For those on low carb - do you ever have bread or potatoes?



The question is paradoxical.

We are low-carbers because we do not eat bread or potatoes.
If we were to eat bread or potatoes we would not longer be low-carbers.
A tough but fair responce, bust is this like the jogger that says he runs everywhere
I've been on low carbs for almost 2 years now.

Last week with my mince I decided to have mashed potatoes too. They were delicious :hungry: I've had them a few times in the past few months.

And because the sky didn't cave in, I've wondered if I could have them as a once-a-week treat. Do any other low-carbers do this and does it have any detrimental affects on your health and weight?

Do you have treats at all and how regular would you say you have them?

Am I justifying a pig-out?
A mad aristocrat lived in a secluded castle at the end of a treacherous road on top of a hill. One day, he decided that he should spend more time with the people in the village at the bottom of the hill, but beaing lazy and incredibly wealthy he sent out an advert for a chauffeur. Three people applied.
The first boasted of his driving prowess and how he would be able to take the hair pin bends at lightning speed and get the elderly aristocrat down to the village in double quick time and not to worry about any possible danger as the chauffeur had a knack for cheating death.
The second, applicant referred to the fact that on his way up the hill for the interview, he had taken a very wide course on several of the bends - but not to worry, whilst a wheel may have left the tarmac once or twice, he was here and as an experienced and alert driver, he did not expect to have any problems being the new chauffeur.
The last applicant was late. He was an elderly gentleman who apologized profusely for being late. He explained that the road was treacherous and he had to be extremely careful taken a number of the bends. He hoped he would get the job but understood if his lack of driving acumen meant that he didn't get the job.
The first two applicants were dismissed. Rumour has it they both left the road long before they made it to the bottom of the hill. Their families are still blaming the aristocrat for them failing to return home.
The third applicant got the job.
Moral of the story: don't tempt fate.
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Coriander leaf, chillis, celery, sausages,
Um... I'm on my 6th day of following the LowCarb/High Fat Banting diet, and I am measuring everything to make sure I know what I am doing. I am loving coffee with cream, can't take coffee black - it's just not possible, and cream is better than milk. Loving the breakfasts cooked in butter, and the creamy Cauliflower Cheese I made the other day.
My mother thinks it's a hilariously idiotic (and wrong) way to loose weight, but I believe my scales - it's working, AND food tastes delicious.
My husband thinks I look better every day, and I'm also loosing inches around my waist.
I stopped testing my BG because the company took forever to resupply me with strips, and I now keep forgetting to test - must try harder!
I am attempting to keep the carbs under 25g, at least under 50g. That last I am succeeding at, and the 25 g I am either close to or most often under 25 or sometimes under 20g, I am still learning at this, but feel I am getting somewhere.
I have low carb bread in the freezer, and that's where it's staying... for now at least.
I don't touch bread, potatoes, rice, pasta or flour at all.
I am going to get psyllium husks - when I can afford it, and try out banting bread, and other interesting things, but for now it's fried breakfast, Lemon Roasted Chicken and creamy Cauliflower Cheese, maybe a small plate with cheese, cherry toms and salad and if necessary, a few nuts.
I hope to expand to more choices soon.
I'd prefer to stay this low on the low carb aspect of it, at least for a good while, until I see what results I get.
Others may do things differently, this is just how I feel about it right now.
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Not all carbs are equal particularly breads even two apparently similar breads can vary greatly in effect.


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I have lidl roll with heavy seeded top cut off. Reheated potato mash once a month and every 2 weeks have fish fingers with a onion and garlic dip.
The rest my friends are protein, fat and water.
Vegtables are still my sticking point. Twice a week at a force. I know not enough but I keep telling myself a good start since august 2015. NOT.
I think monday is going to be my start to a vegtable and a little fatty protein diet. Carbs are just a figment of my imagination. 99% of the time.
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I'm a LC person but not a NC one. I love Cumberland pie. (Minced beef or lamb buried under a layer of mashed pots and covered with cheese, Chedder, of course. I don't have it often but in small doses and that way I don't raise the BG. But two small slices of wholemeal bread and I'm away. Every body is different so testing is the only way you can keep a check on what's good and what's bad.
I learnt that from following these Forums. So keep testing and keep reading.
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A mad aristocrat lived in a secluded castle at the end of a treacherous road on top of a hill. One day, he decided that he should spend more time with the people in the village at the bottom of the hill, but beaing lazy and incredibly wealthy he sent out an advert for a chauffeur. Three people applied.
The first boasted of his driving prowess and how he would be able to take the hair pin bends at lightning speed and get the elderly aristocrat down to the village in double quick time and not to worry about any possible danger as the chauffeur had a knack for cheating death.
The second, applicant referred to the fact that on his way up the hill for the interview, he had taken a very wide course on several of the bends - but not to worry, whilst a wheel may have left the tarmac once or twice, he was here and as an experienced and alert driver, he did not expect to have any problems being the new chauffeur.
The last applicant was late. He was an elderly gentleman who apologized profusely for being late. He explained that the road was treacherous and he had to be extremely careful taken a number of the bends. He hoped he would get the job but understood if his lack of driving acumen meant that he didn't get the job.
The first two applicants were dismissed. Rumour has it they both left the road long before they made it to the bottom of the hill. Their families are still blaming the aristocrat for them failing to return home.
The third applicant got the job.
Moral of the story: don't tempt fate.
There are old pilots and bold pilots but no old bold pilots. (Except the late very bold Eric "Winkle" Brown)


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Not being able to like beer anymore!!
I don't touch pasta, spuds or bread (apart from the Lidl rolls once or twice a week).
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Hi I have lidl rolls a couple of times a week and Burgen Linseed and Soya bead a couple of times a week. Only 1 slice at a time though :)
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I do find I have no taste for bread or potatoes anymore. They are bland by comparison to the foods I have replaced them with.
Exactly. I feel that my diet now is so much more interesting, tastier and healthier. The fluffy or wallpaper paste textured "carbadge" (said with an American accent) does not attract me any more.


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hmm I got the emoji! and the general sentiment as well! personally, my weekend "treat" of bread or potato or rice or even in a moment of madness a croissant send by bloods up, so my choice really.


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Occasionally eat potato; never eat bread/biscuits or pasta - anything made of grains is off my menu except for very occasional indulgences in small amounts where I'd feel really awkward saying no, eg. other people's birthday cakes.
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Coriander leaf, chillis, celery, sausages,
Gosh, that looks interesting Fido78, is there a recipe for it? Or rather an English translation for the recipe?

I also found the recipe for: Rødbede-rösti, which I believe is Beetroot Rosti?
Shame I can't understand them, they look so nice. And I've been looking for a beetroot rosti recipe for a very long time... sigh.


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I have one slice of Hovis seed sensations a day at lunch times with salad.
I eat most veg exept potatoes,I dont have a tast for them now,I have replaced them with cauliflour mash and much prefer it.
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I keep it simple, no potato, bread, rice, pasta, sweeteners and if it is above 10% leave it on the shelf.
Seems to work at the moment.
Time will tell.


I am at the stage where i eat a bit of carb with my meals, test two hours later, see what happens. So far i have found that rice is a no-go area. Pasta is so minimal as to not be worth bothering with. But the homemade bread we make from wholemeal stone ground organic flour and fresh yeast, slowly double proved, is Ok in small quantities. So I would say to go cautiously, and test, test, test.

(I didnt get the emojii either and had to look up what one was, I thought it was someone being sick after eating carbs)
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I have one slice of Hovis seed sensations a day at lunch times with salad.
I eat most veg exept potatoes,I dont have a tast for them now,I have replaced them with cauliflour mash and much prefer it.
I follow a similar diet to this. I use Aldi seeded batch loaf which is similar, and which I find I can tolerate. I have to say that I have recently dropped one of my 2 toast slices, and my average bgl has dropped significantly so it would seem that having 2 slices was enough to keep me out of ketosis in LCHF diet. Hopefully now my lipids will improve as I burn fat now.
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I follow a similar diet to this. I use Aldi seeded batch loaf which is similar, and which I find I can tolerate. I have to say that I have recently dropped one of my 2 toast slices, and my average bgl has dropped significantly so it would seem that having 2 slices was enough to keep me out of ketosis in LCHF diet. Hopefully now my lipids will improve as I burn fat now.

Curious question, @Oldvatr

Can you feel the difference?
I mean the difference between your old, higher bg and the newer, poss in ketosis?

I am convinced I can feel a difference, but I am never quite sure whether it is better because of becoming fat adapted, or better from leaving the nasty carb symptoms behind. If that makes sense...