Flu Jab 2021 side effects?


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As a T1D I always have flu jab every year. Usually the only side effect I have is a bit of a sore arm and perhaps a slightly raised BG. This year I had the sore arm, which faded after a day or so, however four days later my BG started to behave strangely. I began to feel very tired and incredibly lethargic, and my BG dropped to sub 4 mol/l. No matter what I ate, even glucose tabs, it would not rise, until the early hours of the morning, when it shot through the roof. It got so bad that I stopped bolusing for the food and waited until the BG started to rise before I took on insulin. This lasted for about 3 days. I have now returned to normal and my body responds to carbs in a way that I would expect.

Is this this a coincidence and totally unrelated to the flu jab, or have other people had a similar experience? I would be interested to hear your thoughts.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I realise this is a T1 thread and I am T2 and I can't answer your question about BG rising as I haven’t been checking mine, but yes I have been more tired than usual after the flu jab this time. My hubby has too and he isn't diabetic and normally just sails through any jabs without any problems.

So thanks for posting.


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I must have had probably 25 - 30 flue jabs in my time and never experienced a problem !


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I realise this is a T1 thread and I am T2 and I can't answer your question about BG rising as I haven’t been checking mine, but yes I have been more tired than usual after the flu jab this time. My hubby has too and he isn't diabetic and normally just sails through any jabs without any problems.

So thanks for posting.
Yes, interesting. In my case I wondered if the tiredness/ lethargy was the result of prolonged low BG.


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I must have had probably 25 - 30 flue jabs in my time and never experienced a problem !
And me too, apart from sore arm, until now. I would not want to put people off having the jab, and my experience was probably coincidental.


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Hello @DTay9999 I get the flu jab every year with a sore arm too - BTW you need to move your arm as much as possible after the jab to circulate the injection which helps lessen the soreness, i've not had a reaction other than this and particularly 4 days afterwards would lend itself to looking at other causes.


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Hello @DTay9999 I get the flu jab every year with a sore arm too - BTW you need to move your arm as much as possible after the jab to circulate the injection which helps lessen the soreness, i've not had a reaction other than this and particularly 4 days afterwards would lend itself to looking at other causes.
Hello @DTay9999 I get the flu jab every year with a sore arm too - BTW you need to move your arm as much as possible after the jab to circulate the injection which helps lessen the soreness, i've not had a reaction other than this and particularly 4 days afterwards would lend itself to looking at other causes.
I think you could be right, but as more diabetics get the jab, it might be interesting to see if this is a thing. But it’s probably just my weird diabetes!