Ultimate (hopefully) Christmas Thread - Tips, Tricks, "Hacks", Coping Mechanisms, Swaps, Recipes - Anything goes!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
And my own Christmas complication is not my own lc - that's easy- it's the visiting 1 strict no nuts and 1 vegetarian and 1 no egg thrown into the mix. There are only 7 of us!!!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
And, although it says use a saucepan the amounts are so small maybe a mug in a low microwave?


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It only works!!! Challenge accomplished @Antje77 and thank you so much for the recipe @MrsA2 I added a little extra cream because the coffee taste was strong but it is the perfect 1 carb Baileys and will see me through Christmas and New Year.


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As I pescatarian, non-low carb person with Type 1, the missing turkey and ham and pigs in blankets is the main difference between my Christmas meal and the non-T1s around me.
Christmas is either spent at my parent's or my partner's parents (ILs).
My Mum cooks everything from scratch - sausage rolls, mince pies, Christmas pud, Christmas cake (including home made marzipan and royal icing) and my veggie alternative which is usually something with home-made pastry parcelly that will go with the rest of the trimmings. She will also make a veggie stuffing so I can have some.
My MIL is not so much of a cook. Aunt Bessie helps out a lot with her Christmas dinner by providing the parsnips and Yorkshire puds (although I was bought up with YP only going with beef so still not got my head around having them on Christmas day). My meat alternative will be a M&S veggie pie. Christmas dessert is usually profiteroles (because my SIL likes them) or cheesecake (because my BIL likes it).

Both will have sweets and nibbles around which means a constant need for an insulin top up as I get offered another Hotel Chocolat dark chocolate truffle (my parents) or a toffee Quality Street (ILs).

I try to participate in all but try to hold back at the end of the evening so I don't have too much insulin on board when I go to bed.

Whichever Christmas it is this year will be fun and an over-indulgence. The only concession will be the Boxing Day walk. With my folks, the whole family troop out. At the ILs it may just be me in my running shoes with weird looks from the family.
I love this thread , I am beginning to think of Christmas with my son in Scotland , he’s a marvellous cook , and they do pretty well with the drink as well. Thinking every thing in very much moderated form .
good luck to us all xx


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
It only works!!! Challenge accomplished @Antje77 and thank you so much for the recipe @MrsA2 I added a little extra cream because the coffee taste was strong but it is the perfect 1 carb Baileys and will see me through Christmas and New Year.
Do you ever have a food or drink you hate but wish you really liked Lol that’s Baileys for me - seeing this pic makes me wish I loved it, sadly I know I will never like it even a little hehe


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Do you ever have a food or drink you hate but wish you really liked Lol that’s Baileys for me - seeing this pic makes me wish I loved it, sadly I know I will never like it even a little hehe
I know exactly what you mean. No one believes I don't like vodka. I must have been told a hundred times that it is tasteless and I can't not like it but I can taste it and I don't like it!


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Diet only
For me before diagnosis I really wished I liked vegetables generally. I don't (my kids only found out after they were adults). Now- it's great. I do not miss carrots, parsnip, beans, capsicum, asparagus, celery... so I no longer wished I liked them. (unfortunately I do like potato, pumpkin and sweet potato).

Back to the thread. I usually make a pavlova for Christmas (one of a few desserts that are part of our families Christmas traditions). Does anyone have an idea of the best sweetener to use- we used something last year that was...not great so open to ideas :)


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Keto Pavlova. I tried it once. Used Erythritol. It had no crunch just a rather chewy blob


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I’ve had the Max Mallows keto marshmallows but I’ve only seen them in one place in a shop in Lytham- tried to get them on line but no joy. Have a look on Etsy many people on there sell homemade Keto cakes etc and I’m sure I’ve seem marshmallows - won’t be cheap from there but if it’s a Christmas treat maybe it’s ok to splash out a bit ;)
Not sure if you tried the shop online? https://ketokitchenlytham.co.uk/sna...GfBBa8HjjNhoaMSifDR_cQLUfvg1edeEaAmDhEALw_wcB
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