What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

lowest i ever measured in the morning, feel a lil weak/shaky in the arms but nothing like i'd normally feel.. not sure if i'm happy with this


Jó reggelt neked minden hatalmas finom cukorbetegek. This extremely wet and windy morning I consulted Basil my psychic tortoise. He tells me that my blood sugars are 3.1mmols and rather spookily my AccuChek Mobile meter agreed. Who am I to dispute the spooky powers of the Testudinidae or even the Roche Corporation. I must away now to walk my little doggie before work. We are gonna get very wet. Boohoo
You're going to walk the dog at 3.1? :eek:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Jó reggelt neked minden hatalmas finom cukorbetegek. This extremely wet and windy morning I consulted Basil my psychic tortoise. He tells me that my blood sugars are 3.1mmols and rather spookily my AccuChek Mobile meter agreed. Who am I to dispute the spooky powers of the Testudinidae or even the Roche Corporation. I must away now to walk my little doggie before work. We are gonna get very wet. Boohoo
Morning @Diabeticliberty "Bore da" (Welsh - Good morning!)
I'd like a psychic tortoise! I'd save a fortune on test strips and lancets! :playful:
What language is at the beginning of your post? :bookworm::)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning all
Woke up at 5,8 mmol/l. My morning 5km one hour walk (consciously chose a more leisure pace today to be a little kinder to my legs) brought it does to 4,9.

Have a great day

Sent from my SM-G935F using Diabetes.co.uk Forum mobile app
AWwww! No pretty photo today? :sorry:
Good morning all, from wild and windy wet West Wales ! :rolleyes:
(13/9/17) @ 6.45am
which spookily is the same as bedtime BG!! Not had that before! o_O
Hope you all have good day despite the weather!! :banghead::D:cat: