Recent Content by Kirstyuk

  1. Kirstyuk

    Type 1 Neuropathy

    Hi just wondering if anyone suffers from neuropathy. Just been diagnosed after 30years off injecting
  2. Kirstyuk

    Freestyle LIbre 2 issues

    Hey when you first put your sensor on. You after wait 60minutes for it to start. After the 60mintes. Your all ready to go [emoji3]
  3. Kirstyuk

    Type 1 Sensor

    Thanks x
  4. Kirstyuk

    Type 1 Sensor

    Hi just to prevent it from the sun. Has gets really warm
  5. Kirstyuk

    Type 1 Sensor

    Hi I had my freestyle 2 sensor on during the warm weather. Became really hot. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas. To cover it up in warm weather. Thanks
  6. Kirstyuk

    Finally a libre 2!!!

    I only got mine yesterday so far so good. My Alarms have been going off if above 14 and below 3. I don’t use my phone. I use the Libre machine. Which I find easier
  7. Kirstyuk

    Finally a libre 2!!!

    Thank you. I only ordered today. So should be with me in 5days
  8. Kirstyuk

    Finally a libre 2!!!

    After months off being unwell. Finally aloud to have a libre but only for two week trail. Not revived it yet. Just wondering does anyone know what happens after the two week trial. Thanks
  9. Kirstyuk

    Blood levels

    Hi just wondering if anyone can give me advice. My levels have been very up and down so morning 19.0 mid morning 2.4 then by dinner 28:3. The diabetic nurse hasn’t been any help. Apparently I could be pregnant. Which I’m definitely not. And to change my units. Which I have. But nothing seems to...
  10. Kirstyuk

    So confused

    Thanks. I’m on novoraipd and lantus for 30years been on the same ones. Yeah I managed to get my levels down. Just not any help from gp. He more fussed if I smoked which I said no. And diet. Which I always been the same really with diet. And oh I send you for more bloods in aug
  11. Kirstyuk

    So confused

    Had discoloured toes. Sugars was very high. Saw gp got Sent for bloods. Bloods came back to be told Type one diabetes got worse. Change your insulin which I already have. Well do you smoke nope. Well could be your diet. Like wow! And more bloods in aug then.
  12. Kirstyuk

    High sugar levels

    Maybe you becoming unwell. My levels always go high when becoming unwell or change off routine. Are you t1 or t2?
  13. Kirstyuk

    Clinic Appointments during and after Coronavirus

    Totally understand where you coming from. The gps seem to take me off anything. After always saying I was under control. All have is bloods. But I ended up becoming poorly lots off high and discoloured toes. Gp totally wrote me off and just sent me for bloods. Bit worrying when can’t get any...
  14. Kirstyuk


    Thanks [emoji3]
  15. Kirstyuk


    Recent to a few highs. I try to cut out carbs. Any Ideas. What I could have for meals-snacks. Thanks [emoji3]