Medication or not?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I have just received my HbA1c appointment in the post for the 19th April. I'm really happy as I thought it might take longer to come.
As my readings have been all over the place for years the doctor wants to start me on medication, while I would like to wait till the results of the test. I'm loath to start as once on them I feel there will be no turning back.My mother is now on insulin and still struggling to get control, she's been diabetic for over 20 years.
I suppose I am unsure as the doctors haven't exactly been helpful or full of advice, but then again it may just be me wanting an answer like now. I have quite a few autoimmune problems, which the GP is diagnosing one by one - so far we have been at this for over 4 years.
Anyway do you wise people have any fors or againsts having medication before the test. At the moment I am running on average about 9.7mmol/L (175mg/dL). My mum has her own struggles so I don't want to pester her.


Well-Known Member
FOOTBALL. MY husband is a sports fanatic and watches everything. Most i can put up with just not football.
Hi, i have been T2 now for about 18 months. when i got diagnosed i was bad and was tried on all types of meds. Ended up on insulin and metformin. I lost 2 stone and am now on nothing. Not even a special diet. My sugar levels are always in the normal range 5 or 6. Things changed for me :D


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. The most important thing for a diabetic is a good, low-carb diet. If you are not already managing your diet in this way then it will help reduce your sugars and delay the need for medication. Are you overweight and are you already having a low-carb diet? An average reading of 9.7mmol is a bit too high so you do need to reduce it one way or another. The doc may start you on Metformin which is a good and safe drug which will help reduce your sugars a bit.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
mistee71 said:
Hi, i have been T2 now for about 18 months. when i got diagnosed i was bad and was tried on all types of meds. Ended up on insulin and metformin. I lost 2 stone and am now on nothing. Not even a special diet. My sugar levels are always in the normal range 5 or 6. Things changed for me :D
Really? That is impressive, have you had recent hb1ac and cholesterol tests?:D


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for the messages.
I see a different GP tomorrow as the other one is off sick....
Hopefully all will get sorted. Yes I am overweight - have been struggling for years to lose it. A month ago was diagnosed gluten and lactose intolerant, so maybe juggling the carbs has made it worse. Not sure how much potato, rice etc will raise levels.
Interestingly ( for me ) I tried a cooked breakfast without carbs yesterday, and ended up passing out with a level of 2.9 half an hour after eating it. Doctor at the hospital was not impressed with and gave me a lecture. I won't try that again if only because of causing all that work to the NHS.
I think if the GP says meds I'll go with it, as I really seem not to know what I am doing.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
mistee71 said:
Hi, i have been T2 now for about 18 months. when i got diagnosed i was bad and was tried on all types of meds. Ended up on insulin and metformin. I lost 2 stone and am now on nothing. Not even a special diet. My sugar levels are always in the normal range 5 or 6. Things changed for me :D

This is embarrassing as I have only just figured out how to answer messages.
Well done you, although you had such a terrible time in the beginning. Hopefully it will stay that way for you.