What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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@maglil55 -- I have tried Lindt 99% chocolate and thought it was awful. Very dry and almost a bit salty. However, a year ago I also didn't like the 90% Lindt chocolate and now I do. It seems we have to work our way up to higher cocoa content chocolate. So, maybe you should just try it since you can already happily eat 90% chocolate.

Wednesday ...

Breakfast: Two double decaffeinated espressos with cream and xylitol. One slice of low-carb cheese cake.

Lunch: Half a low-carb roll with butter. One zucchini-potato fiber fritter, another slice of cheese cake.

Dinner: Swiss chard with onions, garlic, sambal oelek, ginger, a bit of lime and low-carb honey. Sliced duck breast. Two small zucchini-potato fritter. The last of the low-carb chocolate mousse (about a tablespoon) with whipped cream. Two glasses of red wine.

Late night snack: A wiener sausage, a plate with assorted cheeses.
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And I'm ill again. Full of the cold. Should have twigged when bed levels were 6.9 but FBG was 6.1. However, had 2 rapid spikes overnight in the 8's. Fine at the moments although I feel awful. First Defence on the go again.
B. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. That omelette again. Today's filling was mushrooms, parsley, 4 Santini tomatoes, and 3 rashers streaky crispy bacon with melted red Leicester. Marigold Swiss bouillon.
Does anyone have any idea why 'that omelette' as I call it lowers my BG? carbs are very low - about 3 g on average but the only consistent bits are the 4 wee tomatoes, bacon and melted cheese (and 2 eggs and parsley of course). Otherwise it depends what veg I have in the fridge. Is it just the input of very low carb food is arresting the DP rise? I could accept that but some days (like today) I eat later and the fall is well under way.
D. Will just be a few chicken wings with a cheese and garlic dip.
I may have to have another Bailey's to make me feel better.
@Goonergal thanks - I'll order some Montezuma's from Amazon. I actually really like the 90%. Another weird thing I've adapted to is Corsidol toothpaste! I actually like the taste so I use it all the time now (not that I'm eating it)


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I was about to go wow how did you eat 40g of 85% until my brain kicked in and calculated that my 2 squares of 90% is 20g so the vision of a large bar of chocolate vanished Having said that I still can't eat more than 20g of 90%. Kept meaning to ask you Montezuma Intense is 100% - not sure about 100% . How is it?

I had the one with almonds in it. It was OK, but a bit of an acquired taste. Better than the Lindt 99% which I didn't like at all. The Montezuma is very expensive though, so it won't be a regular thing.


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@Goonergal -- I found that when I started eating more after I was diagnosed with metabolic acidosis in September (probably due to too much exercise and not enough food) that I started losing weight (or at least fat) again (--> I don't own a scale and judge by how my clothes fit). So, surprisingly eating more can sometimes have an unexpected effect.

Thanks. I think scales can be misleading. I weighed myself this morning (a day before official weigh day) and was 0.8 kg heavier than yesterday!! However, I also took my measurements and I've lost quite a lot of cms since a couple of weeks ago so not too concerned.

I'll see how I go over the next few days. Munching on some pork crunch as I type.
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I had the one with almonds in it. It was OK, but a bit of an acquired taste. Better than the Lindt 99% which I didn't like at all. The Montezuma is very expensive though, so it won't be a regular thing.
Its on offer at Ocado at the mo 2 bars for £4

Just went to include the almond one in my ocado oredr and it looks like the offer has ended - it let me up the quantities of the chilli and orange ones I had on order but anything else went on at full price ☹️☹️☹️
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Another update from holiday cottage:

Snow overnight and this morning, which will hopefully have melted away by tomorrow when we are set to leave.

Food has been pub lunches, minus gluten and dairy, with the same pulled pork or chicken/veg curry (high on veg) for evening meal.

I broke yesterday, and had a very nice piece of lime and ginger cheesecake which blew the dairy free out of the water. Left the cheesecake base and just ate the delicious and v rich cream cheese filling. Mr B stayed on track. The hero.

Last time I posted I said how the dairy free thing didn't seem to be yielding any benefits. Well within 10 mins of having that dratted cheesecake I was yawning, eyes were tearing up, my sinuses filled up and spent the rest of the afternoon sniffing with post-nasal drip.

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: !!!!!!!
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Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Another update from holiday cottage:

Snow overnight and this morning, which will hopefully have melted away by tomorrow when we are set to leave.

Food has been pub lunches, minus gluten and dairy, with the same pulled pork or chicken/veg curry (high on veg) for evening meal.

I broke yesterday, and had a very nice piece of lime and ginger cheesecake which blew the dairy free out of the water. Left the cheesecake base and just ate the delicious and v rich cream cheese filling. Mr B stayed on track. The hero.

Last time I posted I said how the dairy free thing didn't seem to be yielding any benefits. Well within 10 mins of having that dratted cheesecake I was yawning, eyes were tearing up, my sinuses filled up and spent the rest of the afternoon sniffing with post-nasal drip.

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: !!!!!!!
B nothing
L. 2 eggs 2 rashers of smoked bacon 1 slice burgen bread toasted with butter Coffee
D chicken and bacon with mushrooms carbonara with spiralized courgettes cup teaK


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Good morning all.

Breakfast: Two double decaffeinated espressos with cream and xylitol.

Lunch: A slice of red-beet quiche, some Swiss chard with onions, garlic, ginger, sambal oelek. A small piece of duck breast. Some home-made soup.

Dinner: One small piece of low-carb cheesecake.


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Its on offer at Ocado at the mo 2 bars for £4

Just went to include the almond one in my ocado oredr and it looks like the offer has ended - it let me up the quantities of the chilli and orange ones I had on order but anything else went on at full price ☹️☹️☹️
Amazon have 12 bars at just over £25 but it's the plain 100%. Not sure I want to buy 12 bars until I'm sure I can live with 100% but with Christmas coming I daresay I could make fatbombs.
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Evening. Catching up.


Breakfast - none
Lunch - pack of pork crunch and 30g mixed nuts
Dinner - sea bass fillet with side of cauliflower cheese. Dessert was chocolate chia pudding with cream.


Fasting day so no breakfast or lunch.

Dinner was brined chicken (chicken marinated with salt, cream, garlic and herbs) with cauliflower cheese. Dessert was Oppo salted caramel ice cream with cream.
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My throat is raw. Had to pass on aqua today. They would have needed poolside oxygen if I'd gone today. Surprisingly bed 4.9 FBG 5.6 although its been a bit wavy today but not more than low 7's.
B. A bit weird again but I wanted cold....so a few fresh anchovies, a few king prawns with Marie rose, 4 mozzarella pearls, 3 cherry tomatoes and a slice of Hovis lower carb seeded with lurpack. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Lots of iced water
D. 6 of the chicken wings I didn't have yesterday (had stir fry with thin beef, beansprouts, tomato and green peppers). So chicken wings, garlic dip, coronation chicken and couple of bits of cheese. Remains of the chia pudding with raspberries and lots more water.


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Good morning all.

Breakfast: Two double decaffeinated espressos with cream and xylitol. One small piece of low-carb cheesecake and a wiener sausage (weird combination, I know).

Lunch: Out with a friend at an Italien place: A glass of dry red wine and a plate of verdure miste (zucchini, bellpepper, mushrooms and eggplant in oil) -- I added plenty of parmesan on this to make it a bit more filling.

Dinner: Out with my hubby at our favorite tapas place. Another one and half glasses of red wine, fried sardines and a merguez sausage.

Later at home: A small piece of low-carb cheese cake and half a low-carb roll with mayonnaise and North Sea shrimp.


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Hi all.

Fasting day so no breakfast or lunch.

Dinner was courgette bake (layers of fried courgettes, fresh tomato and onion sauce and mozzarella, topped with Parmesan and a side of broccoli. Dessert was raspberries and cream. Followed up with a bag of pork crunch (another odd combination, @ziggy_w )


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Im on day 12 of being dairy, egg, coffee and tea free - ite so nice not to have sinuses awash with gunk! And Ive even got to quite like herbal teas
B - made some coconut milk keffir yesterday and had some of that with Aldi Paleo muesli andfreeze dried blackcurrents
L - wasnt hungry so no meal as such - had some mixed nuts mid afternoon
D - still not hungry enough for a meal. Had a couple of bits of something I made the other day from chopped nuts, 90% dark chocolate, peanut butter , and orange extract - all melted together then reset
Drinks - herbal teas
Sugars started on a 6, still on a 6


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A few of us seem to be having weird combinations. I still have a sore throat but not as raw ad yesterday. Getting through a load of iced water though. BGs still quite reasonable despite being off colour. Bed 5.7 FBG 6.8.
B. Slice Hovis lower carb seeded with lurpack and Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Went swimming with No 1 grandson as the pool is always nice and steamy when the wee ones are in. Helped my chesty feeling. On return 2 smoked turkey rashers and a fried egg.
D. Slice ox tongue, slice thin ham, 1/2 slice each smoked chicken and plain chicken and a tablespoon coronation chicken. Lettuce, 3 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, 4 mozzarella pearls, 2 baby beets. 2 pieces lindt 90% and a wee prosecco.
Cafe Hag later and even more iced water.


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Saturday ...

Breakfast: Two double decaffeinated espressos with cream and xylitol. Two slices of red-beet quiche.

Lunch: A hamburger with cheese, smoked goose breast, avocado, cornichons on a low-carb roll with mayonnaise, mustard and low-carb ketchup. A medium-sized piece of low-carb cheesecake.

Dinner: Nothing.

Snack before bed: A piece of Basque cheese. No red wine yesterday, am trying to cut down -- but I honestly do miss the taste of it.


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Been fiddling with a soup recipe to reduce the carb level. This was so easy and if you like curry this is so tasty. I upped the quantity of squash as it is lower in carbs than sweet potato.

500g butternut squash
150g sweet potato

Dice or slice - doesn't matter

Drizzle the prepped veg with a little olive oil and 1.5 tablespoons curry powder (I used a mild madras). Mix to coat the veg.
Turn into a warmed baking tray and roast for 30 mins at 180c fan.

Open a 400 ml can of coconut milk and blend with the roasted veg plus 100 ml water. I also added 150 mls of vegetable stock. Season to taste.

About 4 portions and about 12g carbs per portion.

The original recipe also cooked some noodles which were then fried with some curry powder until crispy and some added on top. If I did this I'd use Oomi Noodles but that would up the carbs.

So easy and very tasty.


Type of diabetes
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Been fiddling with a soup recipe to reduce the carb level. This was so easy and if you like curry this is so tasty. I upped the quantity of squash as it is lower in carbs than sweet potato.

500g butternut squash
150g sweet potato

Dice or slice - doesn't matter

Drizzle the prepped veg with a little olive oil and 1.5 tablespoons curry powder (I used a mild madras). Mix to coat the veg.
Turn into a warmed baking tray and roast for 30 mins at 180c fan.

Open a 400 ml can of coconut milk and blend with the roasted veg plus 100 ml water. I also added 150 mls of vegetable stock. Season to taste.

About 4 portions and about 12g carbs per portion.

The original recipe also cooked some noodles which were then fried with some curry powder until crispy and some added on top. If I did this I'd use Oomi Noodles but that would up the carbs.

So easy and very tasty.
And I've just had a bowl so will keep checking the BGs to see what effect it has. Very warming when I've been so chesty. I added a drizzle of cream as the fat content wasn't very high.


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Been fiddling with a soup recipe to reduce the carb level. This was so easy and if you like curry this is so tasty. I upped the quantity of squash as it is lower in carbs than sweet potato.

500g butternut squash
150g sweet potato

Dice or slice - doesn't matter

Drizzle the prepped veg with a little olive oil and 1.5 tablespoons curry powder (I used a mild madras). Mix to coat the veg.
Turn into a warmed baking tray and roast for 30 mins at 180c fan.

Open a 400 ml can of coconut milk and blend with the roasted veg plus 100 ml water. I also added 150 mls of vegetable stock. Season to taste.

About 4 portions and about 12g carbs per portion.

The original recipe also cooked some noodles which were then fried with some curry powder until crispy and some added on top. If I did this I'd use Oomi Noodles but that would up the carbs.

So easy and very tasty.

This sounds delicious, @maglil55. Thanks for sharing the recipe. It is definitely soup time again. Great feeling when you get home after having been in the cold outside.

I asked the butcher on Saturday whether he had chicken skins. Not sure whether he had ever heard someone asking for chicken skin before ;)-- but he can order them. Looking forward to frying up the skins.

Edited for grammar.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
This sounds delicious, @maglil55. Thanks for sharing the recipe. It is definitely soup time again. Great feeling when you get home after having been in the cold outside.

I asked the butcher on Saturday whether he had chicken skins. Not sure whether he had ever heard someone asking for chicken skin before ;)-- but he can order it. Looking forward to frying up the skins.
I cook chicken thighs and drumsticks in the airfryer and you get the most amazing crispy skins. They don't last