Type 2 (most likely) - feeling really ashamed


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Hi guys,

I have an infection which hasn't cleared up after 6 weeks and today my GP thought he'd do a fingerprick bg test - result 7.9 after having nothing to eat or drink since day before, so you could call it a fasting result. I was sent to the hospital for HbA1c etc etc. My parents are both type 2 diabetic - dad isn't even overweight and is physically active, but mum is like me, very overweight and not very physically active. I'm nearly 39.

About 8 weeks ago I saw sense regarding the weight/exercise issue and joined a local pool as the only exercise I really enjoy is swimming. Things were going great until I got this infection, where I was told I shouldn't be swimming. 6 weeks later and the infection is still there...so still no swimming...it's killing me! Once I stopped swimming I didn't feel motivated to eat healthier foods, so my already bad diet spiralled out of control further.

I must admit I do feel a bit scared as I really don't like doctors or hospitals and I have a feeling both of these are going to feature heavily in my life now. I'm won't be really suprised if the results do come back positive, not given my family history and poor lifestyle. And I'm normally an upbeat kind of person, but I can't help but feel really ashamed. like I've brought this on myself. And to make matters worse the last thing I want is people watching what I eat all the time and saying the moment anyhting remotely carby passes my lips "should you be eating that"?

The GP belives the results will be positive for diabetes and I'm prepared for that really. I just don't know how to handle the shame and self-blame - or the sadness that I've left it too late to sort myself out. Has anyone else felt like this? How did you deal with it? Please don't just tell me to "man up", I need good helpful advice right now, from people who understand.

Thanks so much x
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Don't feel shame diabetes can run in family's as it does in mine.
We are all guilty of the it can't happen to me thoughts but this is the start of the rest of your life and after a few changes you will be just fine x
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Welcome to the site. Well you don't need us to beat you up - you've done a good job yourself. You need to read around the forum, its well used, great members who are very helpful. Reducing your carb intake is the first step, oh actually getting a meter and strips is the first step. Amazon or ebay do codefree, the strips are cheaper. Then you test before you eat and 2 hours after. Cut the white stuff, that includes bread, pasta, rice etc. Others will be along soon to fill you in. But have a look at dietdoctor and Jenny Ruhl, Google them.
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Hi and welcome. Nothing to be ashamed off; we're a VERY big club! Yes, do reduce the carbs as this is vital even more so than exercise although that is always good. Increase the proteins and fats if necessary as you cut back the carbs
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hello, welcome to the forum. Um....., yes I had all those thoughts you expressed in your post and many more besides. The others have given you good advice re testing and cutting down on carbs, so I'll just say come back and ask more questions when you are ready ....and give you another big hug. You will be fine x
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Thanks all for your help so far. I know that, with my usual upbeat and positive attitude I will deal with this. Even if (unlikely) the result comes back negative or borderline, it's still a kick up the bum that I need...definitely time to make some changes. I've read the pages that you linked to (thanks) and will be doing some reading around the forum later today. Thanks again x
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Thanks all for your help so far. I know that, with my usual upbeat and positive attitude I will deal with this. Even if (unlikely) the result comes back negative or borderline, it's still a kick up the bum that I need...definitely time to make some changes. I've read the pages that you linked to (thanks) and will be doing some reading around the forum later today. Thanks again x
Would love to hear how your test went


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Hi @Gary25566 it came back borderline (A1c 44 and FBG 6.5) so I've had another FBG done last week...results on Wednesday. I think based on the first result it will be classified prediabetes...which is what I'm hoping as let's face it none of us want to be diabetic! Trouble is I basically ate carb free for a few days before the 2nd test so I don't know to what extent that has influenced the result. I'll ask on Wednesday. Will update once I know more, thanks for asking :)
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Good stuff I was a pre diabetic for a good number of years then 10 years on metformin and finally insulin .....So let's hope your results are all good x


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Diet only
With both parents diabetic you had it coming, I know, same with me and lots of relatives on dad´s side are diabetic too.

I find http://www.dietdoctor.com/how-to-lose-weight really helpful as with LCHF you control bg very easily and if over weight usually loose weight rapidly.

Type 2 seems to be genetic so nothing to be ashamed about. Quit the carbs, up the fats and get a bg meter.


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With both parents diabetic you had it coming, I know, same with me and lots of relatives on dad´s side are diabetic too.

I find http://www.dietdoctor.com/how-to-lose-weight really helpful as with LCHF you control bg very easily and if over weight usually loose weight rapidly.

Type 2 seems to be genetic so nothing to be ashamed about. Quit the carbs, up the fats and get a bg meter.
Don't up the fats just balance it out
If you up the fats you will just end up with a loads of other problems (from experience) try using an app called myfitnesspal this will help you balance the correct foods and lose weight (2 stone in 69 days myself)
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Diet only
Don't up the fats just balance it out
If you up the fats you will just end up with a loads of other problems (from experience) try using an app called myfitnesspal this will help you balance the correct foods and lose weight (2 stone in 69 days myself)
Out of curiosity, what problems did you have with upping fats?
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People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
Quit the carbs, up the fats and get a bg meter.
Already drastically reduced the carbs, upped the healthy fats only and already had a BG meter as I knew I was at risk and used to test occasionally anyway :)


Active Member
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Triglycerides went up to a mental 26 and the weight went up to 21.6 stone
The diabetes was kept under control but the rest was just as serious.
I'm also from a long line of male diabetics


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Triglycerides should be less than 2


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
Don't up the fats just balance it out
If you up the fats you will just end up with a loads of other problems (from experience) try using an app called myfitnesspal this will help you balance the correct foods and lose weight (2 stone in 69 days myself)
Already use MFP :)
Love it!
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An amazing app I had my doubts but if you watch what you eat and portion control you can eat anything within reason.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Triglycerides went up to a mental 26 and the weight went up to 21.6 stone
The diabetes was kept under control but the rest was just as serious.
I'm also from a long line of male diabetics
That´s weird! My tri´s are at 0.7 and i do high fat indeed. And have lost about a kilogram per month so is now BMI 21.5, didnt have much to loose