Slimming World


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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being diabetic, struggling with food choices
Thinking of trying slimming world to try and kick start my weight loss, I am a type 2 diabetic currently stats are 6' 6" weight 280lbs current med 2 x 100mg metformin 1.8mg Victoza, 1 x 40mg atorvastatin,

My question and sorry ladies really want to hear from men, have any men had any success following the slimming world diet and how did you cope with going to get weighed at group with it being generally female


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry female answering. I can’t answer for how the token man feels amongst so many women but I used to go and men did as well if not better than women, or just as badly. Depends on individuals not gender.

That all said I’d advise you to think long and hard about it. Now I’m type 2 and far better nutritionally educated I wouldn’t go near slimming world ever again. The old red and green days were reasonable as sticking to red meant carbs were effectively limited and used to work for me (I diagnosed at that time but undoubtedly insulin resistant and prediabetic most likely then). The more modern versions encourage far too many carbs in an effort to fill you up and make low fat their focus. Not a lot of help to a diabetic. It may be better than how you eat now but by now means the most effective for long term weight loss or diabetic control. Pretty much the standard advice that has led to the obesity and diabetes crisis. Lots of their recommended low fat foods are high sugar and carb and focussing on overall calories rather than where they come from.

Before you decide take a good look at low carb high fat methods. It helps many of us lose significant amounts of weight, keep our numbers down and for some even eliminate medications and achieve remission.

I suggest you take a look at for more info including low carb made simple

And to show it really works

and for food ideas

also for more food ideas and general info of carb content of foods. Lots of other websites for recipes out there too. Just use the term low carb or keto with whatever you fancy.

IMPORTANT: if you lower your carbs then your meds need to be adjusted accordingly to make sure you aren’t taking more than your new diet requires. It can cause a hypo if you have more gliclazide or insulin etc than your carb intake requires. Ideally do this with your dr. Please don’t be put off by an ill informed out dated rubbishing of low carb diets or being told you should eat carbs to match meds. It’s the other way round!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry female here too- I always found in the past men attending these kind of things usually get taken under the wing and do well.

Many if not most here (including me) would say give Slimming World a wide birth, but I do have a friend T2 who has been on insulin for at least 15 years and tried everything to lose weight including low carb is doing Slimming World and has lost up to press 6st and is now off all meds for her diabetes, she loves the lifestyle as like everything it's a lifestyle change not a diet. She has maintained for nearly a year now - so whilst it not for me it has worked wonderfully for her :)
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Humans that only take.
MAN here,

Slimming world, ha, would not even entertain the idea!

Work mate goes, he tells me im doing it all wrong and eating badly.One of us has lost 3 and a half stone the other lost a stone (from being close to 20 and around 5'8) and a half before Christmas and has put it all back.

Of course, like I said Im doing it wrong. He has a lunchbox crammed with diet this, low fat that. I have a black coffee with butter. You would think I had just drunk my own pee the way he looked at me when I dropped the butter in.

Diet and 30 minutes of extra walking (over and above your normal) will have the weight off you just as well, I suppose you will lose £'s at SW though.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
On one Metformin and Atorvastatin I did not exercise at all on some days - and my worst affected muscle, in my leg, took over a year to recover - no strength and the constant ache was making me bad tempered. If you can take them then that is good, but if they are causing trouble you might want to consider what is the most important, in your life.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Female here. I tried slimming world, a few men went.
I soon gave up as they recommend carbs. I would give them a wide berth


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@carat - could I ask you please to update your forum signature and/or profile, relating to your medication?

Your forum profile and signatures are not aligned, in terms of the medication you state you are taking. Your profile mentions Victoza, whereas the usually more visible signature makes no mention of it, which could lead to erroneous suggestions, with risks to yourself.

To adjust your profile and/or signature, just log into your account, in your browser and adjust from the menu on the left had side in your account.

Thanks in anticipation.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Male here :)

I have tried SW (and WW) several times over the years - and had some success... but short lived. I was the only male at my group for weeks but then gradually more started turning up.

The SW plan has evolved a lot since I started going, but the last time I tried they were pushing the "free" foods, which included pasta, rice & potatoes. I would overeat on those for sure. The biggest issue for me was the fact it was a large group (50+), and it took over an hour for the leader to go around the room telling everyone how they had done..... and in all honesty I got bored listening.

I'm now on a 3 month plan with Ourpath - which suits me far better. You get a mentor and there is daily learning, a group chat and it's low carb!. They are being offered as a course by some NHS GPs but sadly not mine. There's a lady on youtube called Jazz Salmon that did a series of reviews for it and her enthusiasm made me give it a go - I'm not trying to recruit for them, just saying where I am. It's a little more expensive than the clubs, but far less painful for me. I'm someone that needs a focus and support (hence being here).

If you fancy SW then go for it, it can work. I have a good friend that's lost 4 stone in the last 4 months. I didn't get that result but I'm probably to blame. Just one tip, when they tell you about all the low fat treats you can buy from the shop, don't ask about sugar content - they don't like it :)

You can of course do the low carb/keto way - some great stuff in the forum, but it depends on what you want. Good luck either way!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
A colleague of mine was very successful with SW but after a couple of years began to regain weight and SW no longer worked for her. She told me how miserable she felt, and how nothing was going to stop the regain.

I told her what I was doing, pointed her to and lent her my copy of Jason Fung's The Obesity Code. Six months later she's back at optimum weight and yesterday she said the conversation we had changed her life. We both feel happier and more positive on low carb high fat with intermittent fasting - losing weight, and in my case improving insulin sensitivity has become a pleasure rather than an insurmountable and miserable task.

Sorry, we're both female but lots of men have had similar experiences.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I found that losing weight was easier by low carbing, slimming world was a good platform for me many years ago and I chose not to fill up on 'free' carb foods, but focused on the speed foods, especially vegetables and berries, you can make it work for you if you need the discipline of attending a group for support, just make sure you read up on sugar content in the low fat products that they may recommend - good luck x