and the point is?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, another woe is me post.

I was quite sick on Tuesday with high bms, my fault, yes I know.
On Wednesday I saw my DSN who persuaded me to get fully checked, bloods etc and I was admitted with dka, secondary to a toth absess. Had a ton of IV fluids and antibiotics etc and told I would not be discharged til BMs 'under control' and no ketones. After lunch my BMs were still sitting around 13, despite barely eating and correcting regularly and still 4+ of ketones, but I was allowed home.

Today I have had a small breakfast and lunch, no snacks and BMs still sticking around 13-15. Just done it again, 25.

I know 25 is not abnormal for me, but I have tried bloody hard all day to get them below 10 and its just not happening. I feel so dispondent, what is the point?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sorry to hear that Nemo. I think the problem is not with you but your medical care - you need the medication to bring your BS under control. Only after that can you go forward.


Well-Known Member
Peppers , Spiders, War and people who think they are better than me, we are all equal !
I had the same DKA a couple of months ago but with a small foot ulcer.
They really should have kept you in till ur BM's & ketones were normal.
Perhaps even carrying on the IV antibiotics and fluids ( depending on blood tests)

It took them/me two weeks to get rid of the infection and back to normal and i carried on with oral antibiotics when i came home.

If you still have any infection or are dehydrated + the ketones you aint gona get the right BM's without medical help.


Well-Known Member
Until the tooth abcess is dealt with definitively I can see you having problems with your blood sugars.

In my area it is hard to see an NHS dentist at all. Given your diabetic ketoacidosis problem the hospital may be able to refer you to the hospital dental services.

It won't be fun. :(


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
liars, animal cruelty
awwww nemo,
ya in the wars again,
hope ya soon feel better and get sorted :D


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys.

The dentist isue is a bit of a problem, I am not currently registered with one, and even if I could get registered with an NHS dentist, I can't actually afford it. Our financial situation is that rubbish at the moment that I am struggling to save for the kids school shoes, which they both need, and their needs come first.

I have done some investigations today and the hospital where I work which is in my county has an emergency service that can only be used if you don';t have an NHS dentist, but again, I need to check on the costs. Unfortunately, the hospital I have my diabetes care at has no dentist facility.

I have felt rubbish all day, so I'm off to bed and am hoping to wake feeling slightly brighter tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Hi Nemo

have you applied for an HC2. Request the forms from the jobcentre and apply. I did and now I get prescriptions and dental costs free.

Do you also get family tax credits? If you get the chance get an appointment with the CAB you could get help with all sorts of things....anything is worth trying.

So sorry to hear about your pain.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cavelioness, but we don't qualify for HC2. Our financial situation is due to my full time student status (but obviously I am well over 19!). I do get an NHS bursary, but it is minimal and has just been cut further now I am a third year and entered the Degree program, opposed to the Diploma route.

The bursary did not cover my outgoings before it was cut, ence our situation has got so much worse, but according to te powers that be, my husband earns enough to pay for us both and all the costs that 2 kids entail. Its not like we are frivolous either, we don't have holidays or all the latest gadgets. The kids are about to start gymnastics and are having to pay for that out of their savings.

It does wind me up, because we have always payed our way, never claimed for a **** thing, and have always been just over the cut off for being entitled for more help.

If we get to the end of this academic year without going bankrupt it will be a miracle.


Well-Known Member
Scary and annoying stuff. :(

BTDT with the abcesses, it's another circular argument, the infection will drive your BG up and the high BG will feed the bacteria.

The dentist I had at the time was a crapmonger, in retrospect he was trying to do as much damage as possible under the NHS prior to going private so he could charge an arm and a leg to repair it again. Actually a private dentist will probably not turn out to be much more expensive long term as the work he does will be carried out to a far higher standard and be longer lasting, plus prescriptions for antibiotics will cost pennies. That was my experience anyway.

Some hospitals will do emergency dental treatment, you may be treated by a trainee under supervision though.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
There are about 15 dental schools around the country I was wondering if maybe they took on dental work to give them more training....just a thought..I would contact the NDA to find your nearest school.


Well-Known Member
I checked online, there is not one near me. I would happliy have offered my mouth for training purposes!


Well-Known Member
Well the actual abcess appears to have gone, no swelling or redness and no bleeding when I brush.

But....I woke in the night (actually 6am, but stil very dark and night to me) feeling like I was gong to be sick again, checked BM - 26, checked ketones ++++. had correction dose, got up at 11am, don't feel great still, short of breath, BM 13, but stil ketones ++++.

I know I have lived a long time craving ketones, but I am really trying to get rid of the buggers and I just can't seem to win, I am checking and correcting all through the day, with my BMs swing between 11 and 28, with no rhymne nor reason. I eating 3 small meals, not snacking etc. I know how to achieve perfect control and whilst have previously chosen not to have it, can get it when I want it, without problem, but not now it seems.


Well-Known Member

What can you do?

Any relatives who are dentists?

Join an online dating agency to find that special person (who will also happen to be a dentist)?

Just go to any old dentist (but wear your Victoria's Secret undies over your dirty raincoat and hope he or even she doesn't find any unilateral facial swelling or halitosis a bit of a turn off)?


Well-Known Member
Wow, such an endearing reply from the good lady Doctor!

Wasn't sure whether to just go for it with my reply or not, but as freedom of speech is deemed archaic on this site and the post is sure to be edited or disappear, I may as just well say what I think. I've obviously well overstayed my welcome.

Firstly, my last post was basically asking for any further ideas in reducing the ketones in the short term. I am actively searching for an answer to my lack of dentist, but as I also stated, I no longer appear to have an active infection anyway, so feel I ave a little more time to organise something that will best suit my needs.

I am a member of a few other sites and have seen plenty of site 'shake ups' wen people leave/are not happy, arguments take place, but eventually people sort themselves out and on a very basic level (we are all individuals after all) some kind of unity returns. It appears not here though, there are definitely polar ends of the playground.

It seems that you either have to tow the party line on here, or you have a certain time limit before people try to extinguish you. I have made some very valuable friends on this site and will continue to stay in contact with them.

I was only defending Katherine the other day saying that she can be supportive, but it does appear that her new found status has truely gone to her head and given her some kind of superiority complex, there is a definite 'nasal drone' tone to her posts these days.

Obviously my last post, so thanks to all those who are helpful, I wish you all the best with your futures.



Well-Known Member
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I do not have diabetes
I think it was a joke, Nemo, probably intended to give you a smile rather then prompt a reaction. This site has complete freedom of speech, so long as it's kept friendly. If anyone has a problem with the administration/moderation then just contact me, and we can speak about it in detail.


Well-Known Member
Yes, Nemo.

My suggestions were intended to give you a laugh. Something you are a bit short of by the sounds of things.

The abcess is a sign of gum/root infection and although the worst of the infection appears to be away at the present time, dental infections can persist for months or years and cause raised insulin resistance and play havoc with your blood sugar control.

I fully appreciate that financial problems as well as actually even getting a dentist to take you on in the first place are major obstacles to getting this fixed.

I was not having a go at you and I am sorry that the post upset you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi Nemo,

I'm not sure what regime you are on, but think maybe it's basal bolus? I am not a Dr or any other kind of health profsessional, but from what I understand ketosis is caused by a relative lack of insulin - therefore, the way to get rid of ketones is to take enough insulin, whatever amount that may be. As you have been ill, your insulin needs are probably higher, so you need more than usual. Have you upped your correction ratios? Also maybe consider increasing your basal insulin. My girls are on pumps, but when they are ill we often increase their basals by 100%, this always works to reduce BG's and more importantly ketones. I am not saying just jump straight in and double your Lantus (or whatever), but consider increasing it by some ?%. Have your diabetes team ever given you any guidance on this?

These are just my thoughts, please feel free to ignore, and I'm sorry if I'm stating the screamingly obvious and you have already done these things.
Hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
Katherine, if you say it was well intended then I am sorry for my reaction, thats the problem with t'internet, there is no inflection and posts can be difficult to read as they are intended.

Diabetesmum, Thank you. I am on a pump and have increased my basal rate as advised by my DSN, I am managing to get them down - not below 10 though, so am wary of overdoing it with the insulin but then I keep getting unexplained spikes in the 20's that are not related (obviously) to any food. There is simply no pattern to what is happening. I have my ketones down to ++, but as soon as the BG spikes, they are back up to ++++ straight away. I am drinking loads too, to try and was them out.

One thing I haven't done though is up the correction ratio, I will give that a go and see if it brings me down a little quicker from the spikes.


Well-Known Member

Just a thought...

Do you do like I do?

When I use my TBR function on my pump, I generally set if for a 2 hours period, test to see how I'm going and continual with this, sometimes I will do a correction dose and increase at the same time... Depending what I feel is my underlying problem...

If you are doing similar and running the TBR for short periods of time and a gap between this might go to explain why some of the spikes are quite high...

hope you feel well soon