What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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@Goonergal your trip sounds great, I assumed it was a work thing. Very impressed by your foresight in finding the places you know it’s ‘safe’ to eat in.

I’m finding out that being prepared is key.


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I take No 1 grandson on a Saturday so I have to persist. Yesterday at Aqua was painful. A bit miffed today as they are closing our Health Club at the end of May to replace it with a "luxury care home". We're quite a community and no one is happy about it. So We're all in search of a new place that isn't all body builders and pink lycra. I think I'll go to the Club attached to the Edinburgh College as quite a few from my group are planning on going there. It has a similar mix.

I know exactly what you mean about the body builders and lycra! You need to feel comfortable in a place don’t you? Hope the College club works out.
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Your ‘after eights’ sound good @PW1. Did you actually sandwich the peppermint/ coconut cream between the chocolate leaves, or just make a chocolate cup for it?

I adapted an idea from a different thread (low-carb recipe thread
?). I only made 9 chocs.

I melted 30g 100% choc with 10g coconut oil.
Then put about half teaspoon into the little cup cake paper cases and tipped each case around to get the chocolate to spread thinly.
Froze them for a few minutes.
Repeated the choc to add another layer, froze again.

Then got about 20g Tesco coconut cream (I tipped out the liquid portion), I mixed the cream with about 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract. I had checked that the peppermint extract was ethanol based not sugar. I kept tasting this until I got it just right.

I put about half teaspoon of coconut cream mixture on top of each chocolate layer. Froze again - this time it needed much longer in the freezer.

When the coconut cream mix was hard, I topped them with another couple of chocolate layers. This bit was slightly more difficult since the chocolate was cooling very fast on the frozen coconut cream. Finally gave them some more time in the freezer.

The first two ones I tried came out with a liquid centre - tasty but messy to eat. I managed to resist trying any more for another hour or more and the next couple came out much better. I’ve got some left for after dinner desert (probably tomorrow when we have our family meal).

The texture and taste is pretty close to the real thing. Although, I think they are likely to melt quickly at room temperature. Next time I might try them with creamed coconut instead of coconut cream, because the creamed coconut still has the coconut fibre in it, so that would hold together better.

Definitely going to do these again. Mmmm.


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Late for yesterday....basically beef and butter but added in a small avocado as a snack as really hungry. That strikes as odd as the fat content is higher than normal...ah well we all work differently!
So...the result of my two day semi beef and butter fast is that I am down 3oz on the scale. This is the first downward movement since on all this new medication...most of which says adds weight ! I am delighted to take that as a way forward.


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dishonesty, people who throw garbage out on to the streets,
B- ham & eggs
L- ham sandwich (on LC bun), 6 chips
D- leftovers (ham, cauliflower casserole), small dish ice cream


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I adapted an idea from a different thread (low-carb recipe thread
?). I only made 9 chocs.

I melted 30g 100% choc with 10g coconut oil.
Then put about half teaspoon into the little cup cake paper cases and tipped each case around to get the chocolate to spread thinly.
Froze them for a few minutes.
Repeated the choc to add another layer, froze again.

Then got about 20g Tesco coconut cream (I tipped out the liquid portion), I mixed the cream with about 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract. I had checked that the peppermint extract was ethanol based not sugar. I kept tasting this until I got it just right.

I put about half teaspoon of coconut cream mixture on top of each chocolate layer. Froze again - this time it needed much longer in the freezer.

When the coconut cream mix was hard, I topped them with another couple of chocolate layers. This bit was slightly more difficult since the chocolate was cooling very fast on the frozen coconut cream. Finally gave them some more time in the freezer.

The first two ones I tried came out with a liquid centre - tasty but messy to eat. I managed to resist trying any more for another hour or more and the next couple came out much better. I’ve got some left for after dinner desert (probably tomorrow when we have our family meal).

The texture and taste is pretty close to the real thing. Although, I think they are likely to melt quickly at room temperature. Next time I might try them with creamed coconut instead of coconut cream, because the creamed coconut still has the coconut fibre in it, so that would hold together better.

Definitely going to do these again. Mmmm.

Thanks @PW1 they sound fab.
I keep forgetting about that recipe thread, some good ideas there.

What is the coconut oil added to the chocolate for? Would it set better without? Or perhaps it would be dull without and the oil keeps it glossy?


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Thanks @PW1 they sound fab.
I keep forgetting about that recipe thread, some good ideas there.

What is the coconut oil added to the chocolate for? Would it set better without? Or perhaps it would be dull without and the oil keeps it glossy?

I’ve no idea if the choc would work better with or without the oil. The oil does help when melting the choc in the microwave, but water might work equally as well (or the chef version with a pan over hot water). I quite like the level of bitterness that these ended up with, so maybe the oil reduces the bitterness in the 100% choc?

I’ve learnt that with low carb keto recipes, experimenting and tweaking seem to be the keys to success. I think that is why I stick to small batches each time, because every time I make something it turns out different to before.

All the best with your experimenting!
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I think that is why I stick to small batches each time,

Also small batches are a built in insurance in case it’s so delicious I eat far more than I meant to!

Thanks very much for your tips, thought I had peppermint oil but apparently not. Will have to get it next week.


Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Bed 7.4 FBG 7.9. Having to stab more than usual as this Libre is a bit all over the place.
B. Slice Hovis lower carb seeded with pate pate the fruity one. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Nothing
D. Going to son's and DIL. This is a change of plan as sis was admitted to hospital (she has an infection). Son knows eating habits though. Selection of Italian meats, tomato and mozzarella.
Leg of lamb, creamy kale, spinach and roast celeriac. Cheese selection. More than 1 prosecco.

BGs still quite annoying. DP seems to be kicking in with a vengeance. I haven't had painkillers today. Arm is still sore but not that bad it requires meds. Going to walk to sons so that will help. Boys enjoyed Easter egg hunt.

Peadair O Brionn

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having diabetes...... people who wear backpacks on the tube
So today’s Fasting BG was 5.8 at 10:30
Had 2 sausages 2 slices of Livlife with butter and cheese and a cuppa. BG went to 5.9 at 2hrs
Had no lunch just a bowl of strawberries and raspberries with double cream then had a turkey and ham sandwich with tea
Later gonna have a rib eye steak with 2 eggs and tea . Last Bg was 5.5


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Hello all.

I spent most of the day in the kitchen today. Made a new batch of DD keto rolls, low-carb cole slaw, and flan.

The flan turned out well -- if I may say so. Have to confess, though, that I used just a little bit of real sugar to make the caramel as erythritol or xylitol doesn't burn. I then watered the burned sugar down with water and distributed it among six ramekins. Guess, it added may 10g of carbs across all six servings. Does burned sugar have less carbs? It doesn't really taste sweet anymore.

The rest of the flan was also easy. Mix two cups of whipping cream and a glass of clotted cream. Add six tbp of erythritol, three espressos, one vanilla bean, a pinch of salt, three whole eggs and three eggs yolkes. Pour on top of the caramalized sugar in ramekins, put in a water bath and bake for 35 minutes. Done. I also cooked sliced kumquats in erythritol and water as a topping. Yummy.

So, here is what I had today.

Breakfast: Three double decaffeinated espressos with cream and erythritol. Half a DD keto roll with mayo and smoked salmon. Two squares of 85% chocolate.

Lunch: Nothing.

Dinner: A third of a ribeye steak, fried mushrooms and cole slaw. Two servings of espresso-flavored flan with candied kumquats. Half a glass of dry red wine.


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Brunch : Bacon and eggs
D: Roast lamb with brussels done in garlic and bacon fat.....everyone else then tucked into the olive oil cake and said it was lush...i will try some tomorrow.

Stuffed and not even so much as a longing glance at all the rest of the family’s chocolate eggs....great result!
@ziggy_w that flan sounds good, have saved the recipe for future use...thanks

Hope everyone having a restful break.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Happy Easter Day all
@DJC3 happy birthday for tomorrow hope you have a fun day planned
@Peadair O Brionn hope you liked the livlife bread your bgs are looking really good - result!
@maglil55 sorry to hear about your sis and hope things settle down soon - sure it dosent help the bgs
@ziggy_w your baking Easter Day sounds fun hope bgs weren’t challenged by the small amount of real sugar!
@Mufflana amazing resilience not having the low carb cake I know I would have succumbed!
I ended up being out much of Day - unplanned but had to visit youngest son who wasn’t well he had planned to visit us so it all got a bit complex. He’s fine but any change or difference unplanned makes a big impact on our eldest autistic son who we care for and has a fallout impact!
Breakfast one slice of bacon and egg fried in coconut oil
Lunch nibble of cheese and succumbed at some stage to two of my Easter treat hotel chocolate chocs - they were delicious but had 4g of carb each so should have just had one !why did I take them with me ? I blame the stress! Having said this bgs stayed low so maybe they stopped stress impacting bgs!
Dinner turkey stir fry and raspberry mousse now a glass of white wine.......
Quiet calmer day planned tomorrow to prepare stuff before go away to care for mum for a few days on Tuesday.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries and cream (2 tsp) washed down with a black coffee.
Lunch: lamb roasted with rosemary and garlic, one tiny roast potato, 1/2 a small Yorkshire pud, veggies and gravy followed by the now infamous ‘lazy mousse’ which was delicious, thanks everyone who posted recipes.
(Mid afternoon I usually have a snack but was still stuffed from lunch!)
Dinner: cold meats, cheese and salad buffet at the ILs with one Jaffa cake.


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Happy Easter Day all

@ziggy_w your baking Easter Day sounds fun hope bgs weren’t challenged by the small amount of real sugar!

Thanks, @shelley262. Didn't measure blood sugars, but would hazard a guess that they were okay. The sugar maximally added 2g of carbs per serving. All other ingredients were really low carb and of course contained sufficient fat to slow down any rise. (Thinking about it, 2g of real sugar is also what is in one square of 88% chocolate, which doesn't affect my blood sugars at all.)

Hope both of your sons are okay. Also wonderful to see that the Easter treat hotel chocolates didn't impact your blood sugars.
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Hi all

@shelley262 it sounds like an eventful day, I do hope everyone’s ok. I think you did well to stick at just 2 of your HC treats! Thanks for bday wishes too.

@maglil55 I hope your sister’s getting good care and improves soon, your son is really good and on the ball with the food.

I’ve had a ridiculously piggish day and am quite ashamed... started ok

B: coffee and cream

L: smoked salmon, avocado and a few olives with apple cider vinegar/ olive oil dressing. Greek youghurt with strawberries

Mid aft snack: Adonis blondie bar then a bit later some olives then some sunflower seeds.

D: slow cooked lamb shoulder with garlic and thyme. The recipe called for 250ml of balsamic vinegar to make a sauce at the end but thank heaven I checked carb count first! Assumed it’d be low as its just vinegar but no!
Cauli mash, cavolo nero and broccolli.

Later ate loads of HC 100% buttons while the family hunted for Easter eggs I’d hidden for them. No idea why I bought the bag of buttons in with me - I usually just take 5 out. Schoolboy error!

Really hope I can stop nibbling now. I’m so annoyed at myself.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all

@shelley262 it sounds like an eventful day, I do hope everyone’s ok. I think you did well to stick at just 2 of your HC treats! Thanks for bday wishes too.

@maglil55 I hope your sister’s getting good care and improves soon, your son is really good and on the ball with the food.

I’ve had a ridiculously piggish day and am quite ashamed... started ok

B: coffee and cream

L: smoked salmon, avocado and a few olives with apple cider vinegar/ olive oil dressing. Greek youghurt with strawberries

Mid aft snack: Adonis blondie bar then a bit later some olives then some sunflower seeds.

D: slow cooked lamb shoulder with garlic and thyme. The recipe called for 250ml of balsamic vinegar to make a sauce at the end but thank heaven I checked carb count first! Assumed it’d be low as its just vinegar but no!
Cauli mash, cavolo nero and broccolli.

Later ate loads of HC 100% buttons while the family hunted for Easter eggs I’d hidden for them. No idea why I bought the bag of buttons in with me - I usually just take 5 out. Schoolboy error!

Really hope I can stop nibbling now. I’m so annoyed at myself.
Each button is only 0.2g of carbs so you’d have to eat a lot to really cause probs! I know about balsamic vinegar it’s been ditched in our house we now have just apple cider vinegar in house and I just use that in recipes that require balsamic.
Taking chocs with us shows we always meant to eat more than we’d planned!


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@DJC3 your day looks really good to me, and a few of those buttons shouldn't hurt you. Can I ask you what an Adonis blondie bar is - sounds intriguing?

Today was a revelation to me - I'm trying chicory tea as apparently it is good for diabetes, and I love it - but today it jumped up in my estimations after trying it with soya cream. I don't usually drink coffee and rarely have regular cream, as cow's milk dairy products don't always agree with me. So this is my new alternative - I'm going to try it in the morning and see if it stops my liver dump.

The other revelation was that spinach, feta and filo pie doesn't spike me at all - I was served this at my parents today and it felt such a treat - really filling and tasty.

B - 2 oatcakes and peanut butter
L - spinach, feta, filo pie and broccoli
D - grated courgettes, garlic and goat's cheese, 1 oatcake with peanut butter

Throughout the day I've had a couple of squares of 85% dark chocolate here and there, as was given some in lieu of eggs.
We are back at my parents tomorrow and I'll be able to have more of the pie for lunch - can't wait!