Recent Content by Etty

  1. Etty

    Diabetes UK Petition for improved food labelling

    I can't sign this without the full carb count--Tesco manage it by putting full carbs under the traffic light box ( after complaints from diabetics). Why can't everyone do the same?
  2. Etty

    NO veg please

    If it takes 20 tries to tolerate a vegetable, I think your body is telling you something. On 10 grams carb a day, I tend to use fruit and veg as flavourings or garnishes only. It's amazing how much flavour you get from a piggy or 2 of clementine with a slice of good ham.
  3. Etty

    BBC1 Wales - Fat v Carbs with Jamie Owen

    They do know it doesn't work, they just see it as the "natural progression" of the disease that can't be helped. And they think most of their patients are too stupid and too lazy to really follow any diet for long.
  4. Etty

    LCHF versus family

    It's taken 2 years of nudging and subterfuge with OH, but now booze and starchy carbs and most sugar are gone-- apart from a little dark chocolate and a daily half a choc ice in a pool of double cream. The transformation in OH's health and mood is so rewarding, it's been worth all the effort.
  5. Etty

    BBC1 Wales - Fat v Carbs with Jamie Owen

    Everything you say applies to the recommended low fat diet as well as the low carb diet, but our health professionals don't have any problems explaining or promoting low fat diets. The diets should, at the least, be given to patients as an equal choice-- let the patients decide which diet makes...
  6. Etty

    Diabetes Burnout. Sugar addiction is probably widespread, I know I am one for a start. Have a look at the page above, which has many short articles about the subject. It helps to read as much as possible about this and realize how many people have the...
  7. Etty

    It doesn't have to turn out like that Panorama programme suggested

    This was a grim programme for us, but for the general public I think it was a useful wake-up call. I don't think people have the faintest idea just how serious this disease is . My fear is that the public is being softened up for the expense of a roll out of surgery. What we need is a roll out...
  8. Etty

    Fasting Insulin levels

    Would it help to use the terms "protein food" and "protein". Protein foods would include meat, eggs, cheese etc, foods that contain a significant amount of protein. You can look up the amount of protein per 100 grams of each protein food (e.g. beef) by 1) looking on the back of packets (first...
  9. Etty


    If you are a sugar addict, moderation with sugar is not possible. Table sugar (sucrose) has 4 g of carbs per tsp. so not much more than your sweetener.
  10. Etty

    Sweets and low bg

    If you are a sugar addict like me, abstinence is the best policy. If I eat the "occasional treat", it can lead to another and so on.
  11. Etty

    Low-Carb Life Hacks

    I think salted nuts are more of a problem- I'm alright with nuts in shells. I've learned that if I get excited about some food/recipe/meal, that is a warning sign. The best for me is to eat relatively few foods repeatedly, concentrating on quality not variety. Perhaps a little dull, but it's...
  12. Etty

    Which Bread?

    Crispbreads are a good substitute, with far fewer carbs. You get the grain taste and a satisfying surface for butter and cheese etc. Finncrisp is my usual, less than 4 g carb per slice. There's a good seed bread recipe in the cookbook "Real Meal Revolution" if you like the taste. I try these...
  13. Etty

    High sugars - help please! You don't seem to have much idea of what foods are high in carbohydrate. It's not about healthy veggies and exercise, it's just about the carbs. Have a look at the site above, and have a go.
  14. Etty

    Has any particular food made you vomit!

    Very few people with ancestors in Northern Europe are lactose intolerant. Butter, cheese and cream have very little lactose anyway, it's only milk some people need worry about. I had a mustard plaster when I had some childhood disease, and hate the smell. It doesn't make me vomit though.
  15. Etty


    Daphne, have you tested your BG 2, 3, and 4 hrs after porridge? It may not spike your BG so high, but still have the same effect overall. So many people have trouble with any grains, even the non-gluten ones.