TYPE 1 Immune System - stronger or weaker?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Interesting information that I was told by a doctor who works with corona virus patients I asked him about diabetics and the risks with corona and he stated that diabetics are 5x more likely to catch corona virus and 1.59x more likely to be hospitalised compared to the same person in your age group who dosent have it. How true it is I don’t know but it did come from someone I would expect to be in the know


Well-Known Member
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Interesting information that I was told by a doctor who works with corona virus patients I asked him about diabetics and the risks with corona and he stated that diabetics are 5x more likely to catch corona virus and 1.59x more likely to be hospitalised compared to the same person in your age group who dosent have it. How true it is I don’t know but it did come from someone I would expect to be in the know

Mmmm wonder what that is based on. Is it simply his assumption that because we have a pre exiting condition we are more likely to catch it, which does not seem right. Just because you are diabetic, you are nor more or less likely to catch it. Follow good hygiene and guidelines and you have the same chance as anyone else I would have thought

Maybe once we have the virus we are more likely to have more severe symptoms, maybe. But is that just supposition or based on facts


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Mmmm wonder what that is based on. Is it simply his assumption that because we have a pre exiting condition we are more likely to catch it, which does not seem right. Just because you are diabetic, you are nor more or less likely to catch it. Follow good hygiene and guidelines and you have the same chance as anyone else I would have thought

Maybe once we have the virus we are more likely to have more severe symptoms, maybe. But is that just supposition or based on facts

I am not sure where the likelihood of getting it came from but I believe the 1.59 x chance of being seriously ill comes from medical studies into China and Italy


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Interesting information that I was told by a doctor who works with corona virus patients I asked him about diabetics and the risks with corona and he stated that diabetics are 5x more likely to catch corona virus and 1.59x more likely to be hospitalised compared to the same person in your age group who dosent have it. How true it is I don’t know but it did come from someone I would expect to be in the know
Interesting, was that type one?

The problem (in my mind) is using the word “diabetes” as a catch all for suck a varied section of the population. If you look at it as a spectrum from well controlled to terrible, and for each type - so a younger type one who on the whole has non-diabetic levels and no other health problems other than a knackered pancreas would be a very different risk to a poorly controlled elderly type two with lots of complications, co-morbidities and golden syrup for plasma. Likewise a t2 with very good HbA1c would be a different level of risk to the T1 with a similar score who is in and out of hospital with DKA and constantly needing paramedics for severe hypos.

All the evidence I’ve seen so far (publications distributed to HCPs) suggests that we’re at no greater risk of catching the thing, but blood sugars would be a nightmare to keep sane if we do - and that’s where the problems lie. Hyperglycaemia can make an infection like this turn pretty nasty.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Interesting, was that type one?

The problem (in my mind) is using the word “diabetes” as a catch all for suck a varied section of the population. If you look at it as a spectrum from well controlled to terrible, and for each type - so a younger type one who on the whole has non-diabetic levels and no other health problems other than a knackered pancreas would be a very different risk to a poorly controlled elderly type two with lots of complications, co-morbidities and golden syrup for plasma. Likewise a t2 with very good HbA1c would be a different level of risk to the T1 with a similar score who is in and out of hospital with DKA and constantly needing paramedics for severe hypos.

All the evidence I’ve seen so far (publications distributed to HCPs) suggests that we’re at no greater risk of catching the thing, but blood sugars would be a nightmare to keep sane if we do - and that’s where the problems lie. Hyperglycaemia can make an infection like this turn pretty nasty.

he didn’t state he just said diabetes. the problem we have is because no one knows for sure people are just giving their own opinions which doesn’t help us. One person believes if you have well managed diabetes you are at no more risk but others say we are vulnerable and we need to work at home. Another major concern is this virus seems to be a pot luck scenario on who gets severely sick even healthy people. My mum is a nurse in intensive care working with people who have covid 9 and there are 80 year old people who have serious underlying conditions and are surviving yet they have young people with no conditions who are seriously ill and dying. We all need to just do as much as we can to stay out of society as best we can because I don’t really want to find out!
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Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
he didn’t state he just said diabetes. the problem we have is because no one knows for sure people are just giving their own opinions which doesn’t help us. One person believes if you have well managed diabetes you are at no more risk but others say we are vulnerable and we need to work at home. Another major concern is this virus seems to be a pot luck scenario on who gets severely sick even healthy people. My mum is a nurse in intensive care working with people who have covid 9 and there are 80 year old people who have serious underlying conditions and are surviving yet they have young people with no conditions who are seriously ill and dying. We all need to just do as much as we can to stay out of society as best we can because I don’t really want to find out!

Hi there, it seems to be type 2 diabetes is more known because of the large %, about 90% of the world's people who have diabetes are type 2, it has been called an epidemic. But when I was diagnosed, type 2 diabetes was prevalent in people aged 40 +, so if that happened 30, 40 + years ago, patients would be in their 70's and 80's, which makes them more prone to other medical conditions, including the heart, lungs, etc and with the healing process too.
So maybe it is based on this ?
ps Life is like a lottery, some people can be lucky and some, as we now know, are sadly not.


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Mmmm wonder what that is based on. Is it simply his assumption that because we have a pre exiting condition we are more likely to catch it, which does not seem right. Just because you are diabetic, you are nor more or less likely to catch it. Follow good hygiene and guidelines and you have the same chance as anyone else I would have thought

Maybe once we have the virus we are more likely to have more severe symptoms, maybe. But is that just supposition or based on facts

Although the reason we all get the flu jab each year IS because the Professionals deem us to be more at risk because of our condition, people over 65 get the flu jab because of age and so on and anyone younger because of conditions that put them at a greater risk. I do agree that the more we do to look after ourselves the lower the risk but the risk is still higher than a 'normal' person. The flu precautions are not based on supposition, the hospitals are full of at risk people with flu that then turns into pneumonia for example, so I don't think there is any reason to think Covid 19 won't follow the same pathway regardless of our ignorance of exactly how it works.


Retired Moderator
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Type 1
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Although the reason we all get the flu jab each year IS because the Professionals deem us to be more at risk because of our condition, people over 65 get the flu jab because of age and so on and anyone younger because of conditions that put them at a greater risk. I do agree that the more we do to look after ourselves the lower the risk but the risk is still higher than a 'normal' person. The flu precautions are not based on supposition, the hospitals are full of at risk people with flu that then turns into pneumonia for example, so I don't think there is any reason to think Covid 19 won't follow the same pathway regardless of our ignorance of exactly how it works.

I wouldn't disagree regarding COVID 19 being transmitted socially.. Just like any "seasonal" in that some respects.

As COVID is novel. I would suspect HCPs & the virus boffins are working from the influenza transmission model, as well as the current data they have on COVID 19.?

Here is a list of whome the NHS see eligible for the flu jab as a reference. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/who-should-have-flu-vaccine/
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Like most of you, I fought off infections with gusto when I was younger, and the main problem was raised blood sugars. But do raised blood sugars have a negative impact on the immune system? They certainly make us feel much worse, and it’s hard not to swear and grumble. Now that I’ve reached an age when wisdom’s supposed to have seeped into the brain, and daft ness become mere eccentricity, I fear my immune system’s become eccentric. I’ve had more bugs in the last few years, despite generally good control, than I used to, and my swearing’s become more inventive. So I have to concede that it’s probably age that’s nipped off a few telomeres from my cells that’s the problem, not T1.
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@Ross101 - What sort of doctor was that you were speaking to? I'm not questioning his information, as I don't have the statistics he might have been interpreting, but I imagine almost all doctors are working with COVID patients at the moment, in one capacity or another - knowingly or unwittingly.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
@Ross101 - What sort of doctor was that you were speaking to? I'm not questioning his information, as I don't have the statistics he might have been interpreting, but I imagine almost all doctors are working with COVID patients at the moment, in one capacity or another - knowingly or unwittingly.

Just a doctor who’s in charge of a critical care ward Iv also got information of nurses as well (through my mum who’s a nurse) and they’ve all said we are at risk we shouldn’t be working. But I still don’t think anyone knows for sure and that’s the most frustrating part of it.

It’s left me in a massive dilemma people in my workplace are starting to go off with it now and Iv had contact with them. I have no issues with my diabetes and it’s well controlled I don’t really get sick but as the days go on Im feeling less and less safe