Sid Bonkers
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  • Hi Sid,
    I was diagnosed a week ago with Diabetes, and put on Nova rapid and Levemir, i was 22BG on test, by Tuesday i was at a good 10 , and suddenly Tuesday night started getting Blurry Vision (but only close vision as i reading a book keyboard ipad etc...)
    Sid Bonkers
    Sid Bonkers
    Hi I have started a conversation with you as my reply was too long to post here :)
    Hi Sid, i'm working at a production company and we are looking for people to participate in a video for a supermarket, promoting healthy eating to help improve diabetes. The video will be of someone with type 2 diabetes cooking a delicious healthy meal with our presenter (who has a background in nutrition) chatting whilst cooking in a home environment. You can contact me at [email protected] or on 02070332812
    I totally understand your problem but i would like to tell you that Tramadol is used to cure moderate to severe pain and not for neuro pain , there is another medicine called Gabapentin that is very effective and prescribed for neuro pain problems. If you have any problem or want to ask anything about medicine you can visit our site and consult our professional doctors. Visit now and know more-
    Sid Bonkers
    Sid Bonkers
    I dont have neropathy I suffer from degenerative arthritis of the lower spine actually, neither did I ask you to spam me with information about your web site, so i would appreciate it if you kept your unwanted and probably untrained medical advice to yourself.
    Hi, was just wondering if you could please answer me a few questions about your diet ?
    Sid Bonkers
    Sid Bonkers
    Only just seen this message so apologies for the late reply but, no problem what would you like to know?
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