What drug is next?


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I currently take 4x500mg of metformin daily and 40mg of gliclazide daily, unfortunately this isn't controlling my sugar levels, could anyone tell me what medication I'm likely to be put on next? Tia


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I currently take 4x500mg of metformin daily and 40mg of gliclazide daily, unfortunately this isn't controlling my sugar levels, could anyone tell me what medication I'm likely to be put on next? Tia
I think you might be misunderstanding what these drugs are for.
You can't take these drugs and just eat and drink what you like for instance .... like a mate of mine is still doing over four years down the line.
I found the drugs to be next to useless anyway and always giving me digestive problems and never getting me any better.
I now take no drugs and do it by lifestyle change alone and it's working well and has done for a number of years now.
Remember most if not all western medicine as in the form of drugs is toxic.
My approach is the less drugs I take the longer and happier my life will be.
I have a friend who cares for his wife fulltime now she has Parkinsons and is now more or less housebound and not far off bedridden.
Are the drugs not helping?
No but so they keep putting them up.
Do they work when they do that?
No so they put them up some more ..... does that make sense to you?
I've told him to tell his doctor he's thinking of trying CBD capsules but three years later has he?No.
People think that if CBD was any good then the doc would already be prescribing it .... it doesn't work like that.
But anyway I think you need to look at diet not ever increasing amounts of industrial medicine that obviously isn't doing much if anything for you.
Have a word with the doc or nurse.
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I currently take 4x500mg of metformin daily and 40mg of gliclazide daily, unfortunately this isn't controlling my sugar levels, could anyone tell me what medication I'm likely to be put on next? Tia


What is your actual management of BGs like on the current medication prescribed?
Do you have a blood test meter?
What was your last HbA1c in comparison to previous tests?

I would agree with comments above, that any medication prescribed regarding BG managmentis not the whole answer.
A review on what is acting adversely against your BGs diatary wise would be the next step...

I think you might be misunderstanding what these drugs are for.
You can't take these drugs and just eat and drink what you like for instance .... like a mate of mine is still doing over four years down the line.
I found the drugs to be next to useless anyway and always giving me digestive problems and never getting me any better.
I now take no drugs and do it by lifestyle change alone and it's working well and has done for a number of years now.
Remember most if not all western medicine as in the form of drugs is toxic.
My approach is the less drugs I take the longer and happier my life will be.
I have a friend who cares for his wife fulltime now she has Parkinsons and is now more or less housebound and not far off bedridden.
Are the drugs not helping?
No but so they keep putting them up.
Do they work when they do that?
No so they put them up some more ..... does that make sense to you?
I've told him to tell his doctor he's thinking of trying CBD capsules but three years later has he?No.
People think that if CBD was any good then the doc would already be prescribing it .... it doesn't work like that.
But anyway I think you need to look at diet not ever increasing amounts of industrial medicine that obviously isn't doing much if anything for you.
Have a word with the doc or nurse.

Hi @JTL ,

To put your comment regarding "CBD" (& it's prescribing.) into context.
Would you be meaning it's complimentary use for associated diabetic neuropathy pain managment & not as a means of BG control? :)


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What is your actual management of BGs like on the current medication prescribed?
Do you have a blood test meter?
What was your last HbA1c in comparison to previous tests?

I would agree with comments above, that any medication prescribed regarding BG managmentis not the whole answer.
A review on what is acting adversely against your BGs diatary wise would be the next step...

Hi @JTL ,

To put your comment regarding "CBD" (& it's prescribing.) into context.
Would you be meaning it's complimentary use for associated diabetic neuropathy pain managment & not as a means of BG control? :)
No the CBD was just an aside as to people's approach to medicine nothing to do with diabetes but Parkinson's in this case.


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Sorry Carol there is a limit which won't let me say much than hello yeah tried again so here if the mods see fit to leave it .....
carol43 I tried all ways to reply but must have been doing something wrong.
I'm afraid I can't answer your question.
I was doing research myself for spinal pain and kept coming across its use in Parkinsons s kept reading stuff to tell my friend.
Google is your friend.
What I can say is the doc at the pain clinic said to me the stuff in Holland and Barrett is not worth the money and when you look at the percentages of CBD in their products to thoise available on line he was dead right.
He advised vaping instead .... different oil you cannot vape the Holland and B stuff.
Do a little research regarding quality and content on Google.
I was amazed with the vape stuff really worked almost instantly but .... I have COPD and it was causing flare ups with that so I packed it in .... vape stuff comes with no nicotine if he doesn't smoke.


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No the CBD was just an aside as to people's approach to medicine nothing to do with diabetes but Parkinson's in this case.

Understood, @JTL . :cool: There have been some encouraging uses of CBD regarding other conditions. (Including relief from neuropathy.)
However, with the best intention in the world. Didn't wish to misslead the OP regarding the subject of blood glucose management & CBD.. (& I know you didn't either.)

@Loukay1 try keeping an "honest John" log (diary) of what you are or may eating? (Including any possible snacks.) They all add up.
Yep, we are all human. You may well be doing everything right?
Take a look at what's good & what could be better. No judgement, just support....:)


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I currently take 4x500mg of metformin daily and 40mg of gliclazide daily, unfortunately this isn't controlling my sugar levels, could anyone tell me what medication I'm likely to be put on next? Tia


I have to agree with the people who have posted asking what your current blood glucose levels are?
It actually makes a big difference to the drug regime that you are offered.

Your profile details are not complete, so you haven’t said which country you are in, however, this is a link to one of the guidance docs available to NHS doctors to help their prescription decisions.


Diet and lifestyle choices can also make a huge difference in the management of T2


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Loukay1 I started on the prescription drugs because I knew no better.
I seemed to be surrounded by people like yourself who's prescriptions just kept going up and the people were not getting any better.
I discovered others on here with similar problems then discovered people on here talking not of going on a diet but making a life change in diet and I ended up on low carb high fat.
No drugs different approach to food and I can't say I've reversed my T because I haven't but I lead an almost normal life .... almost.
I have a glucose meter to keep a check on things and check at least once a day sometimes more.
But no drugs for T2 and no drugs for cholesterol and I'm doing pretty good.
I have also learnt to say I have T2 diabetes not ... I'm a diabetic.
If you have cancer you don't say I'm a cancer or I'm a headache I'm a broken leg .... diabetes is not who we are it's something we have .... a disease.
That way of thinking helped me approach the whole eating thing and and everything else better.


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Type 2
I'm sorry I dont think I made myself clear, along with the medication I'm trying to control my blood sugars with diet, sometimes I do well, and sometimes I dont. I suffer with chronic pain, anxiety and depression, I'm over due my diabetes review and I was just wondering if there is another medication they would offer before insulin (which I obviously dont want) but I most definitely know that medication is not a cure or a licence to eat whatever I want, I was just hoping for some advice.


Well-Known Member
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
I'm sorry I dont think I made myself clear, along with the medication I'm trying to control my blood sugars with diet, sometimes I do well, and sometimes I dont. I suffer with chronic pain, anxiety and depression, I'm over due my diabetes review and I was just wondering if there is another medication they would offer before insulin (which I obviously dont want) but I most definitely know that medication is not a cure or a licence to eat whatever I want, I was just hoping for some advice.
Sorry but the title of the thread what drug is next had me presuming you're already lining yourself up for the next magic pill .... that rarely if ever works.
Not a go at you it's justout here in real life experience I have friends who do this all the time .... ask questions of how I'm doing so well but then ignoring what I say anyway and waiting for the next change in prescription and the next and on it goes.
Not an attack on you just a misunderstanding.
All the best which ever roads you try .... and often there are many roads with many twists and turns and many never find any kind of comfortable journey or destination and personally I lay the blame for that with misinformation and lack of experience and knowledge in the medical rooms across the land backed by the ideas pushed upon the medical community that some factory owners in it for the money are the arbiters of truth and wisdom .... they're not.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
My sugar levels were sky high, I felt terrible, couldn't sit still at night, couldn't sleep, etc etc, I have changed my diet....Carbs for me I have found out are a no no, It seems I have a choice...I either think oh the odd carb , choc etc won't hurt and feel awful or I keep on the way I'm eating now and see the figures tumble, sleep
well, Feeling better all the time, Yes it isn't easy but it's
a choice.... My figures have gone down from 22 to 5.6, Speaks for itself x
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
My sugar levels were sky high, I felt terrible, couldn't sit still at night, couldn't sleep, etc etc, I have changed my diet....Carbs for me I have found out are a no no, It seems I have a choice...I either think oh the odd carb , choc etc won't hurt and feel awful or I keep on the way I'm eating now and see the figures tumble, sleep
well, Feeling better all the time, Yes it isn't easy but it's
a choice.... My figures have gone down from 22 to 5.6, Speaks for itself x

Well done for getting your BG into check. Can I ask how long it took to go from 22 to 5.6?
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