Low blood sugar on Newcastle

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have been following the Newcastle low cal low carb diet for slightly less than four weeks initially my early a.m. fasting blood sugars were around 6.5 mmol/L and they declined progressively to around 4.2 over the first three weeks. Two hours post-prandial in the evening has been about the same. This morning, however, my reading was 3.7. Should I be concerned or not? I am taking 4 x 500mg metformin, 14mg Rybelsus and 10mg Dapagliflozin daily. Urinary ketones are about 3.5. Weight loss has been 107kg to 98.5kg.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Chris, and welcome to the forums.

We can't diagnose or advise on medication dosing on this forum, so here's my personal experience. I have fingerprick readings like that myself (T2 no medication), and have always been OK. However I am not and was not on any glucose lowering medication (which you are) so that will change things.

My advice is that you need to discuss this with your Diabetic Nurse/medical team. If the low carb is working well for you they might want to adjust your medication. But that's what you need to discuss with them.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have been following the Newcastle low cal low carb diet for slightly less than four weeks initially my early a.m. fasting blood sugars were around 6.5 mmol/L and they declined progressively to around 4.2 over the first three weeks. Two hours post-prandial in the evening has been about the same. This morning, however, my reading was 3.7. Should I be concerned or not? I am taking 4 x 500mg metformin, 14mg Rybelsus and 10mg Dapagliflozin daily. Urinary ketones are about 3.5. Weight loss has been 107kg to 98.5kg.
Are you having the regular checks with GP that are recommended by the Newcastle Diet programme?
It really is not a good idea to go it alone if you are on medication.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have been following the Newcastle low cal low carb diet for slightly less than four weeks initially my early a.m. fasting blood sugars were around 6.5 mmol/L and they declined progressively to around 4.2 over the first three weeks. Two hours post-prandial in the evening has been about the same. This morning, however, my reading was 3.7. Should I be concerned or not? I am taking 4 x 500mg metformin, 14mg Rybelsus and 10mg Dapagliflozin daily. Urinary ketones are about 3.5. Weight loss has been 107kg to 98.5kg.
You're on a lot of medication to just go on a relatively extreme diet without assistance. Don't get me wrong, your weight loss and getting lower numbers are a triumph, but it can get a bit risky with me medication you're on. You're going a tad low, so if you want to stay the course, you'll need to adjust your medication down to cater to the change in diet. Or, of course, change the diet. (I'm assuming you want to get rid of meds though, eventually?) Either way, not something to attempt on your own... I know it's easier said than done to get a GP, dietician or nurse involved these days, but please.... Don't mess with this by yourself, if that is what you're doing. I went very low carb while on gliclazide, because for some reason my specialist believed I couldn't hypo on it... She was quite wrong, and hypo's are not fun. My GP took me off of it when my numbers showed excellent control. So it's something to discuss with someone, maybe?

Just please, be careful, and do keep testing!!!!
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for these kind responses. Yes, my treatment is overseen by the Diabetes Centre at York District Hospital who know what I'm up to, understand the rational and support it. They know I have a clinical background and trust me to be sensible. My GP surgery is less supportive and seems wedded to old orthodoxies. Contact with both tends to require a two-day lead, hence my reaching out on here yesterday morning. In the event, I topped up my intake with some nut brittle and I had no hypo symptoms. Fasting blood this morning was 5.3, but I forgot to take my meds yesterday, so that perhaps indicates that I do need to reduce my meds. I have a diabetic nurse review on 18/03 so I'll raise it then, unless something happens in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
I have been following the Newcastle low cal low carb diet for slightly less than four weeks initially my early a.m. fasting blood sugars were around 6.5 mmol/L and they declined progressively to around 4.2 over the first three weeks. Two hours post-prandial in the evening has been about the same. This morning, however, my reading was 3.7. Should I be concerned or not? I am taking 4 x 500mg metformin, 14mg Rybelsus and 10mg Dapagliflozin daily. Urinary ketones are about 3.5. Weight loss has been 107kg to 98.5kg.
That’s impressiv. Wow well done.


Well-Known Member
Once my blood sugars got to 2 some thing. That sounds so good you need to talk but you’ve achieved amazing only good to be had. thats Amazing
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
UPDATE: 10 weeks on Newcastle now. No further probs with low fasting glucose levels after Ryebelsus reduced to 7mg daily (other meds unchanged). Really pleased with effect on HbA1c result yesterday: 50mmol/mol (from 102mmol/mol beginning of Feb), weight down to 93.4kg (from 107kg). I think I need to look at re-feeding for a longer term low-carb, mediterranean type diet for maintenance. Seeing consultant endocrinologist in 1 week.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Great results, @ChrisGallagher56 . Well done on sticking with the programme. The reintroduction of everyday foods can be tricky. Good that you have a plan, and the right support from medical team.
Please keep us updated on your progress.
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i read the roy taylor book(newcastle Diet) and in it are recipes for after you have achieved you required weight loss to maintain your hbiac level have you read it?