

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hiya, i have had type 1 for coming up to 9 years and until about a year ago was dealing with it pretty well.

They say it becomes harder as time goes on and it certainly seems that way despite completing the DAPHNI course a couple of years ago. I have found that as I am trying to control and lower my blood sugars that I can often go below 4 and when I do it causes me to be difficult to deal with have problems with my family and find it hard to string sentences in a coherent way and I then get frustrated.

Does anyone else have this problem?



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hiya, i have had type 1 for coming up to 9 years and until about a year ago was dealing with it pretty well.

They say it becomes harder as time goes on and it certainly seems that way despite completing the DAPHNI course a couple of years ago. I have found that as I am trying to control and lower my blood sugars that I can often go below 4 and when I do it causes me to be difficult to deal with have problems with my family and find it hard to string sentences in a coherent way and I then get frustrated.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Welcome to the forum @fishpalace. For me it is almost 13 years, and as you say, it doesn't get any easier. Trying to explain to others what diabetes does to you is a frustrating process. Hang in there, we are here to assist.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @fishpalace and welcome to the forum. I'm Type 2 so I can't answer your question, but there are a lot of Type 1s on here and I expect they will be along to give you some advice.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @fishpalace ,

Welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately the incoherence & strange behaviour comes with the "package" when low.

What insulin regime are you on?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being on holiday....
Hi Paul
A thousand welcomes to you.
43 years here and yes I get ratty.
Wife of 20 years son of 17 years both used to my rattiness and offer kindness and jelly babies but sometimes are ratty back!
Your family are probably worried and lets be honest everything they do or say will be wrong to you because of how you are feeling.
Please don't beat yourself up though you didn't ask for this condition.
If I am on the low side (below 3) I eat jelly babies and retire in to my garage where I make flowers out of tin cans and reindeer out of wood (yes the season is almost upon us).
This method might be considered odd but I hope you take my point.
Get out of the way and let the jelly babies (or whatever you take) work their magic.
Even after 43 years of it I get bamboozled by simple things if I am low and just be safe in the knowledge you have an excuse!

Wishing you all the best
I am 49 years old so don't think I'm an oldie either!
Runs for cover as the oldies gang up on me.....
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi @fishpalace ,

Welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately the incoherence & strange behaviour comes with the "package" when low.

What insulin regime are you on?

Test blood sugar, count carbs and inject before I eat. Weekends are hardest to judge as eat at different times, different foods and exercise is different too.



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi Paul
A thousand welcomes to you.
43 years here and yes I get ratty.
Wife of 20 years son of 17 years both used to my rattiness and offer kindness and jelly babies but sometimes are ratty back!
Your family are probably worried and lets be honest everything they do or say will be wrong to you because of how you are feeling.
Please don't beat yourself up though you didn't ask for this condition.
If I am on the low side (below 3) I eat jelly babies and retire in to my garage where I make flowers out of tin cans and reindeer out of wood (yes the season is almost upon us).
This method might be considered odd but I hope you take my point.
Get out of the way and let the jelly babies (or whatever you take) work their magic.
Even after 43 years of it I get bamboozled by simple things if I am low and just be safe in the knowledge you have an excuse!

Wishing you all the best
I am 49 years old so don't think I'm an oldie either!
Runs for cover as the oldies gang up on me.....

Thanks and makes sense to just hide away until it balances out. I am 48 so old. It not that old


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people
I have found that as I am trying to control and lower my blood sugars that I can often go below 4 and when I do it causes me to be difficult to deal with have problems with my family and find it hard to string sentences in a coherent way and I then get frustrated.

Do you mean your losing your hypo awareness symptoms @fishpalace

If so then you may have to run your bg levels higher for a period of weeks until your hypo awareness returns, your DSN will advise further.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi @fishpalace . Sorry to hear you're struggling.
1st . Trying to keep your BS in that perfect zone is always going to make hypos more likely. Don't lose confidence in what you've achieving.
2nd. Like everything diabetes, you and your body will evolve, hypos, how they feel, how they affect you and how you deal with them will change over time.
3rd. There's nearly always going to be a rational reason for a hypo. To much insulin, to little sugar, exercise,stress.
You say weekends are troublesome, so you already have part of the reason, now you need to gather more information and solve the problem. Have you done basal testing ( DAFNE guidelines ) for weekdays and weekends? Personally my basal rates are different on work days as opposed to weekends. Your bolus ratios may change throughout the day and the week, but only the information you gather and record can determine these ratios daily/weekly.
It's very easy to assume you know what you're doing with your control but sometimes it helps to go right back to basics and start afresh. You may be quite surprised at what you find out.
4th. If you get your insulin requirements sorted for the carbs/ food you're consuming, then the next call is exercise, work, stress and chilling out, as you know they will all affect your sugars. If you're struggling, log down all the things that could affect you with as much detail as possible. Exercise for me, I could log down 1 hr training BUT it wouldn't help me. 1 hr intense weight training will be totally different to 1hr cardio training for my sugar levels. I know this from experience gathered from collecting information.
5th. As for when you have a hypo. Tell family and friends what you go through and how you feel during a hypo, the more they know the more they'll understand. Tell them how best to assist you. I personally went through a phase of extreme aggression when hypo and had to tell people close to me not to interfere and ask if I was ok but keep there distance and only help if I went unconscious, frightening to say the least, but it lasted maybe 18 mths and then passed. ( was a change of insulin that caused problems ) If you have hypo awareness that's good , but you need to find what works quickest for you, OJ, jelly babies, Glucotabs etc and try to keep them as accessible as possible.
If you've lost your hypo awareness as @noblehead asked then a chat with a DSN is a good idea.
Ultimately don't let hypos dictate how you live they are avoidable and controllable 90+ % of the time.
Good luck to you and your family.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. When you say you count carbs before you eat do you mean that you adjust your Bolus to match the carbs in the meal? Sorry if that's obvious but some posters have meant that they adjust the carbs in the meal to match to a fixed Bolus (or Mixed insulin shot) which is not the same thing.

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Welcome @fishpalace

I feel your pain re: hypos and the troubles they can cause. In the 23 years of having T1 I've had some cringeworthy ones including work experience, during an exam, at work, when shopping with friends, fainting when about to order my lunch at a baguette bar(!), middle of my hen do and so on. Also some dangerous ones as I was growing up during the night.

Annoyingly these all seemed unexplainable at the time as I generally had good hypo awareness. Retrospectively I began to become more aware of potential causes and now have really good hypo sensitivity, which is key. I'd encourage you to test frequently so you can catch any lows and maybe snack in between meals if you don't already.

I get frustrated too but as discussed in this thread communication is really important. Those around you don't have a clue what it feels like and why sometimes you may be able to recognise your symptoms and other times you don't.

Hope this helps a little.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Do you mean your losing your hypo awareness symptoms @fishpalace

If so then you may have to run your bg levels higher for a period of weeks until your hypo awareness returns, your DSN will advise further.

A fine line and most of the time I am aware of it. Just on the odd occasion it takes control but then I am aware of it very quickly.



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi. When you say you count carbs before you eat do you mean that you adjust your Bolus to match the carbs in the meal? Sorry if that's obvious but some posters have meant that they adjust the carbs in the meal to match to a fixed Bolus (or Mixed insulin shot) which is not the same thing.

I injection according to what I am about to eat as I attended a daphne course, which makes it easier but always a fine line as already mentioned, exercise, stress etc


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Welcome @fishpalace

I feel your pain re: hypos and the troubles they can cause. In the 23 years of having T1 I've had some cringeworthy ones including work experience, during an exam, at work, when shopping with friends, fainting when about to order my lunch at a baguette bar(!), middle of my hen do and so on. Also some dangerous ones as I was growing up during the night.

Annoyingly these all seemed unexplainable at the time as I generally had good hypo awareness. Retrospectively I began to become more aware of potential causes and now have really good hypo sensitivity, which is key. I'd encourage you to test frequently so you can catch any lows and maybe snack in between meals if you don't already.

I get frustrated too but as discussed in this thread communication is really important. Those around you don't have a clue what it feels like and why sometimes you may be able to recognise your symptoms and other times you don't.

Hope this helps a little.

Thanks it does help
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
A big thank you for both your welcome and also the reassurance that I am not alone and not the only one facing this.

It meant a lot

Family have been really good but the condition seems to evolve, as a few of you have said which makes what worked yesterday not the exact solution today.

Anyway thanks again



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi there yes I no what you mean I had that not to long ago I am 52 it started after I got my needles changed and after a lot of hypos I seam to be on top of it I have reduced my insulin down from 36 to 24 and it seemed to be back in the ball park stick with it good luck tambo

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