Low carb high fat diet?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Your title and the area of the forum you have posted in seem a bit contradictory?
Are you looking for Low Carb or Low Calorie please?
If low carb then I'd recommend www.dietdoctor.com
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
@Loukay1 - If you would like your thread moved to the Low Carb area of the forum, where you might get a few more responses, just reply to me in this message or tag any mod who can move it for you.
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Could anyone advise me of a diet plan (free if possible?) Tia
Hi @Loukay1 ,

The dietdoctor.com website really is an excellent source of information. The diet plan you do have to pay for, but random recipies are free, as is loads of information. Reading The Diabetes Code is good too, gives you a deeper understanding of T2 and what role food plays. Just an idea. (It's about a tenner on amazon.co.uk). Anything else we can help with?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi @Loukay1 ,

The dietdoctor.com website really is an excellent source of information. The diet plan you do have to pay for, but random recipies are free, as is loads of information. Reading The Diabetes Code is good too, gives you a deeper understanding of T2 and what role food plays. Just an idea. (It's about a tenner on amazon.co.uk). Anything else we can help with?
I looked at diet doctor but it looked American? Does it have UK food & measurements?
I wasn't sure if I should do low carb/high fat or low carb/low fat?
Thank you for your help x
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I looked at diet doctor but it looked American? Does it have UK food & measurements?
I wasn't sure if I should do low carb/high fat or low carb/low fat?
Thank you for your help x
Low Carb High Fat or you'll be hungry and not sustain it.
Diet Doc is Swedish based but has US and metric units, amazing recipes and is a great source of info. No need to sign up for the pay bit unless you want to.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Low Carb High Fat or you'll be hungry and not sustain it.
Diet Doc is Swedish based but has US and metric units, amazing recipes and is a great source of info. No need to sign up for the pay bit unless you want to.
Thanks, I'll have a better look if you know, can you eat Pate on this plan x
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I looked at diet doctor but it looked American? Does it have UK food & measurements?
I wasn't sure if I should do low carb/high fat or low carb/low fat?
Thank you for your help x
Go for low carb, high fat. Fat isn't the culprit, and it'll actually help you with your bloodsugars.

There's 3 macro-nutrients: Fat, Protein and Carbohydrate. If you cut one, you up the others, so you don't become deficient in the micro nutrients (vitamins, minerals). Protein can up your bloodsugars some, though nothing as dramatic as what carbs do. So just keep those at moderate levels, and pay extra attention to upping fats and cutting carbs. Practically all carbs turn to glucose once ingested, after all. But fats? They don't do anything at all, not even a blip, when it comes to raising bloodsugars. Better yet, if you do have some carbs with something fatty, it'll slow down the uptake, so you don't have as hard a spike as you could have had. So if you go for strawberries, always have some unsweetened (or with stevia or something) at hand...!

I don't know if you have weight you want to lose (10% of T2's are slim, and have never been overweight), ut if you are, it is a symptom of prediabetes and T2... Because you're insensitive to your own insulin you end up not burning the glucose in your blood, but storing it in fat cells. That's why the bulk of us start out big. The good news: low carb, high fat'll fix that too. The weight'll drop off, pretty much. For some it goes quiker than others, but it happens. (Lost 50 pounds, and eat bacon twice a day ;) Excellent cholesterol too.)

The quick guide to low carbing: Cut bread, potatoes, pasta, cereals/muesli/oats/porridge/weetabix, rice and most fruits from your diet. Underground veggies or starchy ones like beans too. They'll all raise bloodsugars, which you could (and should) check with a meter. Because don't take the word from a random stranger on the internet, and your meter'll not lie or try to sell you anything, haha. (Test before a meal and 2 hours after. if you go up more than 2.0 mmol/l, the meal was carbier than you could process. It's easy to remember, as you're a T2, and it's all 2's, all the way.) Anyway... What's safe to eat, bloodsugar-wise? Meat, fish, poultry, above-ground veggies/leafy greens, berries, tomatoes, avocado, starfruit, olives, extra dark chocolate (85% and up) cheese, butter, full fat greek yoghurt, nuts, eggs, that sort of thing. I'm not a kitchen princess, so I tend to keep my meals simple...

So you could eat, without issue:
Scrambled eggs with bacon, cheese, mushrooms, tomato, maybe some high meat content sausages?
Eggs with ham, bacon and cheese
Omelet with spinach and/or smoked salmon
Omelet with cream, cinnamon, with some berries and coconut shavings
Full fat Greek yoghurt with nuts and berries
Leafy green salad with a can of tuna (oil, not brine!), mayonaise, capers, olives and avocado
Leafy green salad with (warmed goat's) cheese and bacon, maybe a nice vinaigrette?
Meat, fish or poultry with veggies. I usually go for cauliflower rice or broccoli rice, with cheese and bacon to bulk it up. Never the same meal twice in a row because of various herbs/spices.

Snacks? Pork scratchings, cheese, olives, extra dark chocolate, nuts. :)

But there's a world of fantastic meals out there I would absolutely botch in my kitchen, but you could do quite amazing at, who knows. ;)

Hope this helps,
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Yep pate is fine.. well chicken liver is anyway.. and the rough peasant style.. anything that is mainly meat is great.
I am observing all these little snippets of info. Very useful to know. I can add liver pate to my list. Thanks. What’s more I enjoy it.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I am observing all these little snippets of info. Very useful to know. I can add liver pate to my list. Thanks. What’s more I enjoy it.
I just have chicken livers pan fried in butter with salt and pepper.. mmm or even better ox liver. My local butcher sells it for £1.60 per kilo tastes just like calves liver but they charge £11 per kilo for that.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I just have chicken livers pan fried in butter with salt and pepper.. mmm or even better ox liver. My local butcher sells it for £1.60 per kilo tastes just like calves liver but they charge £11 per kilo for that.
What do you eat it with as I would typically eat it with toast or bread?
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Nothing just liver.. maybe a fried egg or three..
or of course bacon.
I haven't eaten bread for over 3 years.
I see. You don’t actually make the pate.

I will probably go for low carb toast with live pate. In the more recent past I have avoided eating a lot of liver pate even though I enjoy it. I shall endeavour to eat more of it from now on.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I see. You don’t actually make the pate.

I will probably go for low carb toast with live pate. In the more recent past I have avoided eating a lot of liver pate even though I enjoy it. I shall endeavour to eat more of it from now on.
Quicker and simpler to fry up the liver and eat it.. Pate just leads to bread consumption.. something I avoid. Low carb bread or not.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I see. You don’t actually make the pate.

I will probably go for low carb toast with live pate. In the more recent past I have avoided eating a lot of liver pate even though I enjoy it. I shall endeavour to eat more of it from now on.
You could spread it on crispy bacon.. or a cheese slice.. hmmm hungry now.. shame I'm not eating until dinner..
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