What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Riva, after such a huge meal, did you check your blood sugar reading after two hours?
Huge, three bbq sausages ,two eggs, couple of mushrooms and six slices of low carb bread, a small shephards pie is 350 grams, and the sand crab meat was 150 grams, is not huge.

Of course I check my bgl before and after, and they are within my limits, except when I feeling crook in my gut and eat a fair bit of carby stuff to settle it down. Diabetes is the least of my worries, with what I have growing in my gut is going to be my downfall.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Huge, three bbq sausages ,two eggs, couple of mushrooms and six slices of low carb bread, a small shephards pie is 350 grams, and the sand crab meat was 150 grams, is not huge.

Of course I check my bgl before and after, and they are within my limits, except when I feeling crook in my gut and eat a fair bit of carby stuff to settle it down. Diabetes is the least of my worries, with what I have growing in my gut is going to be my downfall.
As with all of us, you do what is best for you at any given time. If it has to be high carb, so be it. If it is more than someone else would eat, so what? You are dealing with you as you need it, not to a formula. I hope you're not having too much trouble just now and that the drugs are managing to control the pain. You seem to have some pretty reasonable health care workers there to help you to look after yourself. Looking after yourself means you make the decisions and choices for yourself.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Two (2) slices of bacon, two (2) well cooked eggs, three (3) cherry tomatoes cut in half , two slices of toasted lc bread and vegimite for breakfast.
No lunch as I was feeling nauseous again.
A four hundred (400) ml container of pea and ham soup, two (2) slices of lc toast for supper at six.

A couple of small single malts before going to bed.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Skipped breakfast
L: should have known better, travelling through a ginormous international airport, could not find a sensible lc option and I was cold and tired. Ended up with a luxury hot choclate with cream and some cocktail meatballs. Either or both wasn't as billed at up to 13!
It's easier travelling from home as can stock up with cheese and nuts but returning not so easy to prepare and carry my own food.
Mid afternoon, so nice to nibble cold meats and nuts at Home!
D: 2 eggs with mashed swede and cabbage. Looked fairly insipid but tasted so good after a few days of continuously eating out.

Always found something off a menu but got fed up asking for things to be removed - buns, fries, sauces etc. Always felt I was being deprived. Nice to make my own where I can add rather than take away!

Away again next week.. for nearly a month eek!

I agree, it’s so nice to get home and be able to make your own food choices without a fuss. It does get tiresome after a while having to ask for changes all the time.
I think @Goonergal has said that it’s pretty easy to eat low carb in USA. Hope so.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I agree, it’s so nice to get home and be able to make your own food choices without a fuss. It does get tiresome after a while having to ask for changes all the time.
I think @Goonergal has said that it’s pretty easy to eat low carb in USA. Hope so.
More than easy! And their waiting staff are so much more used to people requesting changes, and also more responsive to it. My first long holiday post diagnosis included New York and I dropped 10 pounds while away.

One example, from a subsequent trip, I was in a diner, just a run of the mill sort of place and had specified exactly what I wanted. Except that I'd forgotten to check what was in the salad coming with the main. It arrived covered in grated carrot, which I don't eat as it puts my sugars up. As I'd not asked for it to be removed, I started picking it out. The waiter saw and came over and offered to replace the salad free of charge.

Many of their supermarkets have rotisseries, hot food counters where you can serve yourself and also salad bars - Wholefoods and Fairway are two I've used a lot.

And of course, it's where I first encountered Five Guys!

Didn't post yesterday. Food was yoghurt, cream and berries followed by a few nuts just before I headed out for a day of house viewings.

More nuts as I prepared dinner for myself and a friend, which was air fried poussin coated in lemon pepper (kindly provided by friend), with sides of cauliflower cheese and pointed cabbage. No pic - too busy scoffing it!

So far today I've had some youghurt, cream and berries and mince with various additions is planned for later.

Hope you're feeling better @DJC3


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Breakfast was the second half of the veg and salmon "stir fry" with 2 eggs poached on top. It actually wasn't a stir fry in the end. I had put in half an onion and salvaged bits of 2 tomatoes and added some thinly sliced broccoli florets to the sliced Brussels sprouts and stir fried them but finished them with a spoonful of water to steam the florets and just sat the sliced salmon on top to steam. So not really stir fried.

No more veg today or I will be regretting it. Probably just some bacon or some ham later, if I feel the need.

Diabetes nurse yesterday was not too happy that I usually have no more than 2 meals a day and often only one. Thinks it's bad for me. But with my BG and my weight not being under control even at that, I don't intend to increase the number of meals. She thinks 5 small meals or at least 2 meals and 3 snacks, would be better. I don't.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good to see you in the ‘excessive quantity of jumpers club’ @maglil55 welcome! Sorry to hear about your leg giving you gyp again.
@PenguinMum I try ( and often fail) not to buy new ones, but I’m with you on keeping the heating off until Oct. We’ve used the woodburner a bit already, our neighbours kindly donated their old wooden bed frame when they got a new bed.
@Goonergal I very often forget what I had for breakfast let alone 2 days ago. No chance with 10 days.
@Annb hugs for the trials of the clinic appointment

Still feeling rough and not able to go out so no breakfast ( that was easy to remember)
Hungry by lunch so SLC roll with cheese and chilli sauerkraut. Wished I hadn’t eaten afterwards.
Dinner was 90 sec mug bread with a poached egg. Not sure that was a great idea either.
I’m missing my granddaughter’s birthday because of this bug, but I don’t want to risk spreading it. The rest of the family are round there having a t/a curry ☹️
Gosh that bug seems to be lasting a long time. I would have to just have toast and tea. When I had Covid in June I completely lost my appetite and felt off but just had toast with good butter for a few days. Kingsmill Crustless is fairly easy to get hold of and a slice is 7.3g a slice which is well below half of carbs in a slice of most commercial bread. Just a thought!
@Riva_Roxaban I am glad you are able to find food to suit you and very glad you can have a dram or two. @Annb good luck with it all it does seem quite confusing. I am a big supporter of our surgery but when Mr PM phoned after the long weekend he was no 46 in the queue!
@MrsA2 hope you enjoy your month in the US and enjoy the food, ery important part of any hol I think!
today same brekkie as usual slice of LC toast and copious tea.
Lunch sharing some cold meats, cheese and h/b egg with couple of h/g cherry toms and a few mixed Pickles.
Supper panfried lamb chop with mushrooms and tomato.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Breakfast was the second half of the veg and salmon "stir fry" with 2 eggs poached on top. It actually wasn't a stir fry in the end. I had put in half an onion and salvaged bits of 2 tomatoes and added some thinly sliced broccoli florets to the sliced Brussels sprouts and stir fried them but finished them with a spoonful of water to steam the florets and just sat the sliced salmon on top to steam. So not really stir fried.

No more veg today or I will be regretting it. Probably just some bacon or some ham later, if I feel the need.

Diabetes nurse yesterday was not too happy that I usually have no more than 2 meals a day and often only one. Thinks it's bad for me. But with my BG and my weight not being under control even at that, I don't intend to increase the number of meals. She thinks 5 small meals or at least 2 meals and 3 snacks, would be better. I don't.
I haven't even seen a Diabetic nurse yet. I eat twice a day and no doubt she won't be happy with me, especially when I say I do low carb/Keto. I had an avocado as a snack today. Usually that or a piece of cheese. Pre warned...lol


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
Late breakfast - Yesterdays diced lamb with cauliflower rice and smidge of soy sauce
Lunch - Two portions of salted peanuts
Dinner probably black farmer sausages with salad then fast till tomorrows blood tests


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
More than easy! And their waiting staff are so much more used to people requesting changes, and also more responsive to it. My first long holiday post diagnosis included New York and I dropped 10 pounds while away.

One example, from a subsequent trip, I was in a diner, just a run of the mill sort of place and had specified exactly what I wanted. Except that I'd forgotten to check what was in the salad coming with the main. It arrived covered in grated carrot, which I don't eat as it puts my sugars up. As I'd not asked for it to be removed, I started picking it out. The waiter saw and came over and offered to replace the salad free of charge.

Many of their supermarkets have rotisseries, hot food counters where you can serve yourself and also salad bars - Wholefoods and Fairway are two I've used a lot.

And of course, it's where I first encountered Five Guys!

Didn't post yesterday. Food was yoghurt, cream and berries followed by a few nuts just before I headed out for a day of house viewings.

More nuts as I prepared dinner for myself and a friend, which was air fried poussin coated in lemon pepper (kindly provided by friend), with sides of cauliflower cheese and pointed cabbage. No pic - too busy scoffing it!

So far today I've had some youghurt, cream and berries and mince with various additions is planned for later.

Hope you're feeling better @DJC3

Yes thanks, properly on the mend now.
We do tend to lag behind the US but hopefully we’ll catch up soon and have the same choice and ease of ordering. I’d love to visit.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
When I had Covid in June I completely lost my appetite and felt off but just had toast with good butter for a few days. Kingsmill Crustless is fairly easy to get hold of and a slice is 7.3g a slice which is well below half of carbs in a slice of most commercial bread. Just a thought!

Yes I was craving toast and tea. I had tea but no bread and couldn’t leave the house to get any ( local coop doesn’t do anything remotely low carb in the bakery section)
I should maybe get some of the kings mill crustless and keep in the freezer for emergencies when I do a big shop. Thanks for the tip.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Didn’t have breakfast, not quite 100% at the time and couldn’t drink coffee - that’s always a sign things are not right.
Lunch. Feeling loads better so tuna salad with cherry toms and olives. Choc chia pud.
Dinner. To Paul’s horror I had leftover saag paneer from the t/a curry everyone else had eaten yesterday. I don’t know if it was the best choice, but kill or cure! I enjoyed every mouthful.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Dinner. To Paul’s horror I had leftover saag paneer from the t/a curry everyone else had eaten yesterday. I don’t know if it was the best choice, but kill or cure! I enjoyed every mouthful.
I take the view that when recovering, if you fancy something it’s usually ok. Hope that proves to be true.
I’d love to visit.
Come to New York! Bridges, parks and the outer boroughs are my canal equivalent and subject of long walks!

And to stay on topic I’ve had nuts, yoghurt, raspberries and cream and a main meal of mince fried with bacon, onions, feta, an egg and some leftover cabbage.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Dinner: chilli with cauliflower rice followed by SF blackcurrant jelly and cream.

Mrs T 123

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
7am - 2 eggs mashed up in a cup with melted butter. Mug of earl grey tea to get me going for the day ...

elevensies - 1 small white chocolate phd bar & another mug of earl grey

Dinner - Tuna bake made with eggs, cheese & onion instead of pasta. A variation on @Rachox tuna truffles. I really enjoyed it for a change and will make it again and possibly do breakfast truffles: cheese, eggs, bacon, mushroom & onions. Afters was sf jelly & double cream. Oh no! the double cream again! - I went to Morrisons today as I really like their extra thick double cream (which they didn't have!) so I just got normal double cream for my dgf which was supposed to be arriving today (I haven't ordered from them for ages as I feel they are getting too pricey)- however order didn't arrive today as planned as stuck in Peterborough! @maglil55