Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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cold ethyl

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4.8 ( 4.3) no idea where that came from but I'm claiming it. Did sleep better and went to bed on 5 so maybe it's real.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
my levels are always highest in the morning. But Im a really bad sleeper unless I take sleeping pills could this be the reason being restless all night??

Lack of sleep certainly doesn't help, especially if it's due to stress or anxiety. I've been waking up around 4.30 or 5 recently for some reason, with my heart banging away about something - dreams involving life direction uncertainty themes if you believe that sort of thing.

5.8 here, still on the sus strips.
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Diet only
10.8 don't like posting numbers usually as I am a long way off everyone else

Why ever not? You must never compare your own readings to others. We are all at different stages of control. You are looking for downward trends at the moment, and as long as you are going down that's all that matters. Have patience!
Well done Dale, you are learning. I hope your bad tummy is better.
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My levels aren't brilliant in the mornings. A few weeks ago, I tested within five minutes of waking up and it was ok. Not brilliant, but ok. Then I tested again, about half hour later, after I'd done morning things, - shower, teeth, ( No breakfast) etc, and it had gone up by more than four points.

Go figure?

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Showers can raise blood glucose levels. Some type 1's have to inject for showers! Also Dawn Phenomenon may have come into play as your liver may have released some glucose to compensate for lack of food in your system.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Lack of sleep certainly doesn't help, especially if it's due to stress or anxiety. I've been waking up around 4.30 or 5 recently for some reason, with my heart banging away about something - dreams involving life direction uncertainty themes if you believe that sort of thing.

5.8 here, still on the sus strips.

That's better than it has been since you were on holiday.
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Diet only
5.2 on going to bed
5.2 on getting up (equals my lowest fasting):)

From before tea last night I have put my Accu-chek to bed and just used my new Codefree. I had done 10 double tests then averaged the differences between the 2 meters. Result - absolutely identical! I have to say though that I much prefer the Accu Chek for ease of use, but the strip cassettes are far more expensive.
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Well-Known Member
Day 3 of being back on lchf diet.. I was waking up in the 10's...when I decided to give myself a stern talking to...imagine my pleasure to find myself on waking at 6.2. And that's just in 3 days
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
meat selfish people slugs and snails
well done alliebee Im obviously doing things wrong!. I have cut carbs as low as I can live off salad fish eggs cheese and yogurt with fruit nuts and veg day time levels are now good but this blasted morning one is driving me crazy and weight has stopped dropping insult to injury me thinks
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Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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10.8 don't like posting numbers usually as I am a long way off everyone else

Dale - We've all been in your place. We all started somewhere, and I certainly didn't start in the 4s!!

Just one of the reasons it's fantastic to have a range of posters post their numbers - good, bad and ugly - is that it helps new people appreciate hany different people react in different ways to their conditions and to the journey they are on.

Bring on the next best! It's not a race, but we all love to see progress, in ourselves and others.
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Tablets (oral)
Dale - We've all been in your place. We all started somewhere, and I certainly didn't start in the 4s!!

Just one of the reasons it's fantastic to have a range of posters post their numbers - good, bad and ugly - is that it helps new people appreciate hany different people react in different ways to their conditions and to the journey they are on.

Bring on the next best! It's not a race, but we all love to see progress, in ourselves and others.
Thanks for the encouragement Its been a learning curve over the last two weeks much helped by everybody on the forum
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Well-Known Member
I've had this in the past Paula...going to bed at a nice 6. And waking at 10 or 11...its so disheartening isn't it...that pesky liver dump..also if you are late with breakfast. Numbers just go up....it amazes me how some days you can cut carbs as low as you can. And yet somewhere somehow bloods don't register it...so we keep plodding on ..because weight will eventually come off again...good luck
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Silver Hammer

Well-Known Member
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5.1 this morning, but still working through that high reading batch of codefree strips, so perhaps it is really 4.6? I did a home HbA1C this evening which came back at 5.1 as well (=32). This is exactly the same as I recorded 2 months ago, so this seems consistent and settled.
Next up is a blood test in a couple of weeks for ALT (liver function) and chlorestorol as I started on statins 3 months ago. I will get a chance to cross check home against lab testing on this then as well.

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Well-Known Member
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
meat selfish people slugs and snails
I've had this in the past Paula...going to bed at a nice 6. And waking at 10 or 11...its so disheartening isn't it...that pesky liver dump..also if you are late with breakfast. Numbers just go up....it amazes me how some days you can cut carbs as low as you can. And yet somewhere somehow bloods don't register it...so we keep plodding on ..because weight will eventually come off again...good luck
Thank you alliebee didn't help this morning when I decided to do early test (6.30) without the light on as it wakes Sam my Parrot thought I could manage by the illuminated screen got strip in pricked finger spent about 30 seconds trying to get bloods on stick. just as I managed it batteries went in meter! next time will put on torch lol
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Well-Known Member
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
meat selfish people slugs and snails
That made me laugh. Poor Sam. I love parrots
he is an African grey and suffers with me bless him. I sleep so poorly and try not to wake him (they like a good 12 hours kip!) but if I am awake he starts asking to be let out and peeking under his blankets so everything after 11.30 is done in the dark. If the kettle goes on he wants tea. Loves PG Tips and asks for 'monkey bags' and makes a crackle sound when I take my meds, and zip sounds when I test my levels then says ooohh. Be lost without him
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Tablets (oral)
Got up an hour later after taking a Valium last night to help me sleep . Tested 3 times as I could not believe my eyes I got an 8.0 a 7.1 and a 6.6 all these are high for me so maybe liver dump ?


Well-Known Member
Well pride goes before a fall...v v low carb yesterday. Went to bed at 6.4. Woke up a 9.0. Yuk
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