What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: 2 scrambled eggs with some cheese
3 ish a nut bar
4 ish a bit of cheese
6:30 tried a new wine bar when you can fill your own 1/4 glass tasters! Only 102 to try!! Stayed sensible if expensive. Ate cheese and chicken ( which arrived coated in breadcrumbs and fried, not mentioned on the menu grr!) Think the wine is keeping the bg down though.
Will be interesting to see the libre through the night.
40g 80% chocolate


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Bacon, eggs, tomatoes, slice or two vegimite on toast for breakfast.
Grilled steak, green veggies, mushroom gravy for lunch.
Pea and ham soup, two slices of toast for supper at six.

Glass of single malt before going to bed.


Type of diabetes
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Breakfast: a 3 egg cheese omelette. Em asked for a 2 egg omelette but only ate half of it. But she did have lunch (pancakes and bacon)
2nd meal: depends on when Em goes home. There are veggies to be used up, but if she stays very late, I probably shan't bother cooking and will just have some more cheese.

Edited to complete parenthesis which I'd missed earlier.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Evening all.

Meal 1 was Greek yoghurt, cream and raspberries.

Meal 2 was using up yesterday’s leftovers. Not very fond of cold lamb, so chopped the remains of the shoulder roast into small pieces and fried it with some streaky bacon and onions, and added the leftover cabbage to warm it through. Served with a side of some of the leftover cauliflower cheese. Still have a generous portion of that left.



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Not eaten yet but looking forward to it!
I went with a 'classic' burger (somewhat burnt on the outside, somewhat raw on the inside, hasty cooking)
After yesterday's hasty cooking I thought to take a little more time today.

So beef, lots of onion, a couple of carrots and two stock cubes have spent 6 hours in the large pot to make a basic stew to go in the freezer for a future dish.

I then transferred half of it to the smaller pot and added a pack of sauerkraut, a tin of concentrated tomato purée, lots of sharp paprika and some caraway seeds, and left it stewing for another hour.
Only needs cream added before eating to make it an adapted version of my grandma's 'Transsylvanian sauerkraut'.
Was going to eat it with cauliflower purée but forgot to make it, and I'm sure it'll be tasty without as well. :hungry:

Left the large pot stewing too, to lose some of the water so it'll take less room in the freezer.
And yes, cooking in the bathroom to keep the cats away from it! :hilarious:



Retired Moderator
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What does the fennel tea help with?
Avocado Sevenfold posted about her fennel tea seven years ago, and she isn't a member anymore so I'm afraid she won't reply.

But maybe someone else knows what fennel tea is good for, or maybe she simply liked fennel tea. :)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Up most of the night with d&v and still felt horrible this morning so stuck to soda water, tea and paracetamol for the joint pains which were a new symptom.
Mid aft - couple of spoons h/m yoghurt to try and redress the equilibrium in my innards.
This evening I’ve had a couple of scrambled eggs and I’m starting to feel a lot better.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Up most of the night with d&v and still felt horrible this morning so stuck to soda water, tea and paracetamol for the joint pains which were a new symptom.
Mid aft - couple of spoons h/m yoghurt to try and redress the equilibrium in my innards.
This evening I’ve had a couple of scrambled eggs and I’m starting to feel a lot better.

Sorry to hear you were feeling poorly. I hope you keep on improving.
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Type of diabetes
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Breakfast: a 3 egg cheese omelette. Em asked for a 2 egg omelette but only ate half of it. But she did have lunch (pancakes and bacon)
2nd meal: depends on when Em goes home. There are veggies to be used up, but if she stays very late, I probably shan't bother cooking and will just have some more cheese.

Edited to complete parenthesis which I'd missed earlier.
It's just gone 7 pm and Em's just gone as well. Too late to cook so it will be a few bits of cheese this evening.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and a food dr bar.
Dinner: chicken breasts with pork and apple stuffing, brussels, gravy and a few bits of carrot followed by SF strawberry jelly and cream.



Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
More brussels. I still haven't managed to get any nice ones so far.
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What does the fennel tea help with?
Fennel tea is supposed to be good for eyesight, digestion and memory. It is supposed to help fight infections and help sleep. It contains antioxidants and is also said to freshen your breath and relieve constipation. However, it is an acquired taste (it is kind of licoricy but although I do like licorice, I hate the taste of fennel).

There are some risks with it. It might not be safe for someone who is pregnant since it contains estrogen and, although it used to be used to treat colic in babies, there is some suspicion that it might be bad for babies. People allergic to carrot or celery should avoid fennel.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've been looking at the M&S website to see if I could find those sausages that Maglil had, but no luck so I'll just have to work it out for myself. Not sure what kind of cheese to use though - riccotta style or hard cheese style. Maybe try 2 lots and a bit of both and see what happens.
Edited to fix typo.
I'd use a grated mozzarella.
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Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Brunch - 2 slices slc bread toasted & filled with egg mayo. Mug of earl grey tea

Dinner - h/m l/c lasagna made with cheese squares rather than pasta sheets. 2 slices slc bread toasted and slathered with garlic butter. Large glass pepsi max. 2 squares lindtt 90% dark chocolate


Retired Moderator
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This evening I’ve had a couple of scrambled eggs and I’m starting to feel a lot better.
Let's hope it'll last, and you'll have a wonderful night of sleep to make up for last night!
Only needs cream added before eating to make it an adapted version of my grandma's 'Transsylvanian sauerkraut'.
Was going to eat it with cauliflower purée but forgot to make it, and I'm sure it'll be tasty without as well. :hungry:
Made the cauliflower purée still, very tasty combination!


And then I left the cream unsupervised on the countertop. :banghead:
And this after taking so much care to keep the bathroom door closed against cats all day!

I contemplated cleaning it up but decided to leave it for the night, pretty sure that part of my countertop will be all shiny and clean tomorrow morning. :cat: :happy:



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
B: yoghurt, seeds and cream
Am away so a bit of a stressful morning navigating trams and trains in a foreign language so bg shot up to over 8, and for quite a while
Late lunch of a hot soup, not sure of ingredients but bg stayed OK
Cold and tired so hasty supper of pizza with much added sausage. Only 2 small pieces. Hubby had 3/4 of it, but did finish with real ice cream while catching up with the funeral.
Somehow did 15'000 steps today


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good grief! Am I really this far behind! Saturday 10 September bed 7.8 FBG 7 Usual trip to jujitsu followed by shopping with son. Wipes out most of the day.

B. TAG and a bit crustless quiche.

L. Grenade ice cream bar after getting back hot from shopping!

D. Gammon steak with a mini cob and a fried egg. Vodka & diet coke after a tiring day.

Sunday 11 September bed 7.5 FBG 8

Swimming lesson day.

B. TAG and a bit crustless quiche.

L. A packet of M&S pancetta crisps once I got back from swimming.

D. Prawn cocktail with added lobster to start! Found a lobster tail in the freezer so it seemed a nice option for Hubby & I. Usual campari and soda.
To follow, rib eye with a mini cob, spinach, mushrooms and a dianne sauce.

Monday 12 September bed 7 FBG 7.6

Back on the school runs.

B. TAG and a bit crustless quiche. Mad dive to get to Aqua after double school run.

L. Nothing. Showered & washed hair at the Club then rushed back to sort lunch for eldest grandson.

D. M&S Katsu burger with an Emmental cheese slice. Santini tomatoes, smashed avocado, port salut and M&S pancetta crisps.

@DJC3 a very, very belated Happy anniversary to you & Paul xx