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  • Hi rookab I’m type 1 diabetic and I’ve well controlled glucose levels but for about 4 months I’ve been excessively losing weight and feeling weak despite good insulin therapy what should I do or what test should I do?
    Do you happen to know any articles that can describe how to fit the Freestyle Libre glucose sensor that attaches to an arm. I brought one recently with the meter thinking they last a long time but it says you replace them every 2 weeks. At £50 each, thats expensive so I don't want to wreck the sensor by fitting it incorrectly. The nurse at my GP will not help as its not given to NHS patients.
    Yes I'm afraid they do only last 2 weeks - and yes I know they are expensive (about a 100 quid a month), I was buying them for about 2 years, as a diagnosed diabetic we can get them VAT free if you ask the place you buying them for a VAT exemption form (which makes them marginally cheaper).
    I think when I got my first one I just looked for you tube videos (as I could get no help from my doctors at the time), though I think the instructions given in the box that the sensor is in do give instructions (though I haven't got any to look at at the moment)
    I am type 1 so get these on prescription. I have seen them on Sale through the Diabetes UK online store for around £75 a go. You have to apply them to the upper arm and on the outside/back. I highly recommend using skintac wipes as well to make sure they stick well.
    rowbo764. Thanks for your comments to my post. I should try to find low carb alternative to porridge for breakfast or other cereals. That is probably pusing up my blood glucose levels. Certainly when I missed out breakfast altogether, my reading reduced to 4.9. I might try scrambled eggs. I have breakfast at 6am so don't feel like doing to much cooking. Then I try to do a walk in the park straight afterwards.
    I'm sure if you post a thread asking for suggestions saying you don't have time to cook you will get some sensible ideas, I'm Type1 and have to take insulin so I'm not restricted as much in what food I can have for my meals so I can't be much help I'm afraid
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