Recent Content by courtanddco

  1. courtanddco

    Type 2 Help needed

    I've always been pretty overweight despite being a T1 diabetic, and I've only just really started to actively look to lose it. Upon discussion with my GP, I've 'gone keto'. I haven't even been exercising much, but I've been losing around 2lb a week and I've managed to reduce my insulin dose. I'm...
  2. courtanddco

    Blood Sugars and Menstruation

    Thank you for the responses! I did notice that I needed less insulin during ovulation, but didn't notice the connection till now (I just thought I'd been eating less)! Many thanks for the responses. :)
  3. courtanddco

    Blood Sugars and Menstruation

    Just sending a post out here to get a general feel for what happens to everyone, as I've recently just found out my blood sugars appear to increase during shark week! A lot of (unwanted) exercise seemed to have done the trick, but I can't seem to get a general answer online as to where BG should...
  4. courtanddco

    Background Retinopathy Diagnosis advice-

    That's amazing to hear - and really reassuring that in fact, your vision no longer needs correction despite the diagnosis of BR! Good luck on your next check.
  5. courtanddco

    Background Retinopathy Diagnosis advice-

    I've only just found out it can only be in one eye, and I'm going to ask as I am the same! Even with an updated description, I can't see as far with one eye and I've always relied on my other eye anyway. I feel the same, and I am frustrated because my blood sugars have been maintained. Haha...
  6. courtanddco

    Background Retinopathy Diagnosis advice-

    I wasn't told if it was in both eyes - that will be my next course of action, and thank you for letting me know that. It's a nightmare isn't it? I think that is what is worse, I can't do anything to 'cure' this now. How does it come back clear, if you don't mind me asking? Everything I have...
  7. courtanddco

    Background Retinopathy Diagnosis advice-

    I think that is where some of the frustration has kicked in. At my normal opticians appointment (I hadn't had new frames in 3 years because of COVID!), my optician told me I had blood behind my eye. My diabetic eye scan was organised for after, so when I mentioned that to my scanner, they...
  8. courtanddco

    Background Retinopathy Diagnosis advice-

    Exactly that! It's been a little difficult as I've been eating virtually no carbs, so I did keep dropping. I dropped to 3.3 the other day as I (stupidly) didn't lower my dosage, as I've always lived by the concept that 'lower blood sugars is better than high ones', which is really bad, I know. I...
  9. courtanddco

    Background Retinopathy Diagnosis advice-

    I'm really sorry you went through that! My father also has type 2, and as bad as it sounds, I find myself 'jealous' that he has not had his diagnosis for that long, and later in life too! I think I came to terms with my diabetes a while back. I even convinced myself that 'it wasn't that bad'. I...
  10. courtanddco

    Background Retinopathy Diagnosis advice-

    Hi, I'm Courtney. I'm 24 (25 next month) and I've been a diagnosed T1 diabetic since I was 11. Today, I recieved news from my most recent diabetic retinal scan that I have background retinapathy. To put it midly, I have been in bits. Whilst my management of my diabetes has varied (especially at...
  11. courtanddco

    Introduce Yourself: Answer Some Personal Questions

    Hello! I'm Courtney, and I've been a type 1 diabetic for the last 14 years. I joined this forum looking for support as I've just recieved news that I have background retinopathy, and I'm looking for support to cheer me up and stop myself from spiralling. :') I used to be on injections x4 daily...