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  • Hi, i read a post you put out about heart rate abouve 85% you are using fat as energy and below 85% you are using glucouse from liver production. I am type 2 and run 7 mile above 85% and my glucouse goes up to the 200 from a starting 135 prior to the run. do you believe this is from liver glucouse production and what can you do to reduce it ? any feedback much apreciated.
    Hi Borofergie, i'm working at a production company and we are looking for people to participate in a video for a supermarket, promoting healthy eating to help improve diabetes. The video will be of someone with type 2 diabetes cooking a delicious healthy meal with our presenter (who has a background in nutrition) chatting whilst cooking in a home environment. You can contact me at [email protected] or on 02070332812
    Hi there!
    Just thought I should say thanks so much for hosting us at the Oak Hil Park park run. So great to meet you all.
    Very well organised parkrun that felt really friendly and welcoming. We were so distracted by meeting you guys we didn't even get chance to thank the volunteers!. Pls apologise on our behalf, and give our thanks. Bx
    Hi there,
    Just been sending out posters to advertise the 10 May parkrun to local surgeries etc near Barnet. If you would like to e-mail me at [email protected] I can forward a copy of the poster on to you. Anything TeamBG can do to help with regards to press interest? Photos etc?
    Yes. Please I'll email you now. I'll write up a "press release" in the next couple of days and check it back with you before we circulate it. Direct quotes and photos are always good.
    The more the merrier! We'll do what we can this end to raise some interest too.
    Looking forward to it!
    Hi borofergie,
    Date confirmed for Oak Hill Park run - 10th May (that leaves you clear to do anything else on the 24th)
    I'll be coming along, so it will be nice to meet you! (My name is Becky by the way)
    That's really great Becky! We always go for a coffee afterwards so I hope you can stop and have a chat about Diabetes and running.
    If you think that it's worth it, I don't mind writing it up and seeing if we can get something posted about TeamBG and Oak Hill parkrun in the local press, or on the interweb.
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