Pre-diabetes Or Was T2 And Now Ir?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Bit of context ......this all started in March 18 when I had my blood work done for a thyroid operation. Just before the operation the anaesthetist called me to say "I believe your worried about your Hb1Ac levels" I said "am I what's that test for?" anaesthetist "Diabetes and yours is 61 which is in the diabetic range" you are diabetic aren't you?" I said "well not that I was aware off " "That's OK it's not a worrying level and wont affect your anaesthetic". I had the thyroidectomy and everything was OK thankfully, although I had thought that my sudden weight gain was due to a thyroid problem. To cut a long story short I had the Hb1AC repeated in May by my GP at my request and that was 52 (still in the diabetic range). GP said let me order another as it may have been a blip and if it comes back >48 your in the T2 diabetic range. It came back at 47 ... well done he said your not diabetic yet, go away loose some weight and take more exercise. I also have NAFL (fatty liver) and what he didn't know was in May I joined this forum, started a strict LCHF diet with the aim of controlling sugars and hopefully weight loss, testing throughout the day to monitor the effects of the diet. GP said this was excessive and not necessary and a little OCD. What I now know, having read more on the subject is that the weight loss has probably not materialised as my fasting levels are not below the normal fasting level of 4.5 and the highest I have been in the day post-prandial is 8.0 and I am probably Insulin Resistant and I am not achieving the optimal levels for correct fat burning/metabolism? I have read that a small dose of Metformin could help regulate my levels what do you all think? Am I completely off track?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I suspect that I was diabetic or close to it for a very long time before diagnosis, but as I have been eating low carb for decades it was never detected.
You have probably avoided diagnosis for the same reason, but I suspect that you are actually diabetic due to the Hba1c tests, so your doctor is unlikely to prescribe Metformin as it is something for diabetes and he most likely thinks that you have avoided it.
If you did get Metformin ans were unlucky enough to have a bad reaction to it then you would have a rather miserable time, so I can't really recommend it.
I need to go down below 40 gm of carbs per day and stick to low carb foods too, or nothing happens to my weight.
Would you like to list a normal days eating for you and see if anyone can advise on changes which might help with weightloss?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
the weight loss has probably not materialised as my fasting levels are not below the normal fasting level of 4.5
Not quite sure where you got that from?
My fasting levels are very rarely below 4.5 but I managed to lose 8 stone..
Fasting levels are usually one of the last to come down so please don't beat yourself up about having higher levels than that.
Low carbing should help with the NAFLD as well as reducing blood sugars and with weight loss. Are you keeping a food diary alongside testing so you are aware of what foods are causing the 8's which may be considered a bit high..
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I have no idea where you read that! I have never had a fasting blood glucose less than 5 in the 4 years I have been following a low carb diet, but I lost 4 stones easily very early on and have maintained this new weight since then. So your lack of weight loss has nothing to do with being above 4.5.

Almost all t2 diabetics are insulin resistant with some degree of fatty liver as diabetes begins with insulin resistance and high circulating insulin - which also causes weight gain. All these are linked and in a vicious circle. High fasting levels, especially those that keep rising during the morning, are due to insulin resistance and fatty liver.

As you had an HbA1c of 61 before your operation, that put you firmly in the diabetic range. As did the next one of 52. . Your GP probably had no knowledge of your initial 61 with it being taken at the hospital, and possibly he missed the 52 or he should have put you on the diabetes register at that time. It is possible your 61 was partly due to the thyroid problems in the months prior to your operation, but the 52 was still firmly diabetic. Your current HbA1c does put you in the pre-diabetic range, just, and is most likely because you had started to control matters.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have no idea where you read that! I have never had a fasting blood glucose less than 5 in the 4 years I have been following a low carb diet, but I lost 4 stones easily very early on and have maintained this new weight since then. So your lack of weight loss has nothing to do with being above 4.5.

Almost all t2 diabetics are insulin resistant with some degree of fatty liver as diabetes begins with insulin resistance and high circulating insulin - which also causes weight gain. All these are linked and in a vicious circle. High fasting levels, especially those that keep rising during the morning, are due to insulin resistance and fatty liver.

As you had an HbA1c of 61 before your operation, that put you firmly in the diabetic range. As did the next one of 52. . Your GP probably had no knowledge of your initial 61 with it being taken at the hospital, and possibly he missed the 52 or he should have put you on the diabetes register at that time. It is possible your 61 was partly due to the thyroid problems in the months prior to your operation, but the 52 was still firmly diabetic. Your current HbA1c does put you in the pre-diabetic range, just, and is most likely because you had started to control matters.
Ah the old Daf and Des team working in coordination again...


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I suspect that I was diabetic or close to it for a very long time before diagnosis, but as I have been eating low carb for decades it was never detected.
You have probably avoided diagnosis for the same reason, but I suspect that you are actually diabetic due to the Hba1c tests, so your doctor is unlikely to prescribe Metformin as it is something for diabetes and he most likely thinks that you have avoided it.
If you did get Metformin ans were unlucky enough to have a bad reaction to it then you would have a rather miserable time, so I can't really recommend it.
I need to go down below 40 gm of carbs per day and stick to low carb foods too, or nothing happens to my weight.
Would you like to list a normal days eating for you and see if anyone can advise on changes which might help with weightloss?

Thank you. On workdays which is Monday to Friday I generally take a shake to work made with unsweetened almond milk and ultra low carb protein powder for breakfast and then have something like a mixed leaf salad cottage cheese full fat type, cucumber tomato peppers anything that’s in the fridge full fat Greek yoghurt a few berries for evening meal generally meat or fish with above ground veg don’t eat after 8pm. I am new to this I sometimes have Oppo ice cream in the evening as a treat ??


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Not quite sure where you got that from?
My fasting levels are very rarely below 4.5 but I managed to lose 8 stone..
Fasting levels are usually one of the last to come down so please don't beat yourself up about having higher levels than that.
Low carbing should help with the NAFLD as well as reducing blood sugars and with weight loss. Are you keeping a food diary alongside testing so you are aware of what foods are causing the 8's which may be considered a bit high..

Thank you yes I am keeping a food diary the only thing that’s caused the 8 was a glaze on some beef steaks which probably had too much sugar in it?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I have no idea where you read that! I have never had a fasting blood glucose less than 5 in the 4 years I have been following a low carb diet, but I lost 4 stones easily very early on and have maintained this new weight since then. So your lack of weight loss has nothing to do with being above 4.5.

Almost all t2 diabetics are insulin resistant with some degree of fatty liver as diabetes begins with insulin resistance and high circulating insulin - which also causes weight gain. All these are linked and in a vicious circle. High fasting levels, especially those that keep rising during the morning, are due to insulin resistance and fatty liver.

As you had an HbA1c of 61 before your operation, that put you firmly in the diabetic range. As did the next one of 52. . Your GP probably had no knowledge of your initial 61 with it being taken at the hospital, and possibly he missed the 52 or he should have put you on the diabetes register at that time. It is possible your 61 was partly due to the thyroid problems in the months prior to your operation, but the 52 was still firmly diabetic. Your current HbA1c does put you in the pre-diabetic range, just, and is most likely because you had started to control matters.

Thank you. The GP ignored the 61 as I had been given a steroid injection prior to the operation for my rheumatoid arthritis as I had to stop that medication temporarily for the operation period. All the blood tests are on one system. He told me he needed to have 2 tests in the diabetic range before it was official.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Not quite sure where you got that from?
My fasting levels are very rarely below 4.5 but I managed to lose 8 stone..
Fasting levels are usually one of the last to come down so please don't beat yourself up about having higher levels than that.
Low carbing should help with the NAFLD as well as reducing blood sugars and with weight loss. Are you keeping a food diary alongside testing so you are aware of what foods are causing the 8's which may be considered a bit high..

I think I am expecting a quicker response it’s only been 4 weeks so perhaps too early to tell yet ?