What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@PenguinMum I was just Googling microwave ovens and found a site that says veggies can be microwaved into crunchy chips in about 5 minutes. I may try that sometime too (although roasting the vegetables in my oven today gave me a nice window of time for playing my guitar). Next time I will try them at your temperature. I'm not good at math either -- I think Google said that 180C is 356F . :)
Do you peel your aubergines?

Here is the microwave recipe I found:
5. Vegetable Chips – Turn raw veggies into yummy crunchy chips in the matter of minutes. Slice potato, zucchini, carrot, sweet potato or other vegetables into very thin slices (if you have a mandoline use that). Arrange sliced vegetables on a microwavable plate, drizzle in olive oil, salt and pepper or any other herbs and spices and microwave for five minutes. Check for crispiness – if you want them crispier, continue to cook in 30 second increments.

Bonus tip: to help clean up a microwave cookery blow out, pour two tablespoons of lemon juice and white vinegar into a half filled bowl of water and heat it in the microwave for seven minutes. The process creates condensation giving your microwave a good steam clean. When complete, take a cloth and simply wipe down the inside – it will be squeaky clean.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Goodnight/morning, everyone. :)
I have just been shopping for mattresses online and I've found two that are interesting.
The first is for people who prefer a "firmer" mattress,
and apparently your two dogs agree because they always seem to find their way to your bed instead of their own. You tend to sleep warm (who wouldn’t with two pups snuggled close?), so a mattress that stays cooler is important
@jjraak may be particularly interested in this, that despite all the talk about puppy luv, this mattress is called the "Marley."

The other mattress is made by a company that has been in business for nearly 150 years and has a very intriguing slogan:


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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Good morning/evening folks, a more respectable 5.4 on the dice today, thank you all for the anniversary wishes and I do apologise for being a little extravagant on our special day, as far as valentines day is concerned, is that a "thing" for married folk, have I been missing a trick all these years.
Goodnight @SaskiaKC , lets not get into the chips/crisps debate at this hour, sweet dreams.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. 5.0 today - Book him Danno! Up early to take granddaughters to school. I am off with their mum later this afternoon to that there London for a show tomorrow. (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - its 2 shows actually and you have to watch them the same day or on consecutive days, really looking forward to it)
@ianpspurs I quickly scanned this thread late last night and spotted your post about your lost wedding ring. That’s fantastic, and must be a good omen. Hope everything goes well today.
Have a great day everyone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of an early dinner and finally packing a bag for todays trip came in at 4.8 this am.

Soup for lunch yesterday. Heated up some bone broth, added a few spices and stirred in a beaten egg. Very nice and not too heavy. We had a small replica silver cross pram sitting in the garage. An old child’s toy that Mrs Miggins is restoring. Now I don’t know if there is some cloning going on or if I am witness to some kind of parthenogenesis but there are now two of these things sitting in the garage. Best not to think about it.

Have as wonderful a day as you can. Don’t believe everything that you think.

Koffy calls.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morning and 5.9 for me, midnight snack of cheese and nuts, my own fault.

Granddaughter day so usual excuse to not act my age all day.
Do you peel your aubergines?
Don't peel em, sliced, chunks, stuffed, baked, grilled, stir frayed all good. The one thing they can do well is soak up the juices and taste of the dish.
as far as valentines day is concerned, is that a "thing" for married folk, have I been missing a trick all these years.
What! You mean I've been celebrating this with Mrs MC for all these years and I didn't need to?

Don't worry about what you can't change or control and enjoy what you have and can do.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
7.45am FBG 5.8 that will be the wine after 9pm. More self control needed. Although bottled wine can be poured back, box wine, have not worked out how to return to pack.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.4...4:30 am...
Now sat in Stanstead, paying WAYY over the odds for a coffee, with my Steph.

She's off to Istanbul, so daddy Uber on the case.

A cold foggy, frosty morning... Traffic light.

Best wishes for a nice day, all..:)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...bloody phone interrupted my sleep last night didn't answer it but could not get back off to sleep...curses...woke at 05:30 a quick pit stop & back to bed...think I may have nodded off (not really sure TBH) then up at 07:30...off to work in London today likely a lateish return by the time I get through the traffic...trying to get myself together for the drive...I have to win that lottery this weekend that's all there is to it...woke to a 6.3


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 5.5 today. Foggy here I think the lovely weather this week is coming to an end. Watch out for Storm Ciara on Sat/Sun.
@ianpspurs thinking of you and Julie today and hope all goes really well.
@DJC3 your weekend sounds lovely, enjoy the shows with your girl. I bet Mr C and Dennis will have their own fun. @Muddy Cyclist have a great day with your GD.
@HarryBeau take care out there on the road. Hope the minxes welcome you home with unchewed slippers. @SaskiaKC as MC advises dont peel the aubergine and some old recipes suggest salting and draining them dry before cooking that is NOT NECESSARY. A little OO will certainly help your pan and enhance the flavour. Love Aubs!
Off to my fishman later. More tea first.
Enjoy Friday everyone. Good luck in all your endeavours. Stay well stay safe.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9

hoppity skippity jump!

At last getting the fbg down

Now to figure out how to keep it there....

With me it seems to be about timing in the day when I eat certain foods. Something I can eat mid morning which doesn't impact too much on my blood sugars, the same thing if eaten late afternoon can send me towards and into double figures. So I am tentatively experimenting with this at the moment. My next goal, if it is possible, is to get fbg into the 5's.

My morning painting


Have a good day
Hugs if you need them
Take care


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
take care out there on the road. Hope the minxes welcome you home with unchewed slippers.
They have other 'fish to fry' this morning PM...somehow they have managed to 'borrow' a blank CD & an envelope & are stalking them from underneath a large chest of draws...then the Pyramid Cave bed to remove the fluffy padded cushion by brute force...so off to their room while I'm at work!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 5.5 today. Foggy here I think the lovely weather this week is coming to an end. Watch out for Storm Ciara on Sat/Sun.
@ianpspurs thinking of you and Julie today and hope all goes really well.
@DJC3 your weekend sounds lovely, enjoy the shows with your girl. I bet Mr C and Dennis will have their own fun. @Muddy Cyclist have a great day with your GD.
@HarryBeau take care out there on the road. Hope the minxes welcome you home with unchewed slippers. @SaskiaKC as MC advises dont peel the aubergine and some old recipes suggest salting and draining them dry before cooking that is NOT NECESSARY. A little OO will certainly help your pan and enhance the flavour. Love Aubs!
Off to my fishman later. More tea first.
Enjoy Friday everyone. Good luck in all your endeavours. Stay well stay safe.

Good fbg PM glad to see you slap bang in the middle of the 5s. What fish will you have tonight?
I love aubergine too, in all its forms, but sadly nobody else here likes it so I don’t get it much.
We have promised ourselves a Nando’s when we get there this evening. Nothing like that in Cornwall as you know, just fish&chips or pasties. Even Greggs left Cornwall with tail between legs a couple of weeks ago after their brief foray into traditional pasty country.