Worried about Brexit, anyone else?


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Tripe and Onions
My mistake when cousin was discussing it I thought he was talking of his daughter this was not the case he was in fact alluding to his sister also my cousin and I believe it has something to do with the way she has split her time between London and Italy.

The amount of money he says she has been asked for surprises me as I thought the maximum was about £1300.


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The amount of money he says she has been asked for surprises me as I thought the maximum was about £1300.

The money may be the least of the problems somebody applying for settled status might have. This is an interesting video of a German lady who has been her since 1973, paid for her own education, worked in the NHS, trained people in the Care System and was told NI payments are not proof of living here. ***! If this is not true, it's a fairly elaborate way of misleading people. However, I will double check with my Danish Chiropractor, she's only been here for 25 years, working and paying tax and NI. I'll see how she gets on.


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Tripe and Onions
My wife has had some discussions at work and had to point out to several colleagues the number of foreign nationals that they work with on a daily basis and ask them what they thought would happen if they all left and returned to their home countries how would the NHS survive that and what would happen to their own jobs if the NHS were to collapse.

No answers were forthcoming.

Without them we would all find ourselves in a very precarious position for example my neurologist is Greek.


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I saw on the news a T1 diabetic said he's willing to risk his insulin to deliver Brexit. Has anyone being keeping up with the updates on .org? They're very informative.


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I saw on the news a T1 diabetic said he's willing to risk his insulin to deliver Brexit. Has anyone being keeping up with the updates on .org? They're very informative.
You can’t reason with that kind of mentality, can you? Wonder if he’d say the same if it was his child?


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Stupid people
I saw on the news a T1 diabetic said he's willing to risk his insulin to deliver Brexit. Has anyone being keeping up with the updates on .org? They're very informative.

That guy is a tool to be frank!!!!
Is Brexit worrying me? Maybe a little BUT NovoNordisk have a no deal brexit deal in place


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My son in law is - sorry - was American. He is now settled here and a British Citizen, can vote and every thing - but the cost has been exorbitant and the time, and the stress too - not helped by British Rail on a couple of occasions.
My daughter and I both take daily doses of hormones, and I have been struggling to take mine due to the vile taste - a different brand to usual, but all they can get.
My daughter was given first of all a reduced amount of tablets, and then the same amount of tablets again, but half strength, so equaling one quarter of her usual prescription. Now she has been told that she cannot reorder her prescription as it is too soon - even though the last two were for a reduced time - though of course, she paid the standard fee for each one. Normally there is no advantage to buying a prepaid card for just one medication prescribed at two monthly intervals - but if she is to be messed around with two weeks supply at a time then it will be a saving.


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Tripe and Onions
That guy is a tool to be frank!!!!
Is Brexit worrying me? Maybe a little BUT NovoNordisk have a no deal brexit deal in place

What worries me more than Brexit is living in a country with idiots like that in it.


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Worried about Brexit chaos and hysteria but doubting it will ever happen and not actually that worried about insulin. Here is an update from Diabetes UK 18th September
What impact will there be on insulin supplies specifically?
Earlier this year we wrote to the three main insulin manufacturers – Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi – to understand what contingencies and additional stocks they planned to have in place. This month we wrote back to them to check the situation again.

All three have confirmed that these are still in place, and the manufacturers tell us they have gone beyond the recommendations made by the government – they are keeping at least 16 weeks of additional stock. People should continue to get prescriptions and use their medicines in the normal way.

What about my diabetes tech?
The government have said they are in contact with key medical technology companies. We are seeking assurances about supplies and stocks of key pieces of technology and diabetes equipment. We have asked the government to clarify that their work includes having regular discussions with all the major companies who provide continuous glucose monitors (CGM), flash glucose monitors (we call it Flash for short), insulin pumps and blood glucose monitoring technology. When we have received a response we will update this blog.


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Tripe and Onions
"No-deal Brexit: Drug supply plans not yet clear"

Medical and pharmaceutical industry leaders are warning some of the contingency planning for a no-deal Brexit is not as well advanced as it was earlier this year.
They say details of government plans to secure ferry capacity to bring medicines into the UK have still not been finalised - with less than six weeks to go till Britain's planned exit from the EU on 31 October."

There have been predictions that a no deal Brexit will cause congestion at the ports of Dover and Calais. 90% of imported drugs and medicines from the EU are shipped to the UK on that route.

Steve Bates, the chief executive of the UK Bioindustry Association, says he is concerned that, with only weeks to go, companies don't know what they can book to bring supplies across the Channel.
He said: "Last time around, before the last no-deal deadline, we knew in advance the alternative routes, we knew where the ferries were.
"This time around….the industry doesn't know which ports will be available, it doesn't know which ferries will be available."

Mr Bates added that extensive planning for most contingencies had taken place with the industry in partnership with the government and there was a "robust system".
But he said the process of moving medicines across borders was not clear in a no-deal scenario.

Alan Boyd, of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, said no deal was a "serious threat".

I find it concerning and worrying that these people who are not hysterical scare mongers have genuine concerns.


andy williams

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The UK & EU have already negotiated 19 side-deals with another dozen or so to be concluded in the next two weeks. These will take effect irrelevant of whether we leave with or without a deal and are reciprocal (ie applicable both ways). They cover things such as investment bank 'passporting', no frontier delays for medicines, medical supplies and medical equipment, cash point cards working both sides, mobile phone roaming, car insurance, no delays on livestock, visa-free tourist travel etc etc etc.

As an aside, the government has also now concluded 45 free trade deals with 44 countries and the Palestinian authority, that come into effect one minute after we leave. A further three dozen are currently in progress
Most of this goes largely unreported because it doesn't suit the presses 'sensationalist' agenda of 'crashing out', 'off a cliff' etc etc blah blah. It's actually impossible to leave with a no deal because of the side-deals we have already concluded and ratified with the EU. It's really now just a case of how much of a deal we leave with.
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My wife has had some discussions at work and had to point out to several colleagues the number of foreign nationals that they work with on a daily basis and ask them what they thought would happen if they all left and returned to their home countries how would the NHS survive that and what would happen to their own jobs if the NHS were to collapse.

No answers were forthcoming.

Without them we would all find ourselves in a very precarious position for example my neurologist is Greek.
It was Prince Phillip who said when touring one of our hospitals:

“The Philippines must be half empty - you're all here running the NHS,"

The flip side of that is if they were removed overnight then the NHS might collapse.

andy williams

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The Philipines isnt in the EU - so the status of their nationals living and working over here is unaffected by Brexit.

Of the 3 million EU nationals living here, nearly two thirds have now succesfully registered for permanent status with most of the rest in process.

I work alongside nearly 1,000 Poles, Romanians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spanish and Italians in a massive logistics complex. Nearly all are now registered, most managed on the mobile phone app and were granted in less than two hours.


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The Philipines isnt in the EU - so the status of their nationals living and working over here is unaffected by Brexit.
Well spotted.

In some ways it is affected by Brexit, in as much as there is likely to be a call on their services even more if many European employees of the NHS are repatriated, which is looking more likely today.


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The Philipines isnt in the EU - so the status of their nationals living and working over here is unaffected by Brexit.

Of the 3 million EU nationals living here, nearly two thirds have now succesfully registered for permanent status with most of the rest in process.

I work alongside nearly 1,000 Poles, Romanians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spanish and Italians in a massive logistics complex. Nearly all are now registered, most managed on the mobile phone app and were granted in less than two hours.

So all the hysteria about being sent home is rubbish once again .


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Diet only
I work alongside nearly 1,000 Poles, Romanians, Greeks, Portuguese, Spanish and Italians in a massive logistics complex. Nearly all are now registered, most managed on the mobile phone app and were granted in less than two hours.

I am seeing signs of some of them going home, voluntarily.