New to Type 1 - alcohol?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi all

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 2 weeks ago. I was just wondering if anyone can give me any advice on drinking with my friends. I have always enjoyed an active social life especially at weekends and this has mainly revolved around football and pubs. I understand the carbs in beer but after some advice on what you can and can't do.

Many thanks
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi Jimmyc,

Alcohol does do some unusual things to your body (so does caffeine), but once you learn how your body responds you can make appropriate adjustments.

The main "rule" with alcohol is: don't drink on an empty stomach. A few other tips:
  • For several hours after drinking, most people find that chances of hypos are increased. Basically, blood sugar drops instead of staying steady. Even once you go to sleep. Until you have this all worked out, aim for a high blood sugar target. If you are not confident about how to do this, it's very important to do some reading or speak to a consultant.
  • Test frequently.
  • I would suggest deciding in advance to only have one drink the first time you go out. (Or, two.) Observe what happens. Work up slowly from there.
  • While you are drunk it may be harder to feel a hypo. Tell your friends to encourage you to test if you are acting strange, shaking or sweaty.
  • Explain to your friends that low blood sugar is a medical emergency and needs immediate treatment. In the past I have had people stuff around while getting me something. Of course it is best to always carry your own hypo treatments, but sometimes you forget or run out.
  • Hypos can cause aggression. Be careful you don't end up getting into trouble.
  • Hypos can cause confusion. Practice saying something like "I'm diabetic, I need some Coca Cola or I'll pass out"
  • Consider getting a medical ID bracelet or similar.
  • Don't let diabetes spoil things, and don't obsess over it—but also, don't have unrealistic expectations. It may take a few months for you to get the hang of it, and that's OK.
Have fun!


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Basic advice I've been given is:
- don't bolus for alcoholic drinks. I follow this if I'm just on a night out drinking, but if I'm just having a small amount of alcohol I will bolus for it, that's not advised though.
- have something to eat before you go to bed. Our background insulin overnight is designed to deal with the glucose our liver trickles out overnight. But our liver can't multitask. If it's busy dealing with alcohol, it won't be trickling out glucose, so you might drop low overnight unless you have had a bit of toast before bed to bump you up a bit. And seriously, you don't want to be trying to treat a hypo when you're hungover - it just sucks.

Be careful because hypo symptoms and drunk symptoms are basically the same. Do try and have a chat with your friends about hypo treatment and testing. An ID bracelet is a really good suggestion.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi jimmy

I had my first few drinks last night. Had them at home though to be on the safe side. I must say that with a proper meal and a snack towards the end of the night the 3 beers and 3 rums have not affected
me at all. Bloods this morning of 7.3 and just checked now after a few hours and it's 5.6

I was a bit worried about drinking when I was diagnosed. Feel a lot better about it all now.
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Retired Moderator
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Type 1
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
My advice is to ensure you have a best mate who knows you very well and knows how to treat hypos - so they can recognise if you are going low and can take care of you. It's not a challenge to dive back into your old lifestyle in drinking excessively and managing your type 1, you need to take small steps with going out and taking more care in your management (testing lots) so you know how to cope with confidence and still have a good time with your mates.
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Beer first pushes of my blood sugar then brings it down abit it kinda seems to balance but it seems to bring it up more than it brings it down... So don't carb on beer if anything you might have to bolus abit but first test to see what it's doing to your blood sugar.....if you drink strong drinks never bolus for them and try to drink them with a chaser that has little or no sugar. Or limit the sugar you chase with strong drinks.
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Well-Known Member
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I stress NEVER correct on strong 43% alcohol you will see your demise if you do.....and if you're levels are under 10 snack abit if your going to drink strong drinks. And never drink alcohol if your using actraphane I drank beer on actraphane and nearly died.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi jimmy

I had my first few drinks last night. Had them at home though to be on the safe side. I must say that with a proper meal and a snack towards the end of the night the 3 beers and 3 rums have not affected
me at all. Bloods this morning of 7.3 and just checked now after a few hours and it's 5.6

I was a bit worried about drinking when I was diagnosed. Feel a lot better about it all now.

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I find drinking a spirit (generally Gin or Vodka) with Soda water does not spike me. No carbs or artificial sweeteners.