Type 1 Weight!

Carl williams66

Active Member
Quick question guys, any ideas on how to put weight on with type 1 diabetes?? Ive never had trouble before with diet, eating properly and going to the gym 5 days a week!! But a lot changes with diabetes as you all know, and I’ve lost a lot of weight, it was more muscle than anything according to the consultant. Im pretty new to this whole diabetes thing, diagnosed 2 months ago or so, plus I’m not taking insulin as of yet, I’m on gliclazide and metformin. Any suggestions would be helpful.


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Quick question guys, any ideas on how to put weight on with type 1 diabetes?? Ive never had trouble before with diet, eating properly and going to the gym 5 days a week!! But a lot changes with diabetes as you all know, and I’ve lost a lot of weight, it was more muscle than anything according to the consultant. Im pretty new to this whole diabetes thing, diagnosed 2 months ago or so, plus I’m not taking insulin as of yet, I’m on gliclazide and metformin. Any suggestions would be helpful.

I can sympathise. I lost a lot of weight and my skin was literally hanging from my bones. As soon as I started insulin I gained weight. I honestly put on about half a stone in about ten days! I have gained a total of 2 stone. Once I started to feel better I was able to start exercising again. It’s a slow process. Good luck.
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Carl williams66

Active Member
I can sympathise. I lost a lot of weight and my skin was literally hanging from my bones. As soon as I started insulin I gained weight. I honestly put on about half a stone in about ten days! I have gained a total of 2 stone. Once I started to feel better I was able to start exercising again. It’s a slow process. Good luck.

Thanks, was 15 stone while going to the gym, I’m now down to 13st 3 lbs.... my clothes are too big and while the medication is working they won’t put me on insulin! But if I eat too much the my levels go too high, which in turn contributes to me losing more weight! ‍♂️ can’t win at the mo! But thank you. Good luck to you too with the exercise


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My blood sugars were constantly elevated and c-peptide extremely low causing gluconeogenesis, so I'm hoping that with long-acting insulin Levemir, that things may begin to change. Now I'm lifting heavy weights, consuming enough protein, and resting enough.
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Well-Known Member
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Quick question guys, any ideas on how to put weight on with type 1 diabetes?? Ive never had trouble before with diet, eating properly and going to the gym 5 days a week!! But a lot changes with diabetes as you all know, and I’ve lost a lot of weight, it was more muscle than anything according to the consultant. Im pretty new to this whole diabetes thing, diagnosed 2 months ago or so, plus I’m not taking insulin as of yet, I’m on gliclazide and metformin. Any suggestions would be helpful.
I'm no expert and still on the steep incline learning curve for diabetes. I am just another type 1. Seems unusual that you are type 1 but don't take insulin. Those meds sound more like type 2 stuff. I also lost alot of weight but that stopped when I started with the insulin which I was given as soon as diagnosed type 1.

Carl williams66

Active Member
I'm no expert and still on the steep incline learning curve for diabetes. I am just another type 1. Seems unusual that you are type 1 but don't take insulin. Those meds sound more like type 2 stuff. I also lost alot of weight but that stopped when I started with the insulin which I was given as soon as diagnosed type 1.

I’ve read that they do and have given gliclazide to treat type 1... someone mentioned last night it was LADA, something like that


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I'm no expert and still on the steep incline learning curve for diabetes. I am just another type 1. Seems unusual that you are type 1 but don't take insulin. Those meds sound more like type 2 stuff. I also lost alot of weight but that stopped when I started with the insulin which I was given as soon as diagnosed type 1.
Here's an NHS article on gliclaride: https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/gliclazide/ which would support your theory.
'This medicine is not used to treat type 1 diabetes (when your body does not produce insulin).'
I believe it's not used to treat type 1's because Sulphonylureas, which includes gliclazide, would stimulate your already exhausted pancreas with its few remaining beta cells (which gave you a type 1 diagnosis.) It would kill off what little insulin production you had left almost immediately.
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I’ve read that they do and have given gliclazide to treat type 1... someone mentioned last night it was LADA, something like that

Carl, have you discussed how high your bloods go, as you describe here? If so, what was their response?

If your weight loss is due to uncontrolled blood sugars, then it'll likely be very difficult to regain weight until that situation is largely resolved.

The treatment you have been given to you is still quite unusual for T1s. It's more usually a treatment given to T2s.

Whilst many T1s find they can eat as they alwways did, and balance out their blood sugars by dosing and timing their insulin doses skillfully, for most T2s, they have to manage their diet too, to limit the foods that drive their blood numbers up.

Managing food to keep the bloods moderated doesn't mean eating small amounts, it's about eating fewer carbs, and balancing the protein and fats to keep the numbers and weight in balance.

I'm not sure what your team expect of you; whether they are just seeing how it goes, or if they are expecting you to work to keep the numbers in range, on the meds you have been given for aas long as possible.

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I am not a doctor but if eating what you want/need increases your BG, it suggests to me you need insulin if you have type 1.
Restricting your diet to keep your levels low was the treatment for people with diabetes before Banting discovered insulin a hundred years ago.
I suggest talking to your doctors about your levels, loss of weight and what you want/need to eat.
Many of us with type 1 eat what we want and, with insulin, maintain good BG.

Carl williams66

Active Member
Carl, have you discussed how high your bloods go, as you describe here? If so, what was their response?

If your weight loss is due to uncontrolled blood sugars, then it'll likely be very difficult to regain weight until that situation is largely resolved.

The treatment you have been given to you is still quite unusual for T1s. It's more usually a treatment given to T2s.

Whilst many T1s find they can eat as they alwways did, and balance out their blood sugars by dosing and timing their insulin doses skillfully, for most T2s, they have to manage their diet too, to limit the foods that drive their blood numbers up.

Managing food to keep the bloods moderated doesn't mean eating small amounts, it's about eating fewer carbs, and balancing the protein and fats to keep the numbers and weight in balance.

I'm not sure what your team expect of you; whether they are just seeing how it goes, or if they are expecting you to work to keep the numbers in range, on the meds you have been given for aas long as possible.

They know how high my bloods can and have been, they know I’ve been in the 24’s 25’s etc before the tablets, the consultant said I’ve definitely got type 1 and also said that the medication I’m currently on will eventually stop working! Then I’ll be insulin dependant, but as long as the medication is working at the moment, they see no reason why I should be given insulin as I’ve got my bloods under control, they’ve never been any higher than 9 since 2 months ago! I’ve had a few hypos but nothing serious, I’m no longer losing weight, I’ve lost over a stone and half in total, I’ve stopped at just over 13st 3 or 4 lbs, I just want to find a way (if there is one) to put some weight on at the moment! Something so I don’t need to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothing . It’s a bit of a vicious circle at the mo ‍♂️
But saying that I’ve an appointment on the 27th on this month so maybe I’ll bring it up then! Even the dietician said she won’t need to see me anymore as I know what I’m doing already with regards to healthy foods, fats etc

Carl williams66

Active Member
Here's an NHS article on gliclaride: https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/gliclazide/ which would support your theory.
'This medicine is not used to treat type 1 diabetes (when your body does not produce insulin).'
I believe it's not used to treat type 1's because Sulphonylureas, which includes gliclazide, would stimulate your already exhausted pancreas with its few remaining beta cells (which gave you a type 1 diagnosis.) It would kill off what little insulin production you had left almost immediately.

At the moment my body is still producing insulin, I think the consultant said about 10% of the cells are left are still producing, the medication will “squeeze”
What’s left out of them


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They know how high my bloods can and have been, they know I’ve been in the 24’s 25’s etc before the tablets, the consultant said I’ve definitely got type 1 and also said that the medication I’m currently on will eventually stop working! Then I’ll be insulin dependant, but as long as the medication is working at the moment, they see no reason why I should be given insulin as I’ve got my bloods under control, they’ve never been any higher than 9 since 2 months ago! I’ve had a few hypos but nothing serious, I’m no longer losing weight, I’ve lost over a stone and half in total, I’ve stopped at just over 13st 3 or 4 lbs, I just want to find a way (if there is one) to put some weight on at the moment! Something so I don’t need to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothing . It’s a bit of a vicious circle at the mo ‍♂️
But saying that I’ve an appointment on the 27th on this month so maybe I’ll bring it up then! Even the dietician said she won’t need to see me anymore as I know what I’m doing already with regards to healthy foods, fats etc

If 9 is the top of what you're seeing now, whilst not ideal, it isn't likely to be freaking the medics out, as you are seeing yourself.

To be honest, I'd not be in a great rush to try to up my weight, having lost it in the way you did. Our bodies are clever at self-regulating, and once things level out you may just regain those pounds without trying, particularly if you end up on insulin in the relatively near future.

Where is your BMI sitting? 13st and a few pounds is till a decent enough weight, unless you are very tall.
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Carl williams66

Active Member
If 9 is the top of what you're seeing now, whilst not ideal, it isn't likely to be freaking the medics out, as you are seeing yourself.

To be honest, I'd not be in a great rush to try to up my weight, having lost it in the way you did. Our bodies are clever at self-regulating, and once things level out you may just regain those pounds without trying, particularly if you end up on insulin in the relatively near future.

Where is your BMI sitting? 13st and a few pounds is till a decent enough weight, unless you are very tall.

No I’m not very tall, I’m 5ft 10, my bmi at the mo is 23, I need to put the weight on to convert to muscle mass as that’s what I lost, I haven’t lost weight so to speak but literally a stone and half of muscle, as that’s the first thing that was attacked (well so the consultant said)I’m not comfortable at the weight I’m currently at either, I’ve had to re order all new work clothes and I don’t really want to be buying a whole new wardrobe of clothes (it’s too expensive) ha


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I’ve read that they do and have given gliclazide to treat type 1... someone mentioned last night it was LADA, something like that
I can't find any reference to Gliclazide and T1DM treatment. Here are the NICE guidelines which certainly don't include sulphonylureas.
Type 1 diabetes in adults: diagnosis and management
Insulin is given to preserve beta cell function. Insulin injections are a lot easier to manage if your beta cells are still producing residual insulin.

You need to ask to be referred to a DM specialist if you're only being treated by a GP, or otherwise, get a second opinion.
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Carl williams66

Active Member
I’m under consultant care already. Thanks I’ll have a read now, I too think a second opinion is needed! Thanks again
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Usually they like to start LADA T1S on insulin as soon as diagnosed because it takes the pressure off the remaining beta cells. I'm not sure your consultant is up to date with the latest thinking!!
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Not always I asked when I was diagnosed as lada and was told the evidence isn’t clear and there are 2 different thoughts, the one of preserve it as long as possible and the other to get as much out while you can. It just depends which one the consultant thinks is right.

Carl williams66

Active Member
If you are lada you are most likely in the honeymoon stage and still producing some insulin so treated like a type 2 but actually lada type 1. Eventually you will be on insulin.

That’s what I was told about 2 months ago yes! I’m apparently still producing some, about 10% cells still working, something like that

Carl williams66

Active Member
Not always I asked when I was diagnosed as lada and was told the evidence isn’t clear and there are 2 different thoughts, the one of preserve it as long as possible and the other to get as much out while you can. It just depends which one the consultant thinks is right.

My consultant said they want to squeeze out as much as possible of what’s left. My medication will stop working, but when, who knows??!! All I know is that I was told when it does I’ll be on insulin