Mince Pies for people with Diabetes


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I've always hated mince pies so giving them up was no hardship at all ;)

Nothing is better for causing indigestion though!
My OH now eats mostly LCHF because it's what I cook, but he adds some carby treats such as biscuits as he's not diabetic. He bought a box of M&S mince pies and had one after dinner the other day - ended up with horrible heartburn and couldn't sleep for half the night! (The dinner was a mild dish that has never caused indigestion in the past).
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Curry. Rude people.
I have a solution. I make my own. I use shop bought pastry and home made mincemeat. For this I use mixed dried fruits, + grated apple. cranberries. I use sweeteners + some alcohol. I know it's not perfect but it's better than shop bought (nobody's complained so far!) The mince pie I save for myself I make with filo pastry. And after making about 50 mince pies the last thing you fancy is eating a mince pie!
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Curry. Rude people.
I went to a coeliac's house last week. I always make sure that the 3 members of the family are catered for. They know I'm diabetic so why did they offer me a mince pie? (OK I did eat it. Just to be polite)
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
I went to a coeliac's house last week. I always make sure that the 3 members of the family are catered for. They know I'm diabetic so why did they offer me a mince pie? (OK I did eat it. Just to be polite)

Er, because a lot of diabetics eat them?
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Hello, does anyone have a recipe for Christmas mince pies that are suitable for someone with diabetes please? I am having trouble finding anything. Thanks.
This was the original post but the thread keeps going off topic.

Considering all major events that are going on in the world, I am shocked to see a simple question resulting in chaos. If people cannot agree about mince pies then what hope is there. Posts within the thread have been reported, Mods have had to intervene with editing /deleting and answering PMs from some members. I have yet to understand why some posters want to cause the chaos.

If you want to contribute to the thread and help the original poster or post a recipe then please do so, that is all that is being asked. If you want to disrupt the thread then be warned, there will be consequences.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I was in Waitrose last Friday and they were selling John Lewis bakeware half price so I bought a tart baking tin. I'm going to try making my own mince pies using a sweetened almond/soya flour pastry. The low carb & sugar mincemeat looks a bit difficult to make, so I bought a jar of Belbake mincemeat in LIDL. It does have 63% carbs (of which 62% are sugars) per 100g, but that was lower than the other mincemeats they sell which were over 90%. I will mix in some chopped almonds and walnuts, and a generous slosh of brandy, and not put much mincemeat in each mincepie.
So I made 10 mincepies using almond and soy flour pastry, on Thursday. Not as good as the ones I like from Sainsburys, but not bad, and better with extra thick double cream. :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I have a solution. I make my own. I use shop bought pastry and home made mincemeat. For this I use mixed dried fruits, + grated apple. cranberries. I use sweeteners + some alcohol. I know it's not perfect but it's better than shop bought (nobody's complained so far!) The mince pie I save for myself I make with filo pastry. And after making about 50 mince pies the last thing you fancy is eating a mince pie!
Is filo pastry better than ordinary pastry then?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Curry. Rude people.
Is filo pastry better than ordinary pastry then?
Don't know but I expect so. The sheets of pastry are wafer thin. I cut them into squares and brush with melted butter. The recipe I first followed suggested 6 squares of filo ( about 6cm) I tend to use 4. The pastry is VERY thin and often tears - don't worry. You lay a sheet on a muffin tin then brush it with the melted butter or spray with oil. If you place the next square slightly staggered from the previous it will result in the pastry case edge looking like a kind of star. Make sure to push the pastry down so it is in the corners of each muffin hole. Keep any filo not being worked on under a lightly dampened tea towel so that it doesn’t dry out. then any broken filo scrumple up and put on top you can either brush them with beaten egg or spray with oil. Bake briefly for about 12 minutes at 180°C, (Fan 160°C), 350°F, Gas Mark 4. Dust with icing sugar. You need to keep an eye on them whilst baking as they can quickly burn. Fiddly but worth it!
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Well-Known Member
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I'm just working on them. Tomorrow on my blog if everything goes well. I think I'm getting slowly drunk on tasting if there is enough brandy in the mincemeat:happy:
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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My version of low carb mince pies

mince pies4.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
So I made 10 mincepies using almond and soy flour pastry, on Thursday. Not as good as the ones I like from Sainsburys, but not bad, and better with extra thick double cream. :)
Have you got the receipe for the pastry please


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Have you got the receipe for the pastry please
I used @ewelina's recipe for quiche tart crust amended slightly. @ewelina used just almond flour, which I found made it taste a bit too 'almondy'. So I used 50/50 almond flour and soya flour. And I used sweetener instead of salt it was for mincepies. So it was:
135g almond flour
135g soya flour
2 eggs
3 tbsp coconut oil
half a teaspoon of sweetener

Preheat oven to 180c. Place all ingredients in large bowl and mix well. Form a ball and leave to rest in fridge for about 20 minutes.
Roll out and cut circles (I used a pint glass). Press circles into the tart baking tin to form the pastry cases. I baked it in oven for about 10 minutes. Then reduced oven to 160c.
I then put in the mincemeat filling. I used the Belbake mincemeat from LIDL with added chopped walnuts and almonds, and cinnamon, nutmeg and a generous splosh of brandy (LIDL's). I used remaining pastry cut into strips to make Xs on top.
I put the filled mincepies back in oven at 160c for about 15 minutes.

The pastry was still a bit almondy tasting, so next time I will probably use about one third almond flour to two/thirds soya flour.
I will also use about a full teaspoon of sweetener - but I like the pastry a bit sweeter.
The baking tin I used makes 12 mincepies so I would use a third more of all the ingredients to make enough pastry to fill all the spaces.