Type 1 A problematic situation

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
So I am type 1 diabetic and have no care for life as a whole. I am really in need of some advice on how to tell my parents I tried overdosing with my novorapid. Please can anyone give any tips?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I would start by making an appointment with your GP so you can be put on antidepressants and also calling IAPTS if you are over the age of 18 (If not, your GP will refer you for counselling).
Once you've got everything in place it will be far easier to tell your parents, and they will know you're trying to feel better again. Something along the lines of 'Look, I don't want you to worry, but lately I've been feeling down and purposely took too much novorapid. I have made an appointment with the doctor and I want to get better' will work nicely.
It was extremely brave of you to tell us, and this was the first step. Know that you can message us if you need support. A lot of people are in the same shoes, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but help is so easy to get now.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Physically I am fine thanks.
Despite exhausting my natural glycogen 5 times in a week intentionally and still ending up 2 each time. The biggest problem for me is one of my parents is both a practice nurse and a diabetes research nurse and so won't believe anything I say. The only reason I am concerned at all is because if I do succeed at my attempts I will leave my family in an emotionaltrain-wreck. So any further advice and thanks for the quick response.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Physically I am fine thanks.
Despite exhausting my natural glycogen 5 times in a week intentionally and still ending up 2 each time. The biggest problem for me is one of my parents is both a practice nurse and a diabetes research nurse and so won't believe anything I say. The only reason I am concerned at all is because if I do succeed at my attempts I will leave my family in an emotionaltrain-wreck. So any further advice and thanks for the quick response.

Ben, the commonality of diabetes coupled with emotional issues is extremely high, and there are many ways of self abusing when this condition is "in the game", so you may be surprised by what your parent does actually appreciate. They may not have discussed it with you in the past for whatever reason, but I'm sure it won't be something they have never heard of.

I think that you want to tell your folks of your issues is such a positive move and I can only imagine that after they get over the shock of what you've said to them that they will be very proud and grateful you did so.

Please do get some help with whatever is underlying these behaviours as you sound like someone who is both loving and loved.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thank you, but unfortunately when I told my parents the first time they simply did not believe me, it was the same when I told them I could be depressed. So unfortunately given how remote my area of residence is I cannot acquire help of my own accord but I am slowly making progress in this area due to driving lessons. At this point I kind of just want to have a beer and take the same amount of insulin, whilst forgetting about the harm it will cause my family.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Is it your diabetes that made you depressed? Please make a appointment with your GP. There is lot of help available. By the way how old are you? There are Olympians who are diabetics. Do you want to try some meditation. Please don't make any hasty decisions. Bad times will pass. Be brave at least for your and your parents sake. Your health care worker parent should take you seriously. Don't think they won't just because they are in the area of research.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Unfortunately I believe diabetes is only one of many factors that have me in this mind set. I am 17 live in the middle of nowhere. My parents do not seem to accept the ideas behind neurological issues. But they are acquainted with more physical issues. Perhaps the issue of acceptance is the difficulty of perception which can be more easily done with physical problems. I have spent about three years contemplating overdosing but the only thing that holds me back is that I still don't want to hurt my family.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you, but unfortunately when I told my parents the first time they simply did not believe me, it was the same when I told them I could be depressed. So unfortunately given how remote my area of residence is I cannot acquire help of my own accord but I am slowly making progress in this area due to driving lessons. At this point I kind of just want to have a beer and take the same amount of insulin, whilst forgetting about the harm it will cause my family.

Ben, it must be very difficult for your parents to hear you are in such a destructive spiral. I would say, in their defence, that there can be a massive void between not believing and not being able to comprehend something.

Obviously, I have no idea when you first told your parents about this, but, perhaps telling them a second time they could have had some time to think a few things through?

Don't give up on the hope your parents may understand and certainly never give on believing you matter to them and much as they clearly do to you.

I really, really do urge you to seek both the support of your parents and help for yourself.

If you feel you are unable to broach this with your folks again, then please do seek support for yourself. If you are feeling in immediate danger to yourself, the please call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 to talk about what you're going through. Alternatively, please call 999 or go to your local accident and emergency straight away.

Do please keep checking in and let us know how you're doing. You aren't alone; either with your diabetes or the issues it can throw in our faces.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Would it be possible to write down everything you are going through/feeling and giving that to your parents? Then you are getting everything out in the open without being stopped if they don't want to hear it, sometimes having something there in black and white makes it all the more real...

Please be careful on driving lessons and test your bg before going out if you have been injecting more than you should!

If you still feel you cannot speak to your parents contacting the number above may help,

Best wishes
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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@GuyCalledBenw/T1 I'm sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time and you are very brave to want to be seeking support from your parents - that's absolutely the right thing to do. It may simply be that your parents struggled to accept that their son, (who seems, from your brief posts like a bright, caring person) who they must see a lovely future for, can't see that for himself. @Mrsass suggestion of writing them a letter is an excellent suggestion. I'm sure that your parents will listen to you and will want to support you in managing and overcoming these feelings.

Know that there is support on here and via the Smaritans.

Try to make an appointment with your GP. Does your mum work at your GP surgery? Can you ask for support from school/college? They might be able to help you to see a GP at an alternative practice.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks for all the responses. Here is a little bit more info on my parents reaction. They accepted it for about a day each time I tried to tell them. But after a day they just make sarcastic remarks about me being depressed whenever I do something wrong(which is more often than I would care to admit). I am grateful for all the help suggestions, but I have wieghed the negative factors(of which only one stands out) against the positive ones. I would just prefer to deal with the only negative factor before I do anything more.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hey Guy, are you actively suicidal? Your post above implies you might be. Can you call Samaritans or 999? One of the problems with depression is it makes your brain tell you that thoughts and feelings are bad or wrong. (I like to refer to it as my brain talking **** to me). You've done so well to put your feelings on here and I'm sure I can speak for everyone that we want you to be able to get help.
I accept that you say your parents don't understand. However, there are people out there who do 'get it'. You need to find them to get them to help prop you up. Do you have any friends you can talk to? Or someone at school / college?
Can you keep checking in so we know you're OK?
And, final thing - print out this thread. That way you don't need to say it again. You can just show it to people instead.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks again for all the responses. I am still very much alive, much to my own disappointment. I am very grateful for the suggestions. But I am an arrogant **** and subsequently refuse to hassle friend with my petty problems. I do believe I have made progress in working out why my parents still do not believe me. I recently over heard a conversation between them about whether or not they would accept that I was depressed. The conclusion was no because I do not seem to be expressing any negative emotion. To be honest I can't really argue with that because all the emotion I have expressed for the past 3 years has been very much positive and fake. Umm I really did not expect such a response to my petty life problems, so once again thanks all.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Glad to hear you're alive @GuyCalledBenw/T1 :) Talking through your problems rather than putting a face on it will help alot. In some respects you have to try and let go of what's already happened, you need to tell your parents, i'm a mum and very much hope if my daughter at your age was feeling the same that she would talk to me. You don't have to prove anything, just tell it like it is, maybe ask them to sit down so you know you have their attention, you don't need to feel so alone, nothing is petty or trivial, it all matters and i'm sure your parents will want to know how you are feeling and what you tried to do.

We are also now your 'online' family too, so talk to us, one of us is around most of the time.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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You really need to speak to some professionals and fast. I know several people that have taken their own lives and it's not nice for the people left behind. It's good that you recognise this.
Speaking to a professional can really help. And as mentioned above you should try phoning the Samaritans they are experts and there to help.
There are always ways and people out there to help. So please don't think you can't cope and there is nothing worth living for. I have been through this myself so I know exactly what u are feeling. Trust me speaking with a professional will help!

I hop me you get all the help you need and come out the other end. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks again for all the responses. I am still very much alive, much to my own disappointment. I am very grateful for the suggestions. But I am an arrogant **** and subsequently refuse to hassle friend with my petty problems. I do believe I have made progress in working out why my parents still do not believe me. I recently over heard a conversation between them about whether or not they would accept that I was depressed. The conclusion was no because I do not seem to be expressing negative emotion. To be honest I can't really argue with that because all the emotion I have expressed for the past 3 years has been very much positive and fake. Umm I really did not expect such a response to my petty life problems, so once again thanks all.

Maybe overhearing that conversation just gave you the key you have been seeking to your communication challenges,with your folks. I'm a great believer that "the truth will do", by which I mean not necessarily hitting them between the eyes, but if you feel rubbish, depressed, frustrated or,whatever, then sharing that with them. That they have discussed it shows they care for you and your future.

It won't all go right, but it sounds like you have made yourself some great progress. Oh, and, your issues aren't petty.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I must say thank you for the support, and the advice was just what I needed unfortunately my parents have been ignorant of all my attempts to tell them I am suicidal. So I am taking the attitude if they don't want to know they can probably deal with the problems afterwards. See you all in oblivion on the 6th of June.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I must say thank you for the support, and the advice was just what I needed unfortunately my parents have been ignorant of all my attempts to tell them I am suicidal. So I am taking the attitude if they don't want to know they can probably deal with the problems afterwards. See you all in oblivion on the 6th of June.

Your parents should be helping you, but you have to think of yourself and all the people who care about you - including all your new online acquaintances here. I mean that genuinely because we can all sympathise and understand. Think past your parents and look to your future.

The world is out there full of great things and waiting for you to enjoy it.
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Your parents should be helping you, but you have to think of yourself and all the people who care about you - including all your new online acquaintances here. I mean that genuinely because we can all sympathise and understand. Think past your parents and look to your future.

The world is out there full of great things and waiting for you to enjoy it.
As much as I am grateful for the response I was never so much in need of the support, because I am an arrogant ****. Oh and the world is only full of great thing for those who care enough to notice then unfortunately I have been past the point of caring for a long time.
My apologies