What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
This thread has become the best on here, people interact. with each other get to know a little about each other it's better than never knowing who your posting to,never knowing anything about each other. Why would you want to stop this chat ! We do post BG levels and things about diabetic subjects, but we like to interact with people where is the harm in that K

well there used to be around 30-40 people writing their numbers here, now they seem to have evaporated and there are only around 10 people writing here... but well... why don´t you just start a thread with the name "daily chatting" here ? when one person writes like 15 messages without any morning blood glucose number daily , then this thread will soon need to have another name...


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
We are real people with real lives, thoughts and emotions. We are not just a medical condition and certainly there is more about us than a morning glucose count. It is nice to be able to interact as such amongst us. I for one look forward to reading this thread every morning, not because I am curious about what everyone's glucose count was but because I want to know how others are doing and offer support or congratulations or just share a joke or an interesting photo.
I can accept that others may not share my view but in truth there is also the very little chat thread that they can use if they prefer.

I totally agree with you both and hope if others see it they will offer there support on this. We are Has you said human beings not machines we love to interact I like you love this thread and it's usually the first I look at when I get the time to concentrate on it. I love how we interact with others on here and they interact back,comments on everything worries BG levels we are here to help and offer advice where we can and help by listening to what others have to say. How has fellow human beings can we ignore others when they may just need someone to chat with or share a laugh or a worry with I for one cannot and will not ignore people that's what makes us human. K


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Lady K try going into your Internet settings. Clear all of your cookies and then try logging in again. That may sort it for you. If not then the pubs have been open since 11.00am ENJOY YOURSELF :)
I have just read this bk to myself what i had written and it sounds as if ive been in the pub since 11 dont know how you read it haha
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I totally agree with you both and hope if others see it they will offer there support on this. We are Has you said human beings not machines we love to interact I like you love this thread and it's usually the first I look at when I get the time to concentrate on it. I love how we interact with others on here and they interact back,comments on everything worries BG levels we are here to help and offer advice where we can and help by listening to what others have to say. How has fellow human beings can we ignore others when they may just need someone to chat with or share a laugh or a worry with I for one cannot and will not ignore people that's what makes us human. K
Love this thread k long may it continue


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6.1 this morning. Been dealing with a jaw/tooth infection as of last weekend and although I've not been able to eat solids much, my levels have been really stable, if slightly elevated from the infection. Proud of myself for managing it so well!

This thread has become the best on here, people interact. with each other get to know a little about each other it's better than never knowing who your posting to,never knowing anything about each other. Why would you want to stop this chat ! We do post BG levels and things about diabetic subjects, but we like to interact with people where is the harm in that K
I understand both sides! I love the brief, quick overview of 'just numbers' being posted, it takes very little energy to check in with regulars and see how everyone's doing. And as much as I love the discussions and other posts, I understand that it can feel spammy very fast and it takes more energy to get to the relevant posts. More information = more energy invested in what was formerly a very quick and low energy check-in.

Nothing wrong with getting to know your fellow members and talking about what's going on in our lives, but sometimes it does feel like it dominates the thread. This IS still about checking in with our fasting values, I think we should strive to primarily stay on that topic and leave the chat as a pleasant side-event, not turn it into the main focus of the thread, you know?


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
6.1 this morning. Been dealing with a jaw/tooth infection as of last weekend and although I've not been able to eat solids much, my levels have been really stable, if slightly elevated from the infection. Proud of myself for managing it so well!

I understand both sides! I love the brief, quick overview of 'just numbers' being posted, it takes very little energy to check in with regulars and see how everyone's doing. And as much as I love the discussions and other posts, I understand that it can feel spammy very fast and it takes more energy to get to the relevant posts. More information = more energy invested in what was formerly a very quick and low energy check-in.

Nothing wrong with getting to know your fellow members and talking about what's going on in our lives, but sometimes it does feel like it dominates the thread. This IS still about checking in with our fasting values, I think we should strive to primarily stay on that topic and leave the chat as a pleasant side-event, not turn it into the main focus of the thread, you know?
Which is precisely why there is an alternative thread for people to record glucose levels with very low level of chat.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Only problem is the other thread is a T2 thread this is all inclusive.

I personalty have found that threads tend to have a life of their own and often evolve in unexpected directions this I think is a good thing.

Maybe the other thread could be moved to a more general and inclusive sub forum so all could feel comfortable posting on it not just T2s. :)


Only problem is the other thread is a T2 thread this is all inclusive.

I personalty have found that threads tend to have a life of their own and often evolve in unexpected directions this I think is a good thing.

Maybe the other thread could be moved to a more general and inclusive sub forum so all could feel comfortable posting on it not just T2s. :)
In fact, both threads evolved from a common root - a post by NewDestinyX back in June 2011. I think the original post was intended for T2s, but it rapidly became so popular that members of all denominations began to use it to record their daily FBG readings. T1s, T2s and T3s - and all those in between - are now welcome to post on both threads.

The original thread split into two for the exact reason that @pavlosn mentioned - so that everyone's needs could be met. As @Freema mentions, the original thread had around 30-40 regular posters and I suppose it would be a very tall order to exactly meet the needs of so many members. I use the Very Low Chat thread each morning now, purely because I like to record my FBG each day to keep myself focused, and the short, punchy nature of the thread perfectly suits my very hectic morning schedule. I can also keep up with what my other friends on the thread are achieving and still have time for a quick word of encouragement or commiseration.

On the other hand - as you'll probably see from my numbers to the left - I like a chat as much as the next person. So this thread, along with many others on the forum, gives me a great opportunity to get to know my fellow members when I'm not under the cosh of the clock - like in the evenings, for example.

Long live both threads, I say!

Oh, and my FBG was 5.9 this morning. :)
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あなたにおはようございます私の最も優れた砂糖のない酒の酒のメガネ。太陽があなたに笑顔を浮かべてください。This morning as I staggered down my garden path in a state of what I can only describe as extreme drunkeness a blackbird chirped at me from my lawn 'Oi you drunken bum, your blood sugars are 7.2mmols' Who am I to argue with one of our feathered friends? All have a good day. I am going back to sleep to try and soothe my fevered brow.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

Good morning.

A stunning almost full moon hanging over the garden this morning as I set out on my walk. My photo really does not do it justice.

Still busking in the glow of my 33 mmol/mol Hba1c score yesterday.

I had that measured as I have now completed 2 months back on the saddle and back in this forum. This is a marked improvement on my one month in corresponding score of 38.

Hopefully by the time the effect of my older high glucose levels prior to the last two months drop out of the equation theoretically three months in, I can get something close or even under 30.

I don't believe there is an actual health benefit to aiming for that score but I need to set targets and it is a nice round number.

Today's fasting level at 5:00 AM was an unually "high" 6.5mmol. Testing after my an hour and a half 9 kilometer walk returned 4,6 mmol, a huge drop!

Have a great weekend all!
