Zero-carb beer


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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
I’ll have to try the New England one as well on the basis of your report @KennyA , I went straight for a box of just Laguna. Anyway, I do feel this is the way forward and am really pleased that they’ve stepped up to making this available. I am (or was) actually an amateur brewer, so I’m starting to research techniques to be able to brew something for myself that is lower carb. I’m intrigued by the mention of special yeast strains; I’m guessing that the approach is to use a high attenuation yeast and also to do the mash at a slightly lower temperature to encourage maximum fermentable sugars to get a dry beer. I am not sure what other trickery they might be using.

I was once a home brewer too. I reckon it’s the type of yeasts used. Needs to be able to stay alive and active in a high alcohol environment

Do keep us up to speed on any experiments you do. I’ll happily repeat them to prove your hypothesis/ system.

Best of luck.


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After REALLY enjoying having the very low-carb but tasty beer back in my life, maybe six wee cans a week? (Not too much alcohol, but just enought to knock the edge off, as they say, of an evening. Loved the taste. The texture. The price. Not the first person to discover that beer integrates well into a many-hours working life. ) But. Just a spot of sad feedback (for me at least) - the arthritis in my ankle joint got really bad, and I thought, hmmmm - I have had a bad reaction to grains, I believe since childhood, hives as a kid, wheat belly in adulthood etc etc, before doing a big ditch after diagnosis.

Maybe? I thought, the grains in beer are having a bad effect on the ol' bung ankle joint?

So I quit drinking beer. Still have four wee cans in my wee party fridge. Off it for three to four weeks perhaps? Ankle joint feeling considerably better. Not so painful to walk.


Grains. Even fermented ones. It seems I really do have a bad physical response to them. Yeah - sad. I'll miss beer (again!) But it was nice while the experiment lasted.


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I'm nearly at the end of the Westbrook low carb beer - there's still about four or five left. It really was good to be able to have a range of different beers over Christmas/New Year. They did work well with whiskies and bourbon.

The attractive packaging meant they were being eyed up by non-diabetic folks who had to be warned off "touching my stuff". This was unforeseen.

One thing I noticed was that the Karussel (which I'd marked down earlier) improved on subsequent drinking. Not sure what I put this down to (probably a user effect) but as it was the weakest performer on first tasting this was good news. I've also discovered that the Westbrook brewery is not a million miles away further down river and not only am I maintaining low carb, I'm supporting a local business.

Edit on further information: The Westbrook business is indeed not far from me in Yorkshire. However the actual brewing is done by Artefact Brewing in Suffolk.
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@Em16 - this is the zero-carb beer thread - Westbrook is the name I couldn't remember.


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@Em16 - this is the zero-carb beer thread - Westbrook is the name I couldn't remember.
Brilliant - thanks Kenny.

Also, thank you for posting the info about the Low-Carb Skipton group. I found it really interesting, informative and supportive. I've barely taken my head out of Dr. Verner Wheelock's book today.

Cheers, Em (!)
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Received another Westbrook order this week. Two of their beers out of stock - they seem to be doing a bit of business. I have Peraltada and Lime Rock, both of which as as good as they seemed first time round.
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Similar here - I've been working through another order of Laguna (just before they sold out), I'm going to place another order with a bit more of a mix once things are back in stock. I'm really pleased with the beer and that they seem to be doing well.
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I have just been diagnosed with Type 2 and love a beer so I am glad I found this post, I am going to order the mix from Westbrooks as that seems the best deal/option.
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Well-Known Member
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over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
I have just been diagnosed with Type 2 and love a beer so I am glad I found this post, I am going to order the mix from Westbrooks as that seems the best deal/option.

After the death of the Italian zero carb beer makers I had to try this

Despite being around two pounds per can ( that’s what I actually paid). It tastes hoppy and refreshing just the thing imho on a day like today.
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