Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi @Tangent66 ,

It might be worth starting a new thread with your questions, this thread is mainly for introducing ourselves, so You'll likely get more replies if you post a new thread.
To do so, go to 'forums' (top left), choose a forum you'd like to post in, and click the 'post thread' button (top right).
I'd like to change drugs to one that doesn't pee sugar out the body
Have you tried dietary changes?
Many of our members have found their diabetes is much better controlled on a low carb way of eating.
If you're interested, I think you'll find this piece, written by one of our members very informative:
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, I am new today but obvious to me now that I should have joined some 18months ago!

What is your name? - Jackie
- How old are you? - 64
- Are you male or female?- Female
- Which country are you from? - England
- Which city/area do you live in? - Essex
- Are you religious? - Not strictly but CoE
- Pick three words to describe your personality. - Bossy - Caring - Creative
- Do you have any pets? - Dog and Cat
- Microsoft or Apple? - Apple
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? -
- Do you get angry easily?- sometimes
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? -pierced ears is all
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.- Beyonce, Luther Vandross, Anita Baker, Elvis,
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? - Soul R & B , but love a bit of country too
- What is your favourite flag?- Red
- Ever gone camping? Nope
- Ever been in love? - yes
- Ever used fake tan?- yes
- Which countries have you visited?- USA, Mexico, Dominican Rep, St Lucia, Barbados, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Thailand, Cyprus, Maldives, Italy, France, Monaco, Finland, Jamaica, Scotland, Wales
- Favourite city? - London
- List your five favourite TV programmes.- Breeders, After life, 8out of 10 cats does countdown, Emerdale, MAFS
- List your five favourite films.- Pacific heights, Bodyguard, The Grinch, Elvis, Primal Fear
- Are you wealthy?- comfortable
- Do you work? If so, as what?- retired
- List the subjects you study/have studied.- Maths, Psychology, human biologyGCSE. o levels - Needlework, Nutrition Cookery, Maths,
- What do you like most about yourself?- Will help anyone
- What do you like least about yourself? - when I'm on a downer, or miserable


This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!
My name is Alan, originally diagnosed at Type 2 back in 2011. In 2019 I was reclassified as Pre-diabetic but in the last month am back to Type 2. I thought it was Covid related but no, my numbers were worse than before


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Are you religious?
Not really
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
Just normal ear piercings
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
James Morrison, Stereophonics, Pink, ( can’t think of 2 more!)
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
France, Germany and Tanzania
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
NCIS, Greys Anatomy, Masterchef (can’t think of any more)
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?

Have fun!
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Reactions: Antje77


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello, I’m David.
I’m a 50 year old male, originally from Wales, now living in Yorkshire.
I’m married with 2 kids.
By day I’m an early years SEND teacher, in the evening and weekends I teach drum kit and percussion, and do the occasional music gig.
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Reactions: Prancy and Antje77

catherine J

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!
My name is Catherine I will be 59 in April born in England but lived most of my life in Scotland . Diagnosed type 2 in September so very new to this .
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi all new here today I’ve tried to answer some of the Qs below.

Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name? Mark
- How old are you? 50
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? U.K.
- Which city/area do you live in? Leicester
- Are you religious? Nope
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Happy( usually) interested and intrigued
- Do you have any pets? Yes 1 dog English bullmastiff, Lucy
- Microsoft or Apple? Both
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? I don’t anymore. Are used to white train a lot, but I hurt my back.
- Do you get angry easily? It depends
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? Lots of tattoos on my arms, chest and legs
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. I could be here forever. Music is a huge part of my life. However, I love a lot of 80s stuff from Kim Wilde The Human League Blondie, The Primitives, sisters of mercy. I could go on for ages here
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? 80s pop
- What is your favourite flag? Don’t have a favourite flag.
- Ever gone camping? yes with Mum And Dad as a kid every year
- Ever been in love? Yes and I’ll come on.
- Ever used fake tan? No
- Which countries have you visited? Spain, France, Ukraine
- Favourite city? Springs to mind.
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite film. Hellraiser cloud Atlas female trouble, Pink Flamingos Nightbreed
- Are you wealthy? I wish.
- Do you work? If so, as what? I’m a manager for the NHS.
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Business and finance.
- What do you like most about yourself? I’m approachable and kind.
- What do you like least about yourself? Impatience.
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Reactions: Prancy and Antje77


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi Everyone, I'm Tracey from the West Midlands, England.
I would describe myself as caring, fun loving and honest.
I have one son 16 with Autism and Scoliosis, a Goldendoodle dog and a loving partner.
I love live music and already have tickets for Pink and Craig David for 2024.
I started with gestational diabetes and it has consistently got worse and worse over the years and I'm now on insulin x2 per day.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m Ken. I’m very old - close to 80. I’ve had type 2 for about 15 years. After some years of using insulin injections + tablets + diet management, I lost a lot of weight and dropped the jabs. Then I weakened: lost diet control and lost the will to exercise. I’m now back on metformin, Eccles cakes and always looking for ways to kid myself- ‘just a bit’ - ‘I”ll make this the last” - “She”ll be upset if I don’t eat these spuds / fruit pies / custard…” etc. Trouble is…only me can solve it. My personality is very introverted. I find discussion about myself with friends, support groups etc?, impossible. The funny thing is that I am a retired university lecturer in…..psychology-specialising in thanatology (look it up), so I know exactly what I would say to myself…Time for lunch…


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hey, Just went from pre diabetic to 51 been a little in denial…. Knowing the day would come but found it very hard to give up twirls, crunchies and chocolate hob knobs….. but my health has taken a turn for the worse. Been diagnosed with rheumatoid poly myalgia, at 66 and know I need to take it seriously. So been on a low carb diet for the last 2 weeks lost 12lbs, and personally I have found it easier to go cold turkey so no more sugar in tea, alcohol (my other great vice), Bizarre that the sugar cravings have almost disappeared…. Planning to go hard until I lose a few stone I’m about 16.5stone now. I have been using a Abbot libre sensor but not sure of the accuracy as apart from a couple of brief levels at 7-8 (lasted for less than 1 hr) I have been generally in 5-6 range. I am on holiday visiting grandchildren in Bermuda and know I might weaken might give myself a treat on Christmas Day…. Can i rely on these readings or could I really already be sitting in the 8-9 range?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
This thread will hopefully let us to get to know one another better and allow us to see which users we might share similarities with. I've listed a set of questions below that you can answer to tell us more about yourself. By no means do you have to answer all of them, and if you feel like adding further information, feel free.

- Include a photo here if you wish to.
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Are you male or female?
- Which country are you from?
- Which city/area do you live in?
- Are you religious?
- Pick three words to describe your personality.
- Do you have any pets?
- Microsoft or Apple?
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
- Do you get angry easily?
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
- What is your favourite flag?
- Ever gone camping?
- Ever been in love?
- Ever used fake tan?
- Which countries have you visited?
- Favourite city?
- List your five favourite TV programmes.
- List your five favourite films.
- Are you wealthy?
- Do you work? If so, as what?
- List the subjects you study/have studied.
- What do you like most about yourself?
- What do you like least about yourself?

Have fun!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I'll get the ball rolling on this one:

- Include a photo here if you wish to.


- What is your name?

- How old are you?

- Are you male or female?

- Which country are you from?
United Kingdom

- Which city/area do you live in? Liverpool
- Are you religious?

- Pick three words to describe your personality. Empathetic, worried, shy

- Do you have any pets?
Oh yes !!! Dogs, cats, chickens , Ferrets lol to name but a few

- Microsoft or Apple?

- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play?
I like swimming but not that co ordinated

- Do you get angry easily?
Not really

- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where?
I have a tattoo of my late dogs paw print on my arm

- List your five favourite musicians/bands.
Pentatonix, Adele

- What would you say your favourite music genre is?
I like a lit

- What is your favourite flag?
Jolly Roger

- Ever gone camping?

- Ever been in love?

- Ever used fake tan?

- Which countries have you visited?
America, Austria, Lanzarote

- Favourite city?

- List your five favourite TV programmes.
True Blood, Buffy the vampire slayer, CSI I'm a celebrity get me out of here

- List your five favourite films.
Princess Bride, Serenity and any James Bond film

- Are you wealthy?

- Do you work? If so, as what?
Yes, in a betting shop

- What do you like most about yourself?
I'm good with animals and prefer them to people most of the time

- What do you like least about yourself?
I suffer with anxiety and depression
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Cestus Tali

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello Everyone!

- Include a photo here if you wish to. I tried inserting photos but it keeps saying it's too large to process.
- What is your name? Kin
- How old are you? 57 years
- Are you male or female? Male
- Which country are you from? USA
- Which city/area do you live in? Orlando, Florida
- Are you religious? Buddist
- Pick three words to describe your personality. Shy, Loyal, Try
- Do you have any pets? Rescue German Shepherd.
- Microsoft or Apple? Microsoft, can't afford Apple.
- Which sport(s) (if any) do you like/play? Can't play sports.
- Do you get angry easily? No.
- Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so, where? No to either.
- List your five favourite musicians/bands. Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, A-Ha, Sting, Queen, Neil Diamond, Bonnie Tyler.
- What would you say your favourite music genre is? 1980s.
- What is your favourite flag? Have never thought about it.
- Ever gone camping? No.
- Ever been in love? Yes.
- Ever used fake tan? No.
- Which countries have you visited? None.
- Favourite city? Las Vegas, Nevada.
- List your five favourite TV programmes. Altered Carbon, Reacher series, Star Trek Original Series, Big Bang Series, Arrow.
- List your five favourite films. Star Wars New Hope, Avengers series, The Lions Share, The Band Wagon, 300.
- Are you wealthy? Yeah, right. Hopefully after I win the Lottery.
- Do you work? If so, as what? Looking for work at the moment.
- List the subjects you study/have studied. Biology, Physics.
- What do you like most about yourself? I'd like to think I'm Honest.
- What do you like least about yourself? I'm too honest.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I quick introduction, I'll look at the questions at the top of this thread a little later on.

I'm now 71 and have been type II since 1997. My major problem seems to be Insulin Resistance as blood tests show my pancreas is still working. In the past I've had issues with drugs making my pancreas produce more insulin because of weight issues. Although a member for some years I've been AWOL for several years. I currently take Metformin and Jardiance. I tend to follow a low carb diet but a massive internal bleed (colonoscopy polyp removal) sort of scuppered that for a while and although most things are easy to avoid, bread is a bit of a weakness. I've got the almond and coconut flour, just need the enthusiasm.
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