Type 1'stars R Us

Marie 2

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I went to my first gathering of people not masked. I thought it would feel weird, but it didn't. It's in a larger room that has windows all along the side which we opened and a nice breeze was blowing in off the ocean. It was the first official Vegan meeting we've had for about 2 years. Although a few of us have been meeting off and on. Eventually hopefully we will get back to the 50 plus people we used to have. It was a lot of fun being able to talk to the people that were there and next time the plan is to try the normal potluck meal we used to have. I'm just not sure how many people will feel comfortable in a large group yet, I don't think I would feel comfortable yet with a bigger group so....


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Morning all (just!) hope everyone who's not been too well is feeling better.

@Marie 2, think I mentioned I'd been to a couple of gigs in the past month or so, and oddly, once I got there - and practically no-one wore masks at either of them - I didn't even think about it. I've been pretty cautious throughout covid, so I'm not sure why I fell back into 'normality' so easily but I did. I think I'd probably subconsciously decided that I want life to get back to normal, I'm fully vaccinated, and whilst some people who now get covid are sadly very ill with it, most aren't. There's a huge ahift in behaviour in terms of what I see when, for instance, I go to a supermarket now; if you wear a mask you're in a small minority, and the vast majority of people seem to be living pretty normal lives again. And you're absolutely right, it's a lot of fun being able to meet and talk to people like we used to!
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Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
Hi guys - been a while since I posted here so thought I'd check in - especially after reading some of the comments about Covid.

After 2 years of keeping Covid-19 at bay, the care home where Mrs Urb' works recently had an outbreak. Out of 26 residents and 22 members of staff, there were only 2 from each group who didn't test positive at some point.

Bear in mind each member of staff is doing LFT every working day and PCR every Monday and Friday. In addition the residents also get PCR tested twice a week. So we can be fairly confident that Mrs Urb' not testing positive at any time is unlikely to be an error from a single test.

2 care home residents ended up in hospital but made a full recovery quite quickly and of course everyone has been triple jabbed now anyway.

I myself have also been back in the office although not as much as the pre-covid days and there are several people coming down with it but so far I haven't tested positive either.

Curiously, there have been a couple of articles in the Guardian about why some people never test positive and it seems to have scientists flummoxed.




Retired Moderator
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Hi guys - been a while since I posted here so thought I'd check in - especially after reading some of the comments about Covid.

After 2 years of keeping Covid-19 at bay, the care home where Mrs Urb' works recently had an outbreak. Out of 26 residents and 22 members of staff, there were only 2 from each group who didn't test positive at some point.

Bear in mind each member of staff is doing LFT every working day and PCR every Monday and Friday. In addition the residents also get PCR tested twice a week. So we can be fairly confident that Mrs Urb' not testing positive at any time is unlikely to be an error from a single test.

2 care home residents ended up in hospital but made a full recovery quite quickly and of course everyone has been triple jabbed now anyway.

I myself have also been back in the office although not as much as the pre-covid days and there are several people coming down with it but so far I haven't tested positive either.

Curiously, there have been a couple of articles in the Guardian about why some people never test positive and it seems to have scientists flummoxed.



Hi Urb,

Been in close contact myself last year & earlier this year with colleagues that got serious debilitating doses of it..
I dodged the bullet.. Didn't even show anything in a test.?

I don't think I'd fancy putting myself up for experiment though....


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I seem to be one of the people who keeps dodging Covid. It's going round and round my building at the moment, and I think there are only two members of staff who can say they've not had it. The ones who are on their second or even third goes are outraged, and I'm just exhausted from keeping on keeping going.

Either my handwashing is exemplary, or my introverted tendencies keeping me away from people is proving wise for now, or I'm just plain lucky.

We have officially raised the idea that I might be trained up to do more of the day-to-day work with all the students with diabetes but especially those who need high levels of support. Or rather, the official healthcare team have been realising for a while the official line of everyone in the support team being trained to support every medical need just isn't working. At. All. and they are not keeping up with needs... and I've been unofficially providing a lot of support for a long while now. To both colleagues and students.

Still, if I can just get to the end of tomorrow without losing any plot, and to Easter Day without proving I am, in fact, not immune to Covid, I'd be most grateful.


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Just logging back in very briefly to share the sad news that @porl69 passed away in the early hours of Friday morning. He’ll be sadly missed from the little chat group a few of us have been a part of for the last couple of years. RIP cariad ❤️
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Such sad news.
He was a true character first and foremost. His diabetes always seemed secondary.
He’ll be missed by so many.


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@LooperCat thanks for letting us know. That's really really sad, and I agree with what @therower said about him. He was missed on here, as are you. Hope all's well with you and that work hasn't been too overwhelming over the past couple of years.
Thanks again xx

Marie 2

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Very sad. I couldn't have said it any better @LoopeCat. He was always so nice and he will be missed. RIP Paul.


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So sad, as others have said, he's been missed on this thread, and so have you @LooperCat. Thanks for letting us know. How are you? I think of you often and the very helpful things you posted. It would be lovely to see you posting again. I've just remembered the first time you got to drive an ambulance, and the lovely picture you posted. Take care.
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Thanks everyone, I’m doing ok. Mostly.

Qualified in the summer and completed my blue light training in September - I’ve been on the road for exactly six months today :) Currently on alternative duties following a brutal dose of Covid that I picked up at a gig last month (the first time we’d been to a big event since the plague started), and reduced hours as I’ve been hit badly by fatigue. Ah well. Gradually increasing my activity and hours and seeing how it goes.

Had my hospital diabetes consultation via video the other week, he mentioned that I’d been 98% in range the previous fortnight on my Dexcom. I don’t think he believed me when I said that was exactly the time I was bad with Covid! HbA1c up a little to 39, which isn’t bad considering I’d started the new job and been doing full time shift work since the previous one.

Also been having immense problems with DVLA delays on medical licence renewals - I have to do mine annually as I have a C1 lorry licence. I went almost three months with no driving licence and ended up having to get my Welsh Assembly member to intercede with them on my behalf.

Think I need a holiday…


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@LooperCat Thank you for letting us know about @porl69. That is very sad.

Also good to read your update - I've often wondered how things were going with you. Sorry about the brutal dose of Covid, and the DVLA antics, though. There was some pressure on me at work recently to revive my eligibility to drive minibusses as it's getting harder and harder to get minibus drivers and these kinds of dramas were the kind of thing that put me off. Plus, I was actually kind of relieved when my minibus entitlement was taken away when I went on insulin. (I'm old enough to have had automatic entitlement on passing my car driving test.) Though, there was much weeping and wailing on the part of the team wanting to keep me on the drivers' list.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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@LooperCat Thank you for letting us know about @porl69. That is very sad.

Also good to read your update - I've often wondered how things were going with you. Sorry about the brutal dose of Covid, and the DVLA antics, though. There was some pressure on me at work recently to revive my eligibility to drive minibusses as it's getting harder and harder to get minibus drivers and these kinds of dramas were the kind of thing that put me off. Plus, I was actually kind of relieved when my minibus entitlement was taken away when I went on insulin. (I'm old enough to have had automatic entitlement on passing my car driving test.) Though, there was much weeping and wailing on the part of the team wanting to keep me on the drivers' list.
I also had my lorry and bus entitlements under “grandfather rights” and they were stripped when I went on insulin. Had a real fight to get them back. I only needed the lorry bit, but got them both reinstated.


Retired Moderator
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Wow, sorry to read the sad news regarding @porl69 .

My condolences to those he leaves behind.


Well-Known Member
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Thanks everyone, I’m doing ok. Mostly.

Qualified in the summer and completed my blue light training in September - I’ve been on the road for exactly six months today :) Currently on alternative duties following a brutal dose of Covid that I picked up at a gig last month (the first time we’d been to a big event since the plague started), and reduced hours as I’ve been hit badly by fatigue. Ah well. Gradually increasing my activity and hours and seeing how it goes.

Had my hospital diabetes consultation via video the other week, he mentioned that I’d been 98% in range the previous fortnight on my Dexcom. I don’t think he believed me when I said that was exactly the time I was bad with Covid! HbA1c up a little to 39, which isn’t bad considering I’d started the new job and been doing full time shift work since the previous one.

Also been having immense problems with DVLA delays on medical licence renewals - I have to do mine annually as I have a C1 lorry licence. I went almost three months with no driving licence and ended up having to get my Welsh Assembly member to intercede with them on my behalf.

Think I need a holiday…
Great to hear how you're doing, congrats on completing the training at a dreadful time (never doubted you would!) and sorry to hear about the covid, hope you recover fully asap. Ironic really to catch it somewhere other than work!

Stay in touch, even if just occasionally?