Search Results

  1. W

    NHS Soup and Shakes diet

    Hi, Has or is anyone taking part in this? I've recently started this, I'm onto my 4th week. Settled in quite quickly after the first couple of days. Just wondered how other people were getting on? I'm slightly worried as recently had my bloods done and my hba1c has gone from 69 to 82, however...
  2. W

    Type 2 Keto and F3 Liver Fibrosis

    So I asked a question on here yesterday, as I really want to tackle my type 2, and weight loss. People took the time to answer and suggested looking at Keto/low carb diets. I have done some research and I am interested to start Keto, although dreading not eating all those lovely carbs haha...
  3. W

    Struggling to change bad eating habits

    Hi, just a bit of background first. I've been type 2 now for almost 2 years and have managed to lose a stone in that time. This has been extremely difficult for me as I'm sure it is for many. I have in fact lost a stone last year, then put it back on, and have now lost it again. I'm currently 18...
  4. W

    The Fast 800

    Hello all, Relatively newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. After the initial shock, I went through a faze of depression, denial etc. Now I'm in a good place, accepting that I need to make changes. I am currently watching what I eat and have had some success at losing weight. I have recently...
  5. W

    Newly diagnosed diabetic

    Morning all. Apologies if there are already many threads for this topic, but I don't often use forums to be honest. I have been diagnosed with type 2 this week, still shocked about it to be fair. I would say I have a lot of knowledge about it, a lot of family members have it. My mum has it...