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  • I am not sure if I am LADA or Type 1. I am not clear what the difference is?
    Lada is a diabetes that happens to slimmer people usually from age of 35 upwards - and slowly after 5 years or less after diagnosis ( usually wrongly as a T2 ) your pancreas stops making insulin and to live one now needs injected insulin . You've become a T1.

    Treatment for Lada and T1 is the same.
    In Response
    In Response
    There is no official definition of LADA (or Type 1.5) which is why some doctors avoid using the term and prefer to describe it as a variant of Type 1 diagnosed as an adult.
    is not necessarily something that only happens to slimmer people. I have read reports from people who were assumed to have type 2 because they were overweight and it was later found to be Type 1.
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    In Response
    The only argument I have seen for a different name is to highlight to doctors that Type 1 can be diagnosed at any age (over 50% of people with Type 1 were diagnosed as adults ). But, once you have the diagnosis, I think it is simpler to just use the term "Type 1". There is no benefit in using a tern which few people understand, especially when we are "fighting" against people assuming diabetes just means type 2.
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