Diagnosed and feeling low


Well-Known Member
Before diagnosis I was getting up several times each night. I’m told it’s caused by your kidneys reducing your sugar by making you wee it out. Years ago doctors used to diagnose diabetes by tasting wee for sugar.
I’ve found that since I’ve had D my body thermostat is rubbish, I’m forever too hot or cold but I’ve no experience of insulin so that might be the cause.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Firstly diabetes is all about not being able to deal with carbs.
Secondly many HCPs have no idea how effective lowering carbohydrate in the diet can be in reducing blood glucose, so you need to keep that in mind when dealing with advice given by a doctor or nurse.
Lucky type twos can return their metabolism to working well and negate the symptoms of diabetes to such an extent that they test normal without any medication.
Type ones reduce their need for insulin by eating low carb, but still need basal insulin to function properly, 'cos they've got non from internal sources.
Type twos are most probably producing too much insulin at diagnosis and have got a hysterical pancreas working overtime.
Whatever the diagnosis, knowing how many gms of carbs on your plate will be a useful tool in management so adding up the major sources - sugary food and drink, starchy foods, just so you know how things stand meal by meal.
I don't need and have never used insulin - but do caution that increasing the amount of insulin to inject as blood glucose levels are falling to single figures is not advice to be taken by anyone, ever. It goes against all logic and the most basic safe use of glucose reducing medication.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
You really need to sort your insulin out and get used to that before you think about changing your diet This is a bad time of year to think about diet with Christmas coming up and as you say your life is quite stressful Just concentrate on getting the insulin right and try to see the doctor or nurse again if you are struggling with it
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I was the same. Ended up with type 1diabetes. It can be be a pain at times but I'm still learning. Butbgetting used to it. I am having up and down days. Hope everything works out you you.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi there ! I was diagnosed type 1 July 31 2018. I take insulin so I can tell you a little about that. It makes a big difference if you are type 1 or type 2. There is an important balance between carbohydrates eaten and insulin injected. If they are not balanced you are in trouble either way. One thing for sure, you will have to change your diet. Christmas may seen like a bad time for that. Sugar and sweets need to be cut out right away. Measure your blood glucose with your meter every couple hours to start. You can drop the frequency of meter usage as you learn about about how food affects your blood sugar. Everyone is different and you have to learn about you. But sugar is bad for everyone. Next cut starches (grain, potatoes of all kinds, rice, pasta bread even the whole grain types). This will lessen your need for insulin. The less insulin you need the better. This is why you have to measure your glucose, especially first thing in the morning, before eating lunch and dinner and 2 hours after the first bite of lunch and dinner. This is the minimum at the start. If you're reading is low have a piece of fruit, wait 15 minutes and measure again. Are you on one kind of insulin or two? Any questions, keep asking.
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