Anyone else?


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Type 1
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Anyone suffer with any of these issues that could offer advice?

I’m a mother of 2 and with both pregnancies came a list of health issues.

T1d (diagnosed after 1st pregnancy)
Server carpal tunnel in both hands (after second pregnancy)
Pre-eclampsia (second pregnancy)
Chronic Anxiety + depression (10+years)
Combined moderate-severe ADHD (late diagnosis)

I was pretty ‘healthy’ my whole life. Few health issues when born and young but I don’t know much about it - I have a blood condition that’s never caused me any ‘issues’ apart from needing to take folic acid for life (even though I’ve been told it doesn’t matter if I do, but I’m now finding out it actually does matter and affects other things)

Anyway, just looking to chat to anyone that may have similar experiences or have any of these health problems and have any advice.

Sometimes I feel the docs just leave me to it and a lot of things just get forgotten about, and I suffer daily but it’s been going on that long I don’t even know how badly I suffer if that makes sense until it’s pointed out.

I’ve definitely most likely over shared here, but where else can I post this lol so someone better comment so I don’t feel like I’ve just spilled my guts into the abyss.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I can’t help with any of your conditions @mummy_mich as I don’t have experience of them but didn’t want you to think you’d “spilled your guts into the abyss” we have some lovely members here who may have experience of some of your conditions and be willing to share. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate


Retired Moderator
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Hi @mummy_mich , another welcome to the forum.
I've never been pregnant but I do have long standing depression and anxiety, on which I have little advice. I try to accept it's part of me, and somewhat succeed with this approach. For the past two months it's doing better than it has in many years, which is a little scary really, but I can't pinpoint a reason for this.

Tagging @JoKalsbeek , who doesn't have children either, but she does have depression/anxiety, a recent ADHD diagnosis, more than a fair share of joint and tendon issues, and she's very good at spilling her guts on the internet. :joyful:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi there @mummy_mich I have the combined ADHD type. I was diagnosed with it in 2017. I didn't know I had it until a good friend of mine, who is a psychologist, just nonchalantly said it in passing. I went to an ADHD specialist in Québec and got tested for it and voila I was diagnosed with the Combined type. It only became a thing when I stopped running. I guess while I was running all that rocket ship energy was being spent. I often describe myself as an out of control ping pong ball when off meds. On the positive side I am enthusiastic and creative, an out of the box thinker who can hyper focus. That part of it served me very well in my career. On the negative side I went from being a hyper active young individual to an aged restless minded person who's mind is constantly looking for the 'new', and a longing to be settled and satisfied. The meds help with the latter. I often feel I overshare too, always after I have re-read what I have wrote and I think to myself I said to much about myself. I also suffer from anxiety and dyspraxia which I'm guessing are comorbid issues that walk alongside my ADHD. As @Antje77 says @JoKalsbeek has recently been diagnosed and she started a thread here on ADHD. A number of people shared their own experiences and medications. :)


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have a whole raft of other conditions, @mummy_mich. Some of them medics have never heard of, and many of them don’t like to admit to that. :banghead:
I can identify with the pre-ecplampsia. Was very ill and hospitalised for much my first pregnancy. It was horrendous. However, we both survived, and my son is a strong, middle aged, six foot, healthy bloke.

With multiple conditions, and a young family to care for life can seem overwhelming at times. I am blessed with a good support system of family and friends. Cope by learning more about health conditions, and managing my own way, with minimal intervention from medics, but not getting too bogged down by them. It is easier now I am retired, but life, though different to anticipated, is pretty good.