i need help please suicidal


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thanks again for your responses. sorry for not answering clearly. reading them ive realised i really dont know anything about my condition and how to manage it. its been managed by my carers for a long time because i was diagnosed at 5 (am 17 now) so i dont know what a practise manager is (havent heard of it) or a DSN.

There's a book called think like a pancreas which is a nice clear guide on what you need to know to manage type 1.

A practice manager is the manager of a GP practice. To be be honest I'm not really sure why you've been advised to speak to your practice manager. You don't seem to have any administrative concerns with managing your prescriptions and you clearly already have access to mental health services.

A DSN is a diabetic specialist nurse. Is your diabetes care under your GP or are you at a hospital clinic? If you're at a hospital clinic you should have access to a DSN to discuss things like any health concerns that you think might be related to diabetes or how to manage your diabetes - they may be able to make arrangements for you to attent structured diabetes education which should help in becoming independent in your diabetic management.
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Type 1
@alexharrop , look, alex, being 17 can be a really hard part of life, you've got all those uncertainties about where life is going to take you, but take a look at us lot - been there, been 17, still are T1, we're all getting along just fine, and so will you.

Soon as you get out of your teens, or sooner, you'll get a job, and you'll carry on with life. There's no way on our watch you'll go doing something stupid like suicide when we're all on your team.

Don't know much about trans, but I live in an area where there's a fairly big lgbt scene going on. I'm straight but some of the lgbt pubs are pretty funky and I'm happy to drink in them. You'll find a place in this world which you'll feel comfortable in, just promise us you'll stay in it! Is that a deal?


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Diet only
Hi @alexharrop. I just read through your posts and the replies. This is a great place to download and to get information...and I hope you use it. That said, I think it's important to think about certain things afresh regarding your current state of mind. Only you really know how you feel even if lots of people can relate, so while talking about it can only help...it's you you need to listen to most of all. Not the depressed suicidal self who seems to lack self-esteem and self motivation (going by the way you feel guilty saying anything to your carers..maybe to anybody)...not the 5 year old deep inside who still feels like a child who has to rely on others to get through...not the self who can't see a way forward and isn't confident about taking control - the other self...the one who posted on this site, the one who knows he wants more than this...deserves more than this. That guy deserves to know he can take control and that the most strengthening thing on this earth apart from love is the power you will feel from informing yourself about what you can do and then doing it. Like a lot of people, I've had things kick me down and kick me again when I'm down...life itself even...chance, circumstance...and I have learned that putting myself in control of me is what makes it all easier. All the energy that drain our of you feeling so bad, thinking it over from every angle, relying on others (who though they care and want what it best for you..aren't you)...use that instead to arm yourself with information on the best approach for you personally. One other thing - your future...allow your future self to make those decisions - maybe he will have a great time and be burning with passion and drive. Allow yourself to meet him - see what he's like. Finally - love - may sound very corny but to say it makes a difference is an understatement. You're 17, mate - so much stuff still to see and do and feel. Take control. Good luck.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
its really tough to deal with diabetes at the moment knowing that its a life condition and that its not going away for my whole life. i cant deal with it anymore i want it to go away. i need help finding something to keep me on earth at this point. please help me.

hey !! I understand how do u feel!! but u must always tell yourself not to give up so easily. I used to hate everyone and everything bsz I find so much changes in my life when i knew that I am a diabetic now. I always tell myself I must stay strong and not to let my family & friends to be sad and most importantly me myself. Being a diabetic makes me become a stronger person makes me to be a better person and I understand so many things but the others don't ! you are not alone !! we are all here !! :)
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its really tough to deal with diabetes at the moment knowing that its a life condition and that its not going away for my whole life. i cant deal with it anymore i want it to go away. i need help finding something to keep me on earth at this point. please help me.
We all live with this condition, and understand that it is life long. To cope, we join together and help each other cope. I had my time of denial and now take joy in helping others to live and be fulfilled. It is not easy, but it is not impossible. You have one chance at life, don't give it up easily.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Dont give up.

Do please speak to Drs, you arent wasting their time.

Some people in mental health care are not suitable to the patient... ie you only have to look at some of the mental health hospitals closed or in trouble to know that some people arent right or good... you can ask your GP to see different people.. if you can open up to a nice GP.

Ie I went to a Counsellor and she told me that I had to take cancer tablets as cancer would come back without them. I refused to see that Counsellor again as she was wrong and shouldnt have said what she said. I also had an assessment made of me with 21 mistakes in it. I had the strength to complain and the person involved was dealt with appropriately for her mistakes.

It may be that your health care team and needs need reassessment and speaking to your GP and booking a double appointment so you have time ... it will help.

You will be becoming officially an adult within a year.. with full responsibility for yourself and love??? Well, its not everything... learning to love yourself and who you are is the best thing to do first... acceptance that you can be yourself and love yourself is the first most important thing...

Thoughts are thoughts until you take actions... please keep talking your thoughts to us.
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Not being on holiday....
Please Don't despair Alex
I was diagnosed aged 6 and was once 17 and i do remember feeling awkward and not quite in control if that makes sense.
You are not a child and not an adult by the letter of the law so you are in limbo dealing with a chronic illness.
Medical types seem old but they aren't they just seem it.
I may be 49 now but i have had some dark times physically and mentally but i'm through it now and joining this forum is a great big useful step as we all have 2 things in common.

1. We have diabetes
2. We want to help others

Helping you is what we want to do as we feel for you.
Stay in touch and just type on here anything and everything thats rattling around your head and i can guarantee somebody will be along to help.

Kindest regards ever



Type of diabetes
Type 1
its really tough to deal with diabetes at the moment knowing that its a life condition and that its not going away for my whole life. i cant deal with it anymore i want it to go away. i need help finding something to keep me on earth at this point. please help me.

All I can say is hang in there. I've lived with this for 25 years now and have often pondered ending it, especially after many humiliating and dehumanizing ordeals, piled on.

However, hope in a cure isn't misguided, they are getting closer and it's NOT going to be a lifelong condition for new type 1s.

For one: smart insulin is coming along, where you inject once a day and it only releases when your sugar is high. Done, no testing necessary to maintain glucose homeostasis, no (or few) hypos either. That to me is nearly as good as a cure, from the point of view of what makes this disease awful.

Next: regeneration through meds or fasting, stem cells, artificial pancreases, glucagon suppression, take your pick.

One drug I took that INSTANTLY made my life with type 1 WAY better is GLP-1.

Victoza, Trulicity, stuff like that. Those help lower sugar variance by a huge amount and make it a lot more bearable. Although the benefits do taper off after a while.

Also, don't try to push the gas and breaks at the same time. Fighting the idea that sugar and carbs are your enemy is only making your life harder than it needs to be. Switch to a keto diet and cut your daily insulin needs in half and you'll have way less hypos and feel a million times better. I WISH I had someone like me telling me when I was young to do this. The only way out of this is through it, you just need to hang in for a few more years and there are many things you can do to make things better. Suicidal thoughts are like a pressure valve, they can be beneficial to give perspective and realize as bad as it is, death is worse, especially when you realize how much better life WILL be. SOON
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Type 1
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Very distressing to read the OP. I hope you're feeling a little better about life today.

Diabetes is work. It is 24/7 work and, if you let it, it will rob you of many things especially if you choose to ignore it or not take it seriously - I speak from painful experience with 32 years on the Type 1 clock.

I firmly believe that accepting you have this condition is the first step to great management. It might take you a long time to do that, as it did me. You're not alone with your diabetes and you won't be the first or the last to feel hopeless. Seek support from your family, friends, diabetes team, this forum and the Internet in general. You CAN live a perfectly normal and healthy life with diabetes. Never give up.
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