1.8mmol/L Hypo


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Woke up at 1am feeling a bit hypo. Tested and got a reading of 1.8mmol. I have never been that below before. I was rather surprised that I was able to treat myself. I did panic thinking I was going to pass out and ended up drinking an entire botttle of lucozade and then ate a slice of seeded bread with honey. It took ages for the hypo feeling to pass and then woke up with a reading of 25mmol.

At what reading would a person fit or pass out?


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Oh ******, not nice. Don't know the specific reading as there can be a margin of error with the test although the smaller the reading the less error. Have read some people get readings in the high 0.... At that level, think I would have been starving too. Lowest reading I've ever had was low/mid 2s. must of been really hard to follow recommended protocol, have some qa, treat, re test. Takes me a very long time for the hunger feeling to pass after such a low,but, really try not to overeat if it happens again.

Type 1, pumping nova rapid
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The lowest I've ever been and been able to self treat is 1.3...I had a fit once and slipped into unconsciousness and my sugar was 0.3 then... Took glucagon and IV glucose to wake me up. I think each person has a different tolerance to the next.

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I'm not sure of the answer tbh, I'd imagine it will vary from person to person. I did once have a reading in the 1's a few years after I was diagnosed, like you I managed to treat it myself but did feel rather awful afterwards.

Hope you've recovered Omnipod and don't repeat it any-time soon.


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Woke up at 1am feeling a bit hypo. Tested and got a reading of 1.8mmol. I have never been that below before. I was rather surprised that I was able to treat myself. I did panic thinking I was going to pass out and ended up drinking an entire botttle of lucozade and then ate a slice of seeded bread with honey. It took ages for the hypo feeling to pass and then woke up with a reading of 25mmol.

At what reading would a person fit or pass out?
Hi seems we where put on the omnipod about the same time, myself September 9th 2013,
I've been a type1 since 1971 so coming up to 43years, which has given me some experience with hypos although we are all different.
The government as in the DVLA state that you can't drive if your BG is below 4
Hence a hypo is anything below this and action should be taken ammediately
My self would take 1 CP of QA carb in my case Fresh orange juice this would push my BG up between 2 - 3 mmols so in this case I would go up to 6 or 7
If as in your case 1.8 I wud take 2 CP doinging a test after 15 - 20 mins then have a meal taking bolus depending on BG
I've found with the omnipod PDM metre gives a low reading to all my other metres usually about 1mmol at about 6 increasing to 2 difference Above 6 so I always re check with a 2nd metre.
Even after all the recalls I'm not happy with the PDM metre hence I re check any result that I think is out,
In your case even with the difference I said you where serious hypo yet you could correct yourself although you gave yourself to much correction which made you high very high which in itself can cause The pwd to over correct and then go into another hypo
I use the sum
1CP or 10g carb increases my BG by 2- 3 I don't need more than 2CP which is easily controled
Did you find out what caused the unusual drop?
Note all my opinion's are my own and I am not a DSN although when I look in the mirror I see someone who as more knowledge than my GP


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I think the exact figure for a "showstopper" will probably vary from person to person. You also have to bear in mind meter accuracy. The figure according to Wikipedia is anywhere below 0.55 mmol/L.

At a level of 1.8 I wouldn't personally bother with things like bread and honey (unless it's all that's available), but would stick with the big hitting glucose gels and tablets. This way you deal with the immediate problem of needing glucose now, while also limiting the problem of post-hypo highs caused partly by any slower acting carbs taken to treat a hypo showing up too late.
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I've had those readings when you think "how the hell am I even conscious ?" Maybe often as not it's meter error but let's face it in that situation who is going to do a repeat test? You're washing the Mars bars down with Lucozade with one finger on 999 speed-dial.

I do think that actual hypo points, coma points, fitting points vary significantly between individuals and also in the same individual over time. For example experiments show ketone-infused keto-adapted individuals are totally fine at 1.0 mmol/L.

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I've had those readings when you think "how the hell am I even conscious ?" Maybe often as not it's meter error but let's face it in that situation who is going to do a repeat test? You're washing the Mars bars down with Lucozade with one finger on 999 speed-dial.

I do think that actual hypo points, coma points, fitting points vary significantly between individuals and also in the same individual over time. For example experiments show ketone-infused keto-adapted individuals are totally fine at 1.0 mmol/L.

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As I said its the DVLA that has set the level at 4 and tbh anything below this should be treated
As for using gels, in my experience taking a fluid is quicker and also less difficult I use gels for running especially past the 10k because they keep a steady BG and not a spike in blood glucose
Re testing is for safety reasons since the PDM with the omnipod pump Has had a number of recent recalls because of faulty strips with some PWD having very high and low readings the supply of correct strips is still behind with myself still ringing Abbott to obtain these
As a omnipod user I would recommend where possible to re test with a 2nd metre if PWD is not happy
Of course if your BG is below 2 you take then test later
Personly I don't lightly send my control to the wind by over taking QA carbs when low 1 to 2 CP of the PWD choice is enough


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Hypos have a mind of their own, like everything else associated with diabetes. I was shaving yesterday afternoon and noticed the inside of my mouth was going a bit numb/tingly, thats usually a sign with me that my BS is really low and creeping up to a hypo, as opposed to the usual butterflies feeling I get when it is getting low-ish. Anyway, I checked and it was 1.9mmol but I didn't feel up or down I was perfectly compos mentis. A couple of weeks ago I started to lose it when I was out and walking home, it was too close to do anything drastic and I made it back ok, checked my bs and it was 3.1mmol, why does that happen? I should have been on the floor with the lower reading.
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The government as in the DVLA state that you can't drive if your BG is below 4

With the greatest respect. I by no means wish to be contrare....

"It's five to drive".

Both by my DSN & the "bumff" that came from the DVLA that i sighned when renewing my licence.. (Recently) Check blood at least two hours prior to driving. & if on a long haul every 2 hours...? Summing like dat...?!!!

Hey, I may have been misinformed...? :)
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I can wake with those blinders too... But to be honest I'm on "auto pilot" & don't test until i've started eating & on my way up..
Which can stand at around 2.5.. (I'm still quite light sensitive, blurred & colour blind. Like a "white out".?)

I have learned a long time ago not to over indulge.. It tends to feel like a hangover after bedding back down & waking again 4 or 5 hours later on a high one... (Even if testing around 14.)


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I will not be passed out at 1.4 and indeed can still treat myself at night... This only really started happening though after I was given a cgm which constantly told me I was low at night when I was 5+ according to my combo meter.
Previous to that I could only cope if 3 and above.
I don't know how my body changed but it was definitely after The Navigator cgm kept giving me false hypo readings to my pump meter.. Pump meter constantly and consustently over 5...

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I will not be passed out at 1.4 and indeed can still treat myself at night... This only really started happening though after I was given a cgm which constantly told me I was low at night when I was 5+ according to my combo meter.
Previous to that I could only cope if 3 and above.
I don't know how my body changed but it was definitely after The Navigator cgm kept giving me false hypo readings to my pump meter.. Pump meter constantly and consustently over 5...

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Just a thought - any chance it was the pump meter reading high ?


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Not that pump n meter.. No. I been checking real blood from arm for two years when having bloods taken.

This meter definitely.. In fact now I don't let my blood according to me meter reading with this new replacement pump n meter drop below 5 as this one does read higher...

But only got this one just before MHRA officially announced pump failures could happen...about 10 weeks ago?

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I was digging at the allotment at the weekend and my husband asked if I was okay (this is usually a sign there is something wrong). Apparently I was just stood there staring at nothing. When I tried to answer him I couldn't get the words out. Tested: 1.9. Had obviously got to the point where I'd missed all the normal warning signs and was going into the denial stage. Hope all's back to normal now Omnipod.

Deleted member 83869

I think it varies from person to person because a person I work with wife hypo'd yesterday at 1.8 she passed out and was foaming at the mouth but didnt have any symptoms when she usually does....scary stuff!

And also you may have woke up so high because your body was trying to bring your sugars up itself!

Hope all is okay now !:)


1.1 is the lowest i've ever gone...I was still able to treat but weirdly didn't get any of the usual symptoms like the shakes etc (until I tested that is!!)...I was getting this weird thing with my vision (I won't even begin to try and explain it!!) so i tested to be on the safe side..the shock i got when i seen the reading..I whacked down a whole pack of Dextrose and a Nutrigrain and was back to 7.4 20 minutes later (in Boots...safest place i could find nearby!!)..Later on I figured out the reason was a insulin mismatch with meal and exercise (not reducing my dosage and going straight out to walk)..This only happened about 3 weeks ago and considering I was only diagnosed as T1 in November 2014 this scared the living **** out of me..This wasn't an a easily dealt with 3.5 or even my previous lowest of 2.1...I suppose all I can do really is be glad I had this hypo. Finding out what caused it has me made me much more aware of the myriad of factors controlling your BGLs..
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Nicola M

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I once had a reading of around 1.0, I was totally out of it so my parents had to give me the Glucagon injection. It brought me round really fast but it made me feel awful for hours afterwards. We always now keep one in the house just in case.


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I would never know personally, as in all my 16 years I have never been unconscious from low blood sugar.............

its quite scary thinking about it...........I have been low of course, 1.5 I think...........and yeah, was quite alarming, didn't feel like I was going to go out though....

stay safe........