What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


Well-Known Member
@Annb well done on adapting to a difficult situation. It's laudable that you are adapting and staying low carb despite challenges.
@RosemaryJackson well done you too for keeping as low carb as you can. It's hard when not feeling well but you keep getting back to it.
Today's food
Before going out for coffee with friends a small kefir.
Lunch same as yesterday a slice of ham, sauerkraut and avocado salad with a few nuts then three organic strawberries with hm yoghurt
Dinner salmon with English asparagus and a couple of hm previously cooked and frozen new potato chips. Glass of dry white wine. Just had 100% chocolate and decaffeinated coffee.
Trying to get jobs done today before head off to Wales for a few days. Will post a food summary when back beginning of next week.
Thank you


Type of diabetes
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Breakfast was some refried pork belly slices and fried eggs.

2nd meal will be various bits and pieces of fish poached in milk and cream with a bit of onion and a few peas.

I also find that I have some beef mince a day past its use-by date so will make some plain mince and onion and use it for other dishes later in the week. Very versatile is beef mince.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Not sure whether we ever sampled Hellmann's mayonnaise. All the commercial brands we did try contained too much salt and sugar, so I started making it myself years ago using just 4 ingredients: eggs. avocado or olive oil, white wine vinegar or lemon juice and mustard, Sometimes I add a herb from the garden.

My husband is now a dab hand at mayonnaise. He quite enjoys making it and can usually be persuaded to do the honours, while I get on with other food preparation.
Home made mayo is the BEST! I'm too idle and would have to do it all by hand, so for me Hellman's is next best. But it's a long way from the real thing.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Dinner: at my ILs which we do most Sundays, I don’t usually post on a Sunday cos I think my MIL would think I was mad taking pictures of the meat, cheese and salad buffet! I did however take a quick shot of my weekly Jaffa cake which doesn’t budge my blood sugar by much :)

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Retired Moderator
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Will do vitamins again tomorrow, for today this was perfect after yesterdays unplanned noodles with veggies, shrimp, and a sweet sauce.
Also sleeping in my own bed again tonight, curious to see if my basal dose seems to be correct again.
Those lows when sharing my neighbour's bed are one of the most puzzling things I've experienced with my diabetes. I've contemplated starting a T1 labelled thread on it, but how would I even explain without sounding very weird?
No vitamins have been had today, in fact, no food has been had today so far, a combination of being lazy and not being hungry. Can this be a result of yesterdays carnivore evening meal? (Not the laziness, that one was well deserved, but the not being hungry part that is.)

I did have a pot of coffee with skimmed milk as usual, and a couple of Belgian beers in the early evening.
BG completely back to normal sleeping in my own bed, including needing to dose for Foot on the Floor instead of going hypo.
I did start that thread, taking great care to keep things decent, considering there are some cultural differences between our countries, and I don't completely understand those differences so I prefer to err on the side of caution. And it turns out to be a thread where I love our members, so much understanding and so much fun and jokes as well! :joyful: (https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/th...ery-time-i-share-a-bed-with-my-friend.203428/)

I'll shortly be having some chicory and hummus, and likely some pork scratchings too. :hungry:
Tomorrow I'll be working again, so I boiled two turkey eggs and made a LC chorizo sandwich to take with me, and I chopped onions to make an onion soup tomorrow, which should last me for three days. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have a recipe for low carb jaffa cakes, but it's a bit of a faff. Let me know if anyone wants it.

Mid morning 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices corned beef. Cwc
Hours walk
D: Five guys burger in a lettuce wrap. Too many of hubbys shared chips and some of his milkshake (this establishment only sells fizzy drinks and milk shakes)

Meeting a younger , trendier friend for lunch tomorrow. Just looked at the restaurant she's booked...all vegan! Beans, pasta, rice. There's nothing on the main menus for me so will have just guacamole, roasted cauliflower and broccoli from the side dishes. Just as well I'm out at the local pub in the evening.. Will go for the steak methinks.

Am going to have to start tracking my carbs again. Weight is very slowly creeping up. Ketones were only 0.4 middle of today. 4 weeks until holiday and I want to lose 8lbs. There I've said it now, help me do it please.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Breakfast: my usual low carb coconut ‘porridge’ with strawberries washed down with a black coffee.
Late morning: black coffee and a carb killa bar.
Skipped lunch.
Mid afternoon: black coffee and an Aldi protein bar.
Dinner: at my ILs which we do most Sundays, I don’t usually post on a Sunday cos I think my MIL would think I was mad taking pictures of the meat, cheese and salad buffet! I did however take a quick shot of my weekly Jaffa cake which doesn’t budge my blood sugar by much :)

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Are you trying to tempt me? It's working but since I don't have access to any jaffa cakes, I'll make do with my cup of tea.


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How long does that take?
Not that I'm likely to do it, just curious
No idea.
I have one of those colour changing egg timers meant for smaller chicken eggs.
With chicken eggs I just bring water to a boil and turn it off, leaving the eggs in the hot water until cooled if I want cold boiled eggs,
With the turkey eggs I boil them a little longer, until the egg timer says about halfway boiled before turning off the gas and leaviing them in the hot water.
Happy to bring you some turkey and duck eggs when I visit the UK in october, depending on your location. ;)

Completely off topic: On wednesday I got two stitches in my finger, which I'm allowed to take out a week after (will let my neighbour do the honours, I'm not good with scissors in my left hand).
To swim or not to swim on my aqua jogging session in the swimming pool on tuesday? So far I've been good, skipped the gym on wednesday, didn't do aquarobics on friday, no open water swimming so far, but I want to get back in the water!
No clear instructions, so when would you swim again?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@RosemaryJackson I didn’t know that about the Military Wives choirs, that’s really interesting, and such a good idea, it must get lonely for the wives.
@MrsA2 I also have a l/c Jaffa cake recipe - I made them once but as you say they are very messy and not really worth the faff I don’t think.
@LivingLightly - I always make mayo too. I use the 60 second method using a whole egg and stick blender. I also make butter mayo ( egg and hot butter) which is heavenly, and makes a good hollandaise sauce when still warm.
Back to todays food-
H/m yoghurt with seeds and coconut flakes
L/c sandwich using slices of Edam as the ‘bread’ filled with salami. 20g Hotel Chocolate 90% to follow.
Others had pizza so I nipped home for a l/c pizza base and made my own, topped with chorizo, mushrooms, jalapeños and olives. DGF raspberry crumble.
Lots of tea with a splash of milk.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
To swim or not to swim
I thought stitches had to be kept dry? Can you swim with one arm sticking out? Or wear a sealed rubber glove?
Years ago with a kid with a broken arm in a cast that needed keeping dry we fashioned a cover out of plastic and duct tape, which mostly worked. The arm stayed up and out of the water but when he emerged and put the arm down the water ran down and in... duh!


Retired Moderator
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I thought stitches had to be kept dry? Can you swim with one arm sticking out? Or wear a sealed rubber glove?
I think this will work for my short swims in open water, but I also think chances of keeping them dry during a 45 minutes session of aqua stuff is small.
I suppose (who was it that said 'suppose' is better than 'guess'? I now find myself second-supposing myself every time I want to write 'I guess') tuesday will be a bit of a risk, and I might even leave the stitches in until the weekend because of the work.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Supper is Indian t/a, for me Chicken Shaslik and cauli bhajee. Some rose wine.

Alas, I can't handle the Indian food on offer from our local takeaway outlets. Although I did get away with a prawn tandoori with no sauces plus salad not so long ago when invited to a local grill, I didn't sleep well afterwards. It's no fun getting old, Stay as you are @PenguinMum and you'll be fine.