your patches will be pretty strong, Ron. When I had them they kicked in quite quickly - within a couple if hours. It's worth reading up on them, so you have some idea what you're in for. Hugs xx


@eldergarth - Ron, Yes it sounds like the Fentanyl Patches as they are Opiate (Opium derivative) but they take up to a week to 'kick in' so my GP told me. Can Tina-Marie drive?
I've had the Receptionist ring me back to say GP given his permission for me to take 10mls every 2 hours, and to continue with the Tramadol and Pregabalin every 4 hours if I need them. (The Tramadol I take Ron is also a Opium derivative). So, have just had a double dose on empty stomach, (not taking my Insulin or Metformin) will drink my coffee and I'm off for a lay down and hopefully go to Sleep? William.
i hope you managed to get some sleep, William, and that the pain is a little more manageable today. I'll get Little Buddha and the healing bowl set up for you today... Big hugs xxx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
patronising people an those who lie.
Buprenorphine is a morphine-based drug, and your patches will be pretty strong, Ron. When I had them they kicked in quite quickly - within a couple if hours. It's worth reading up on them, so you have some idea what you're in for. Hugs xx
He was still in pain last night


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
13/12 - Good Morning - Still dark here in York. But, Thanks you kind people, I have slept from 2am till 6.30am - and will have 'sleeps' throughout the day. Hugs to the poorly people and to everyone else hope you all have a good day. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
patronising people an those who lie.
13/12 - Good Morning - Still dark here in York. But, Thanks you kind people, I have slept from 2am till 6.30am - and will have 'sleeps' throughout the day. Hugs to the poorly people and to everyone else hope you all have a good day. :)
sending you a special hug .


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
Good morning everyone, I wonder what today will bring, mild weather here but still pitch black outside at 8am have to wait at least another hour before walking in the woods. Praying better health (and peace) for everyone who posts on here


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Prejudiced people (my son has learning difficulties) and not being able to find a job
Morning all, I have a busy day today - I'm seeing the new nurse this morning then going to mums this afternoon. I'm going to give a Christmas card to nurse Donna, even though she's still training she's had to take over from my friend Jan who died. She's been feeling a little overwhelmed so I thought she'd appreciate a card


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
marmite peanut butter
Morning all had a bad one last night little sleep and a lot of pain guess it's the switch over from not taking my old meds and waiting for this patch to kick in but got occupational health coming in about hour so maybe them seeing me like this may bring some good


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tired today but mainly due to a family Christmas party/meal.
Was in total agony throughout this mornings walk. Once I reached my destination I felt like crying, as I had to walk back. :bigtears:
Feeling much much better now sitting. Off out again to see GP with my video footage of waterbed like tummy occuring most evenings. Poor GP.
I bet he hasnt seen a lopsided tummy like mine. Ha ha
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Reactions: 13lizanne


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The Gym, + unkindness and rudeness
I bet he has @ickihun I've got one from 4 operations on the same area of abdomen:) not to mention the fetching scars